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1 Teaching Plan Unit 5 Music 教学设计 1. 总体思路 通过学生熟悉的、趣味性较强的图片及音乐引入,激活学生的背景知识,为后面 引入课文做好铺垫。随后让学生进行整体阅读,并完成文章相关句子匹配以及归纳段 意, 从而训练学生用英语获取信息、处理信息的能力。接着进行四组学生之间的竞赛, 使学生更深刻理解课文内容。接着,通过填上所缺的单词,使学生对语篇内涵能更好地 理解,并突出本课的重要语言点。然后,提供三个话题给学生选择讨论,更好地理解 和运用所学的知识点。最后,对课文的内容进行总结,有利于巩固课堂所学知识。 2. 教学过程 Step 1. Lead-in Task 1: Can you name any music style? Task2: Practise: Listen and see if you can guess which music matches which picture. Task3: Brainstorm: Have you heard of any famous bands in the world? 【设计说明】通过图片以及音乐,激活学生的背景知识,为接下来的文章内容做好铺垫。 Step 2. First-reading Task4. Read the passage and do Ex 4. 【设计说明】让学生整体阅读文章内容,并能够对所获得的信息进行处理(归纳段意)。 Step 3 Post-reading Task5.A competition among the four groups. 1.Most musicians meet and form a band because _____. A. they want to be famous B. they can earn some extra money C. they like to write and play music D. they can play to passers-by to show their talent 2 2.In America, bands are formed by high school students, and they usually ______. A. practise music in someone’s home. B. have a chance to dream of becoming famous C. play music in the street or subway D. do all the above 3.Which of the following is true? A. American high school students like forming bands. B. The band usually plays music in the street for nothing. C. The Monkees was related closely to the band “The Beatles” D. Actually actors didn’t sing at the beginning in the Monkees. 4. From the passage, we can infer that: A. The Monkees began as a TV show. B. The members in the Monkees were unwilling to have to break up in about 1970. C. Most of the members in the Monkees were rock musicians as well as actors. D. There were many rock musicians who could perform as well as the four musicians in the Monkees. 5. The passage mainly tells us about: A. something about music and why the band Monkees is special. B. the history of the Monkees. C. the difference between the Monkees and the Beatles D. how the band broke up in about 1970 Keys: C D D B A 【设计说明】通过以上的阅读理解题,加深了学生对文章的理解。另外,选择用小组竞 争的形式,学生能更加踊跃地参与。 Task6 Consolidation( Fill in the blanks ) If we are _honest_ _with_ ourselves, most of us have __dreamed __of__being famous sometimes in our lives. Most musicians often meet and _form_ a band. Sometimes they play in the street to _passers-by_ so that they can earn some __extra__ money and this also gives them a __chance_ to realize their dreams. There was once a band started in a different way. The musicians of whom the band was formed _play_ __jokes_ __on__ each other as well as played music, whose music and jokes were loosely __based_ _on_ “The Beatles”. Their exciting performances were copied by other groups. “The Monkees” played their own __instruments__ and wrote their own music. Though it __broke__ __up_ in 1970, it reunited in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today. 【设计说明】通过填上所缺的单词,对语篇内涵能更好地理解,也突出本课的重要语 言点。 Task 7. Discuss in groups of four, choosing one of the following topics. One of you will the 3 reporter who will report the result to the class. 1. Tell the reason why the Monkees is so popular? 2. Tell the difference between the Monkees and other bands. 3.Suppose you are going to form a band, what preparation will make ? (What music will you play? What role will each of you play? ect.) 【设计说明】通过设置趋向真实的任务使学生乐意参加讨论, 同时也训练学生的口头表 达能力。 Step 4 Homework (Task 8 Assignment) 1. Read the text fluently and prepare to retell the text. 2. Do Ex.2 on Page 35. 3.. Search the Internet for more information about the Monkees. 【设计说明】让学生通过课堂学习掌握课堂内容并通过上网收集资料使所学知识更加丰 富。 A Teaching Plan 教学流程图 The teacher lead in the topic of music by doing Task1,2&3. The Ss read the passage and do Task 4 for understanding the passage. The Ss do task 5 for better understanding of the passage. The Ss do task 6 for knowing more new words and expressions. The Ss do task 7 for exploring more of the topic and practice oral English. The teacher sums up what has been learned. Homework for consolidation

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