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教案 1 英语学科 教案 章节 Unit 8 课时数 12 主备人 课题 Magazines 第几课时 1-3 讲课时间 课的类型 词汇课 教学方法 讲练结合 教具 多媒体、黑板、词卡等。 教学目标 知识与技能: 1. to enable the students to have a general idea of the text 2. to enable the students to memorize the new words and phrases in this period. 过程与方法: 1. to learn how to find the key words when students are doing the scanning. 2. to consolidate the students reading skills such as skimming and scanning and listening skills 3. to enable the students to entitle the news 情感、态度与价值观: 4. to realize the differences of language between oral and written 5. to encourage the students to compose the front page 教案 2 学情分析 1. 知识水平 通过预科和高一两年的学习,高二的学生对英语学习的方法和阅读 水平已经有了一定的提高,学生的阅读能力有所进步,总体英语基 础薄弱。 2. 认知特点 学生普遍存在作业不规范、不会记笔记、上课不敢发言等现象,学 习能力较差。 3. 学习态度 除个别同学外,大多说同学听课都非常认真,也非常重视英语学科 的学习和希望提高自己的英语成绩。 教学重点 To learn the new words and expressions in this period. 教学难点 To help students learn how to read English magazines. To learn how to get the general idea of the text. 教案 3 教 学 过 程 设 计(内含学法指导内容) 教学内容 教师活动 学生活 动 二次备 课 Procedures: I. Warm – up Finish A1 II. Review the new vocabulary. Teacher gives chinese explanation, and students are supposed to read without any difficulty and finish A2. III. Read furthur and finish B on page 95. IV. Raise questions to deeply understand the text. V. Finish C3 VI. Assignments 1. Prepare for dictation of words and expressions 2. Read the text. Unit Eight Grade One Period Two Teaching Aims: To dictate new words and expressions underlined in the text To explain the language points of the text. Procedures: 1. Dictate new words and expressions underlined in the text. 2. Explain the main points of the text. 3. Assignments 1. Review the language points of the text. 2. Finish vocabulary in the workbook. 3. Recite the text. Language Points: ( session two) Expressions .An added bonus .Easy chair .Remote control .Soap drama .Limited offer .Newsstand price .Extra cost .Money order .Suscribe to magzine 把重点短语写在 黑板上,并提醒同 学们做笔记。 讲 解 如 何 区 分 doubt that 和doubt whether 学 生 做 笔记,注 意 在 短 语 后 面 备 注 汉 语意思。 教案 4 .一份赠礼 .安乐椅 .遥控器 .肥皂剧 .限量供应 .报摊价 .额外费用 .汇票 .订阅杂志 remote: distant in space or time 可指距离,时 间等方面的“遥远的” 表距离远时,remote 常有“偏僻”的意思, distant 仅指距离 .E.g. Dali is a distant town in Yunnan Province. . They came from a remote village in Yunnan. 表时间远 E.g. The story happened in the remote past. .其它用法: remote relatives 远亲 A programme of interest 令人感兴趣的节目 .Of+N.=adj. .nothing of interest = nothing interesting . 没什么令人感兴趣的事 .a discovery of great importance 一项极具重要 性的发现 =a very important discovery .A book of great use 一本非常重要的书 =a very useful book This is a book of great use to me 这是一本对我而言非常重要的书 argue: quarrel, provide reasons for or against sth. 争辩/论/吵 补 充 practise+doing 的 动词用法 教案 5 .argue over/ about/ on sth. with sb. .E.g.They are always arguing about/over money. The students were arguing over/about the TV program with each other. .我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱 .We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal. .让我们来辩论一下移动电话的使用是否安全。 . Let’s argue over whether (it is safe) to use mobil phone. .Argue for/against 为赞成/反对而提出理由 .E.g.I argue for accepting the plan. 我据理争辩, 赞成接受该计划。 .The villagers argued against breaking down the temple. Proud 自豪;骄傲 .be proud to …. . I am proud to be your friend. .be proud of…. . I am proud of your success. .take pride in (n.) .pride oneself on Pride comes before a fall. (n.) 骄者必败 bargain .(1) [n.] sth. bought or sold at less than the usual price 廉价货 . The new computer I bought on sale was quite a bargain. .我在降价时买到的电脑很划算。 . These shoes are a real bargain at such a low price. 请 学 生 操 练 v.+ it +adj./n. + that clause 句型 教案 6 .廉价购买或出售物品 .a bargain price (a low price) . 廉价 .(2) [n.] an agreement in which two sides promise to do sth. for each other 协议,交易 . We have made a bargain that he’ll do the shopping and I’ll cook. . a bad bargain 吃亏的交易 . a good bargain 合算的交易 .(3) [v.] to set a sale with sb. 讨价还价 . The salesman refused to bargain over the price. . 售货员拒绝还价。 .Bargain with sb. about/ over sth. Subscribe(to) .我们订阅了所有的主要医学杂志 .We have subscribed to all the medical journals. .nu. subscription .Please renew your subscription to our magazine by the end of December. .请在 12 月底以前续订我们的杂志。 have sth. at one’s fingertip =be completely familiar with .He had the whole city at his fingertips. .他对这个城市了如指掌。 .He had several foreign languages at his fingertips. .他精通几种外语。 Enclose= to put sth in the same envelope or parcel. 教案 7 e.g.I enclosed three tickets along with this letter. .随此信我寄上三张票。 .I enclose a cheque for $50 with this letter. .中文: .随信寄上一张照片 .English : .in disbelief 怀疑地 .e.g.He listened ~to this extraordinary story. .他满腹疑惑地听著这个离奇的故事. . tremendous adj. : very giant in size, amount or degree . e.g. .India has a ~ population which is second to China .The rocket travels at a ~ speed. .adv. Tremendously 教案 8 提醒学生这些短 语为重点掌握内 容。 教案 9 • 作 业 布 置 • 1.Recite the new words in the text. • 2.Read the phrases and text. • 3.Finish C2 教案 10 板书设 计 Vocabulary for Text New Words newsstand [] n. 报摊 happening [] n. 事情;事件 index [] n. 索引 headline [] n. 标题;大标题 informative [] adj. 提供大量消息的 eye-catching [] adj. 引人注目的;显著的 tempt [] v. 吸引;打动 obvious [] adj. 明显的;显著的 emphasise [] v. 强调;着重 tend [] v. 倾向;易于 value [] n. 价值;价格 standard [] n. 标准;水平 unity [] n. 统一(性);一致(性) lead [] n. 头条新闻 prime [] adj. 主要的;首位的 position [] n. 位置;地点 heading [] n. 标题;题目 width [] n. 宽度 bold [] adj. (字等)粗笔画的;黑体的 sensational [] adj. 引起轰动的 shock [] n. 震惊 reputation [] n. 名誉;名声 Expressions front page (报纸的)头版 catch one's eye 引起某人注意 in brief 简言之 aim at 以……为目的 the top left-hand corner 左上角 教学反 馈 1、目标达成情况: 2、满意之处: 3、不足之处及改进措施:

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