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Unit 7  语法课堂 1.Feb. is short for February. Feb. 是February的缩写。 【重点释疑】月份的缩写形式一般是单词的前三个字母,后面再加上一 个点。May没有缩写形式,September的缩写形式为前面四个字母再加 点。其他的月份都取前面三个字母再加点。具体月份类单词缩写如下: January—Jan.  February—Feb.  March—Mar.   April—Apr. May—May June—Jun.   July—Jul. August—Aug. September—Sept. October—Oct.   November —Nov. December—Dec. 【易错示例】His birthday is on ______ 10th. A. Sep. B. Sept. C. sept. B 2.The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June. 端午节在五月 或六月。 【重点释疑】在表示某个节日在某个月份时,我们通常用be动词连接, 在月份前应用介词in。介词in一般放在年、月、季节等比较长的时间 段之前,表示在泛指的上午、下午或晚上也用介词in。而表示在具体某 一天时,则要用介词on。 【易错示例】Children’s Day is ______ June. A. in B. on C. at A 3.The Spring Festival is in January or February. 春节在一月或二月。 【重点释疑】本单元出现了很多节日名称,有的节日名称前用了定冠词 the,有的节日名称前则没有the。一般来讲,在由festival构成的中国传 统节日的名称前用the,如the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double Ninth Festival;而在由day构成的节日名称前不用the,如 May Day, Children’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Teachers’ Day。 【易错示例】 ______ is on the first of October. A. the National Day B. National Day C. the National Day holiday B 一、写出下列月份的完整形式。 1. Jan. ____________ January 2. Jul. ________ July 3. Oct. ____________ October 4. Nov. ______________ November 5. Aug. ___________ August 6. Dec. ______________ December 二、用in, at或on填空。(注意大小写) 1. My mother always has a lot of fun _______ Mother’s Day.on 2. _______ that day, children usually dress up.On 3. Christmas is _______ the twenty-fifth of December.on 4. The Lantern Festival usually comes ______ January or February. in 5. ______ this festival, people usually get together.At 6. We have a lot of fun _______ Children’s Day.on 7. We make snowmen ______ winter.in 三、单项选择。 (  ) 1. ______ is the eighth month of a year. A. October B. July C. August C (  ) 2. —When’s your birthday? —It’s ______ May.It’s ______ the 6th of May. A. in; at B. on; on C. in; on C (  ) 3. The Dragon Boat Festival comes after ______ . A. the Mid-Autumn Festival B. the Spring Festival C. Christmas B (  ) 4. ______ is in June, July and August. A. Autumn B. Winter C. Summer C (  ) 5. ______ is short for September. A. Sep. B. Sept. C. Septem. B (  ) 6. ______ isn’t a Chinese festival. A. The Mid-Autumn Festival B. The Dragon Boat Festival C. Christmas C 四、按要求改写句子。 1. I like the Spring Festival.(改为一般疑问句) _______ you ________ the Spring Festival?Do like 2. People usually climb mountains at this festival.(对画线部分提 问) _________ do people usually _______ at this festival?What do 3. Chinese New Year is coming.(改为同义句) The __________ ___________ is coming.Spring Festival 4. We eat rice dumplings at this festival.(改为否定句) We _________ _______ rice dumplings at this festival.don’t eat

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