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U 3 Using English Properly Teaching materials: This passage is an article in New Century English, S1B, Using English Properly, and this is the first period. This passage mainly introduces traditional and preferred terms related to gender, race and disability. It also talks about the purposes and reasons of the change. Language changes with the times and these changes make people feel respectful and fair. The topic of the passage is very meaningful and related to culture. The content of the passage is not difficult. However, there are still some new words which are not familiar to the students. Class profile: The Students aged 16 are in Senior One from Chuansha High School. It’s a science class and students have the intermediate- advanced English level and basic knowledge of English. However, they are not native speakers, so they can be sometimes confused with the words with the similar meanings. Teaching Objectives: After this period, the students will be able to… 1.know about the change of words in gender, race and disability. 2. understand the purposes and reasons of the change. 3. improve their awareness of using English properly. Teaching important points: 1. know about the change of words in gender, race and disability. 2. understand the purposes and reasons of the change. Teaching Procedures Procedures Teacher’s Activities Students’Activities Purposes Pre-reading T will invite Sts to look at the pictures to choose the suitable words and discuss the aspects and reasons. Sts will look at the pictures to choose the suitable words and discuss the aspects and reasons. To arouse Sts’ interest, introduce the topic and new words. While-reading (skimming) T will ask Sts to skim and match. Sts will skim and match. To lead Sts to get the general idea of the passage. While-reading (Detailed reading) 1.T will ask Sts to choose the tone of Para A. 1. Sts will choose the tone of Para A. To guide Sts to find the traditionaland preferred terms of gender, race and disability. To guide Sts to find the purposes and reasons of the change. To know language changes with the times. To know these changes make people feel respectful and fair. To help Sts to finish Task 1 on worksheets. 2. T will guide Sts to read Para B-E to fill in the blanks and write down the answers on worksheets. 2. Sts will read Para B –E to find the terms and write down them on worksheets. 3.T will ask Sts to brainstorm the words related to gender. 3.Sts will brainstorm the words related to gender. 4. T will guide Sts to read Para B-D to fill in the blanks. 4. Sts will read Para B-D to fill in the blanks. 5. T will ask Sts to read Para E to find the purpose and correct the two sentences. 5. Sts will read Para E to find the purpose and correct the two sentences. 6. T will ask Sts to read Para F to choose the appropriate terms and find the reason. 6. Sts will read Para F to choose the appropriate terms and find the reason. 7. T will ask Sts to read Para G to fill in the table and discuss. 7. Sts will read Para G to fill in the table and talk about their opinions. Post-reading 1. T will guide Sts to summarize the passage. 1.Sts will summarize together. To get Sts to review and summarize. 2. T will ask Sts to make up a dialogue about using English 2. Sts will make up a dialogue about using English properly. To get Sts to make up a dialogue in an Blackboard Design Using English properly properly. meaningful context. Homework 1Find more examples and reasons of using English properly on the Internet and share your presentation next class. 2. Finish Exercise C on page 29. 3.Read the text after the tape at least three times. To get Sts to consolidate and improve what they have learnt. Introduction(tone) Examples gender race ▪Language changes with the times ▪ To make people feel respectful and fair…

资料: 3.2万


