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Module2 Cultural Corner and Task 一、基础知识积累 重点新词必备 1. The ten fastest growing jobs will be related to computers and health. be related to/ be connected with / be associated with 与… 有关 in relation to 2. But there will be a rise in the demand for health care professionals. 但是专业健康护理人员的数量会增加的。 1) demand sth.或 demand to do sth. 要求(做)某事 They demanded the right to vote. 他们要求选举权。 She demanded to see the headmaster. 她要求见校长。 2) demand sth of sb 要求某人做某事, Yesterday evening, the couple came to my house and demanded help of me. 昨天晚上,这对夫妇来到我家要求我帮忙。 3) demand 后接 that 从句时,从句谓语动词常用虚拟语气结构 4) I demanded that he (should) tell me everything. 我要求他告诉我一切。 5) There are just too many things demanding my attention. 需要我关注的事情实在太多了。 重点句型归纳 1. According to a survey published by an American university, the ten fastest growing jobs will be related to computers and health. 2. And social workers will continue to be in demand. 二、知识巩固性训练 Ⅰ 单项选择 1. The police thought he was______ the murder case in the shop. A. connected to B. related to C. joined in D. combined to 2. Don’t take______ for granted ______ everyone should adore you. A. that; what B. that; which C. it; what D. it; that 3. To our delight, the new rule did______ an effect on product sales. A. have B. had C. make D. makes 4. I think your theory should be tested ______ practice to see whether it is true. A. on B. through C. in D. into 5. He has decided to settle ______ in France because he is fond of the romantic country. A. temporary B. temporarily C. permanent D. permanently 6. Although old, my car is kept ______ good condition and runs well. A. of B. in C. out D. on 7. We wrote a letter ______response ______ his invitation to the party. A. in; of B. to; of C. to; about D. in; to 8. According ______ a survey, girls like to eat sweet food in ______. A. to; special B. to; particular C. in; special D. of; particular 9. ---How was your camping in the mountains last week, Joan? ---Oh, it was just a ______ because we were woken up by a terrible storm at midnight. A. mess B. nightmare C. fun D. pleasure 10. After paying the tax, 2000 Yuan is my ______salary. A. taking-home B. taken-home C. take-home D. home-taken Ⅱ 根据所给单词的汉语释义或首字母提示,写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式 1. The company asked the a to work out the cost of the product. 2. I saw many young people standing outside the company a for the job. 3. When I was in trouble, she often o to help me find a solution to the problem. 4. Nowadays many college students v to go to the west after graduation. 5. When we are making a phone call, the telephone changes our voice into electrical s . 6. The mountain here is very s with many cliffs. 7. When a movie is shot, all the actors are d by the chief director. 8. A man once had an (邂逅) with a tiger in the forest. 9. Now she is working hard to become a (合格的) doctor. 10. So far people can not build p (长久的) buildings on the moon. 11. I find my work not easy and sometimes (充满压力的). 12. I came to this conclusion just by (推断),not by facts. 13. If you do well here, your contract can be r . 14. In the library, you can find books (可获得的) for you to read. 15. Every day we meet people with different (个性). Ⅲ 完形填空 What is in the drug that makes you sick or dead? For example, cocaine is harmful, but what makes it harmful? I can’t tell you all about drugs, but I can 1 you think about them in this 2 way. Your body is a very complicated(复杂的) machine, 3 a lot of chemical machinery. But all parts of it are cooperative __4__ it all works together. Special chemicals, which we call drugs, can affect it in many different ways. Some drugs are 5 when your body has a problem, as with disease-causing bacteria. Then someone may give you aspirin to keep your temperature from going too 6 or some penicillin(青霉 素) 7 it stops the growth of some kinds of bacteria. 8 , all drugs are really poison, 9 if you take too much ,so you must always use them 10 . Why do some people take drugs like cocaine? For a little while they seem to make you feel better, or happier. But 11 their effects have 12 , your body has to pay an extra 13 to get back to normal. That makes you want to get 14 of the drug. Drugs like cocaine have their special effects because they act as 15 for your nervous system. They cut off some of your nerve pathways and take away some of your senses and your__16 .They make you want always more . And just a little too much can even 17 nerves to your heart and stop its beating. Many of us worry about the 18 around us and what pollution does to us. How about your internal(内在的) environment, and what goes on 19 you ? You control that all by yourself in what you put into your __20 . Most drugs are pollutants .You would not want pollutants in the air and water around you. Why