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Teaching Plan Review Lesson for Noun Clauses Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to  classify four kinds of noun clauses, i.e. Subject Clause, Predicative Clause, Object Clause and Appositive Clause.  get a clear picture of the basic grammatical points concerning the noun clauses, especially the proper conjunctions, word order and tense used in the noun clauses .  express facts and ideas by using different forms of noun clauses by shortening a paragraphs Teaching Method: Task-based Approach and Communicative Teaching Method Teaching Aids: Multimedia facilities, blackboard, worksheet Teaching Procedures: Stages Teaching Activities Learning Activities Purpose Pre-task Ask students to skimming the first two paragraphs and answer questions Skim the first passage and answer the questions Arouse students’ interest and help them get the main idea of the story While- task Task one Step 1: Ask students to find out the noun clauses in the story Underline noun clauses in the passage Activate students former knowledge about noun clauses Step 2: Ask students to observe the structure of each sentence and classify the clauses into different kinds Observe the structure each answer Classify these noun clauses into specific kinds Activate students former knowledge about noun clauses by observing the sentences’ structures Task two Give students a short letter and ask them to correct the mistakes in it. Read the letter ,find out mistakes and correct them and try to summarize the grammatical points by themselves Help students to review the grammatical points of noun clause concerning tense, word order and conjunctions Task three Ask students to use proper conjunctions to complete a passage Fill in the blanks in a passage with proper conjunctions Consolidate students’ knowledge about the commonly—used conjunctions of noun clauses Post-task Task four Ask students to shorten a part of the passage in 4 noun clauses Shorten a part of the passage with at least 4 noun clauses Help students to use noun clauses in a context Foster students’ ability of summarizing a passage Assignment 1. Finish daily grammar exercise 2. Shorten the whole passage in about 100 words. 3. Prepare a 1-3 minute presentation on an unforgettable experience with your parents and share in next period 1) Help students to consolidate knowledge of noun clauses. 2) Develop the ability of summarizing a passage 教学说明 [教材分析] 语法教学是英语教学的重要组成部分,其成效在一定程度上影响着学生的英 语水平。随着高考题型的不断改革,语法知识的考核不再单纯依靠单选题,而是 以语篇的形式呈现。为适应这种新题型,学生不仅需要提高其理解语篇的阅读能 力,更需要在掌握语法基础知识的同时,结合上下文语境,灵活运用这些语法知 识。这对于学生和教师无疑都是一种挑战,本节课的教学目的是复习高中语法模 块中的重点和难点之一——名词性从句。 在本堂复习课中,我设计了两篇短文和一封短信来帮助学生进行名词性从句 的巩固及操练。第一篇文章讲述 Tom 父子的故事,文章较短且语言简单易懂,作 为复习课的引入。又通过阅读一封儿子写给父亲的短信,让学生改错,强调了语 序和时态一致两个名从的难点。第二遍短文,文章相较于第一篇更长,同样讲述 了父子亲情,操练了名从连词并训练了缩写文章的能力。 [学情分析] 本课的授课对象为景秀高中的高一学生,学生的语法基础和限时阅读能力有 一定的局限性。为了更好进行名从的复习巩固,我设计了以亲情为主题的情境带 入,语篇文章内容本身贴近生活,又结合即将来临的父亲节,一方面激发学生兴 趣,一方面提供语境,使学生更快进入状态。 传统语法复习课,模式往往过于单调,学生容易缺乏兴趣,影响复习效果, 所以我采用任务型教学模式,设计了问题回答,改错,连词填空,缩写短文等多 重任务,一方面巩固语法基础知识,同时又将语法融合语篇,训练了综合能力。 而缩写的任务重在鼓励学生更深刻地体会名从的语法结构与功能,在教师的引导 下更自信、准确规范地运用名从,完成表达。 [设计思路] 作为语法复习课,本课的教学目标是:通过阅读素材复习名从语法规则:连 词、语序、时态并加以综合运用。 教学步骤分 Pre-task, While-task,和 Post-task。 在 Pre-task 中通过阅读短文引出名词性从句主题并复习不同类型的名从。 在 While-task 中通过短信的改错,巩固名从的三个要点—时态、语序和连词。 第三个任务通过阅读和填空来巩固连词的用法。在 Post-task 中,我设计了缩写 短文的任务,为适应学生的水平,通过教师启发,结合关键词和 useful patterns 建立阶梯引导学生多使用名词性从句,帮助学生更准确,更自信的缩写文章内容, 锻炼学生运用名从的能力。 本堂课的回家作业设计旨在巩固名从知识,通过缩写和分享小故事激发学生 兴趣,运用语言。

资料: 3.2万


