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Unit 8  Period 2 一、根据图片,完成下列对话。 1. A: When’s your birthday, Tony? B: My birthday is on the _________ of ______________ . A: What do you usually do on your birthday? B: I usually eat the ____________ _________ . ninth December birthday cake 2. A: When’s your birthday, Jenny? B: My birthday is on the __________ of _________ . A: What do you usually do on your birthday? B: I usually go to the ___________ . twelfth April cinema 3. A: When’s your birthday, Jack? B: My birthday is on the ____________ of _________ . A: What do you usually do on your birthday? B: I usually have a __________ with my family. seventh June picnic 二、单项选择。 (  ) 1. —When’s her birthday? —It’s the fifteenth of September. A. in B. at C. on C (  ) 2. Tom often plays his toys after dinner. A. \ B. with C. on B (  ) 3. Superman is a great . A. teacher B. hero C. doctor B (  ) 4. There are students standing near the piano.The one from the left is a tall girl. A. four; four B. four; fourth C. fourth; fourth B (  ) 5. comes after November. A. December B. September C. October A (  ) 6. The first number is seven.The second number is seven. A. too B. both C. also C (  ) 7. He wants some fruit for his birthday. A. buying B. to buy C. buy B 三、根据首字母提示完成下列句子或对话。 1. Is your b ____________ on the twelfth of January?irthday 2. The twins are very hungry, b ____________ they didn’t have breakfast. ecause 3. Mr Green is ill today.He doesn’t go to w _________ .ork 4. —How is your birthday party? —It’s g _________ .reat 5. The Mid-Autumn Festival is in S ______________ or O ____________ . eptember ctober 6. August is the e __________ month of a year.ighth 7. The second month in a year is F _____________ .ebruary 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. My mother ____________ (eat) a cake now.is eating 2. Jane’s birthday is on _____________ (four) of December.the fourth 3. Can I _________ (open) the present now?open 4. Fifteen students have their _____________ (birthday) in September. birthdays 5. Bobby cannot find his cat and starts _______________ (cry).crying / to cry 6. Mike _________ (live) in a small town.lives 7. Linda is good at ___________ (cook).cooking 8. Don’t ________ (fight) in the school.fight 9. That’s easy for _________ (they).them 10. When is _________ (Tim) birthday?Tim’s 五、从方框内选择合适的句子完成对话。 A.Can I have a cake with lots of strawberries? B.What fish would you like? C.Can I have one too, Mum? D.What would you like as a birthday present, dear? E.It’s the 10th of September. Dad: What date is it today, Ben? Ben: 1. Oh, tomorrow is my birthday. Dad: Would you like a big cake for your birthday? Ben: Yes, please.2. Dad: Sure.Let’s put “Happy Birthday, Ben!” on the cake. E A Ben: Great! Thank you, Dad. Mum: 3. Ben: I’d like some fish, please. Mum: 4. Ben: I’d like a blue one and a yellow one, please. Ron: A blue fish! 5. Mum: OK, Ron.I’ll buy one for you too. Ron: Thank you, Mum. D B C

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