would you want pollutants in your body? 1. A. make B. cause C. help D. let 2. A. funny B. different C. simple D. true 3. A. just B. really C. especially D. sometimes 4. A. as if B. even if C. where D. so that 5. A. powerful B. helpful C. painful D. helpless 6. A. high B. tall C. much D. hot 7. A. when B. until C. as D. before 8. A. Besides B. Thus C. However D. Naturally 9. A. at most B. at least C. at times D. at first 10. A. carefully B. easily C. carelessly D. a lot 11. A. where B. before C. after D. until 12. A. worked B. worn C. appeared D. lost 13. A. number B. quantity C. amount D. price 14. A. some more B. nothing C. a little D. a few 15. A. guards B. medicine C. chemicals D. poisons 16. A. worries B. happiness C. freedom D. pride 17. A. lead B. block C. offer D. stick 18. A. places B. nature C. people D. environment 19. A. inside B. around C. outside D. next to 20. A. heart B. head C. body D. mind Ⅳ. 美文欣赏 The unlovely [ A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco. “Mom and Dad, I’m coming home, but I’ve a favor to ask. I have a friend I’d like to bring home with me.” “Sure,” they replied, “We’d love to meet him.” “There’s something you should know,” the son continued, “ he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mine (地雷 ) and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come and live with us.” “We’re sorry to hear that, my son. But, maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.” “No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us.” “Son,” said the father, “you don’t know what you’re asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden to us. We have our own lives to live, and we can’t let something like this trouble us. I think you should just come home and forget about this man. He’ll find a way to live on his own.” At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building, they were told. The police believed it was suicide. The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn’t know, their son had only one arm and one leg! The parents in this story are like many of us. We find it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around, but we do not like people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable. We would rather stay away from people who aren’t as healthy, beautiful, or smart as we are. Answer the following questions according to the passage: 1. When did this story happen? ___________________________________________________________________________________. 2. Did the son really have a friend who lost one arm and one leg in the war? ___________________________________________________________________________________. 3. Why did the parents refuse their son’s request? ___________________________________________________________________________________. 4. What’s the reason of the son’s death? ___________________________________________________________________________________. 5. What should we learn from the passage? ___________________________________________________________________________________. Ⅴ 阅读理解 阅读技巧指导(三) 专项突破:句意理解题 主旨概述: 在初步理解词义和句意的基础上,结合上下文总结归纳某一段或几段的大意,对于分析全文结 构、明确作者意图、把握文章主旨,都很重要。此类题型考查了读者对段落或文章某一板块的理解 概括能力。近年高考阅读理解试题一般有 1-2 个概括归纳题。 常见题型: 【出题角度】 1. 单段型:要求归纳某一段大意 2. 多段型:要求归纳多段大意或综合多段细节,总结概括作者用来正面论证或从反面对照的观点。 【提问方式】 1. The … paragraph tells us … 2. What can we learn from the … paragraph? 3. It can be learned from the text that … 解题指导 B. 审题正确理解题干,缩小“包围圈”,锁定相关段落。 C. 利用词义及句意理解技巧,透彻把握相关与段中关键词句含义。 D. 寻找段落主题句,把握段落大意。 E. 抓住文章中连词(如 however, therefore, thus, though, what’s more 等表示转折、因果、递进、 承接等关系的词语)、序数词(如 First… Second … Third … )等提示性词句,辨清段落间 的层次和逻辑关系。 F. 整体理解全文,尽快找到文章主题段及各段主题句,印证所作概括是否支撑全文。 阅读练习 A American women experience a great variety of lifestyles. A typical American woman may be single. She may also be divorced or married. She may be a home – maker, a doctor, or a factory worker. It is very difficult to generalize about American women. However, one thing that many American women have in common is their attitudes about themselves and their roles in American life. Historically, American women have always been very independent. The first settlers to come to New England were ten young couples that had left behind their extended families. The women were alone in a new, undeveloped country with their husbands. This had two important effects. First of all, this was the strange environment that demanded every person to share in developing it and in survival. Women worked with their husbands and children to make themselves accepted in this new land. Second, because they are in a new land without the influence of older members of society, women felt free to step into nontraditional roles. This role of women was strengthened in later yeas as American move west, again leaving families behind and meeting a new environment. Even later, in the east, as new settlers arrived, women often found jobs more easily than men. Women became the supporters of the family. Within the established lifestyle of the industrialized twentieth century, the strong role of women was not as attractive as in the early days of the country. Some women stepped into the men’s jobs as factory and business workers. After the war, some women stayed in these positions, and others left their jobs with a new sense of ability. 