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To the Antarctic? penguins Lead in Antarctic 3 Pre-reading Part 1 A happy penguin-Erick Look at the cover of the story-book and try to predict. Pre-reading 1. How many roles are there in the story? Pre-reading 2. “To the Antarctic” is a question for ? 3. Will the polar bear go to the Antarctic? 1. Yes. 2. No. Part 2 While-reading Read for main idea 1 While-reading: The first reading The story is about ? A. A party. B. An adventure. While-reading: The first reading 1. choose. §Choose your reading materials. § Build the Expert Group. § Finish task 1 in Expert Group. § Go back to Home Group. § Piecing the reading materials together. While-reading: The first reading 2. Jigsaw Reading. While-reading: The first reading Finish Task 1 in Expert Group. Piecing the reading materials together in Home Group. While-reading: The first reading Read and comprehen 1 2 While-reading: The second reading While-reading: The second reading Put the following sentences in order. 1. Match the pictures with the words. footprint broomstick break While-reading: The second reading -49.5 ℃ -17.7℃ colder 2. Find out the sentences and try to show the meaning of these words with actions. Read for more details 1 2 3 While-reading: The third reading Where are Erik and Kiki now?They are in the Arctic now. While-reading: The third reading Animals Place Tempreature Other It is a world. There is everywhere. Review the things we have know about the Arctic. While-reading: The third reading polar bears, seals, fish, arctic hare,ect. It is at the North Pole of our Earth. It is cold. white ice The sea and the sky are very blue. Men live there. Where is Erick’s hometown?It is in the Antarctic. While-reading: The third reading Animals Place Tempreature Other It is a world. There is everywhere. What do you know about the Antarctic? While-reading: The third reading Part 3 Post-reading Post-reading: Will the polar bear go to the Antarctic? Yes?/ No? Post-reading: I think … Because it is… There is… There are… Men kill the polar bears for their fur. The life in the Arctic is hard. Please save polar bears and protect the environment of the Arctic.

资料: 3.2万


