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Lesson22 What’s wrong with you ?教学设计 一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:①巩固操练,听说读写核心内容:What’s wrong with you ? I have a stomachache / toothache. ②理解听说、认读 : Can I go to school tomorrow ? No. You should take some medicine / take a good rest / drink more water . 2.能力目标:通过创设情境,采用学生之间合作模仿表演医患间的对 话,提升学生综合运用目标语言,询问他人及表达自己 身体状况的能力。 3.情感目标:通过充分交流,创编对话,激发学生的学习兴趣,创造 能力和合作精神;同时体会医生对病人的关爱情感,培 养学生关心身边的同学、朋友或家人健康状况的情感。 二、教学重难点: 1.教学重点:在轻松的氛围中学习新词汇:have a stomachache / have a toothache. 巩固操练句型:What’s wrong with you ? I have a stomachache /...... Can I ...... ? No. You should ...... 2.教学难点:将新学词汇运用于句型中,联系生活来运用交流。运用 所学句型来谈论身体状况和感受。 三、课前准备 1. 教学图片,多媒体课件。 2. 准备医生帽子、白大褂、听诊器、压舌板、药瓶、水杯等实物作 为表演的道具。 四、教学过程 Step1.热身复习 (Warm-up) 1. Let’s chant.《How are you feeling ?》 2. Greetings. 师生自由会话,复现对话:May I have your name ? How old are you ? How are you feeling today ? What’s wrong with you ? I have a …..巩固 所学,为本课学习新知做好铺垫。 Step2. 新课导入 (Presentation) 首先,教师播放三个朋友去看病的小视频,然后提出问题: What’s wrong with them ?从而引出对新词汇 have a stomachache 和 have a toothache 的学习。 1) 词汇学习 have a stomachache T:I’m happy that you are fine.I’m fine ,too ! But,my friends are not very well .They go to see the doctor .What’s wrong with them ? Let’s see. OK? Ss :OK! 看完动画视频,教师在课件上呈现对话图片,提出问题。 T :What’s wrong with the man ? Sxx : have a stomachache T : Yes,you’re right He has a stomachache. Let’s learn new phrase“have a stomachache”. 板书词汇:have a stomachache。教师出示图片,并做肚子痛的状态, 边做动作,边请学生开火车读短语;分小组读短语,帮助学生理解巩 固新词汇。 2)教学 have a toothache T:Look at the woman What’s wrong with her ? Sxx :牙痛 T:Yes , how to say ?(教师做出牙痛表情。) Sxx :have a toothache T:You are clever . 教师板书 toothache,出示图片,请学生分成男生读、女生读;大声读、 小声读等多种方式操练词汇 have a toothache 3)对话中操练新词汇。 教师请学生同桌两人一组,操练 practice 对话。 S1: What’s wrong with you ? S2: I have a stomachache . (表现出肚子痛状态) What’s wrong with you ? S1: I have a toothache .(表现出牙痛状态) Step3.围绕任务,趣味操练 (Practice) 1.TPR(教师做各种身体不适的表现,请学生复现短语。) 2.看图片,练句型:I have a headache /stomachache ….. 3. Game: What’s wrong with you ? Step4. 语言运用 Language use 1.创设情境,教师是 Kate , 学生是医生,模仿医生和 Kate 看病进 行会话练习。 T :I’m Kate. I’m ill . You are the doctor. Can I go to school tomorrow ? S1 :You should take some medicine T :Thank you . S2:You should drink more water . T :Thank you . S3:You should take a good rest . T :Thank you very much . 2.看课件,同桌练习医生和 Kate 的对话。 Step5.Extended Activities Let’s act 表演的情境是病人去看医生的对话交流。两人一组分角 色表演会话,一人扮演 doctor,一人扮演 the sick person。(教师指导 学生表演会话时,引导学生注意运用恰当的语气、语调表达的情感, 深入理解对话内容。) S1:My I have your name ? S2:My name is ...... S1:How old are you ? S2:I’m ...... S1:What’s wrong with you ? S2:I have a …… S1:Please ,open your mouth ,say “Ah”. S2:“Ah.....” S1:You should ...... S2:Thank you ,doctor . S1:You are welcome . Step6. Learn a sentence . 送给学生一句健康格言,请学生关爱自己和他人,珍爱生命。 Step7.Sum up .总结本课所学知识。 Step8.Home work : 1. 练习册 lesson22 2. 编写本课表演对话。 板书设计: lesson22 What’s wrong with you ? I have a stomachache /toothache Can I go to school tomorrow ? No. You should.....

资料: 3.2万