1. A typical American woman _______. A. fail to deal with her marriage successfully B. can live her own life without effort C. is sure about herself and her role D. can change the American lifestyle 2. The second paragraph is mainly talking about _______. A. life in the new land B. American women’s independence C. American men’s traditional position D. The roles American women play in society 3. During the industrialized twentieth century, the role of women _______. A. was found out B. was as important as before C. declined D. was stronger than before 4. Women took part in men’s jobs during the time of _______ according to the passage. A. the Second World War B. the Westward Movement C. the early immigration D. the industrialized twentieth century ★B Some years ago industries had more freedom than they have now, and they did not need to be as careful as they must today. They did not need to worry a lot about the safety of the new products that they developed. They did not have to pay much attention to the health and safety of the people who worked for them. Often new products were dangerous for the people who used them; often conditions in the work place had very bad effects on the health of the workers. Of course sometimes there were real disasters which attracted the attention of governments and which showed the need for changes. Also scientists who were doing research into the health of workers sometimes produced information which governments could not ignore ( 忽 视 ) . At such times, they inquiries into(调查)the causes of the disasters or the problems. New safety rules were often introduced as a result of these inquiries; however, the new rules came too late to protect the people who died or who became seriously ill. Today many governments have special departments which protect customers and workers. In the U. S., for example, there is a department which tests new airplanes and gives warnings about possible problems. It also makes the rules that aircraft producers must follow. Another department controls the foods and drugs that companies sell. A third department looks at the places where people work, and then reports any companies that are breaking the laws which protect the health and safety of workers. Of course, new government departments and new laws cannot prevent every accident or illness, but they are having some good results. Our work places are safer and cleaner than before. The planes and cars which we use for travel are better. Producers are thinking more about the safety and health of the people who buy and use their products. 5. The main topic of the passage is . A. conditions in the work place B. the freedom of industries in the past C. changes in industrial production D. the safety and health of workers and customers 6. It can be inferred from the passage that in the past . A. workers often got ill because of the poor working conditions B. companies were free to put out any products they wanted to C. many people were killed by dangerous products D. industries were as careful in management as they are today 7. It is implied in the passage that . A. governments and companies had different opinions about the safety of products B. governments paid little attention to the safety of products C. government officials often did not listen to scientists D. in the past no safety laws were introduced by governments 8. Some years ago safety rules . A. were put forward due to scientists’recommendations B. came into being as a result of the workers’demands C. were introduced because quite a number of people were killed or seriously injured D. were effective enough to protect workers and customers Cultural corner and Task 参考答案 Ⅰ. 单项选择 BDACD BDBBC Ⅱ. 单词填空. 1. accountant 2. applying 3. offered 4. volunteer 5.signals 6. sheer 7. directed 8. encounter 9. qualified 10. permanent 11. stressful 12. deduction 13. renewable 14. available 15. personalities Ⅲ. 完形填空 CCBDB ACCBA CBDAD ABDAC Ⅳ. 美文欣赏 1. It happened after the war between America and Vietnam. 2. No, he didn’t. 3. Because they thought it would be a terrible burden to them if they accepted a handicapped man. 4. He thought his parents would reject him. 5. We should love people who aren’t as healthy, beautiful, or smart as we are. Ⅴ. 阅读理解 CBCD DADC

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