外研版必修4 Module 2 Traffic Jam导学资料

外研版必修4 Module 2 Traffic Jam导学资料


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Module Two Traffic Jam 1)词汇能力 --单词:见词汇部分降解 --短语 be connected to get/be stuck in in no time get around under construction switch off keep cool blow the horn no way rush hour keep out in a good mood 2)听说能力 掌握交通方式的表达,讨论不同交通方式及有关交通的相关话题。 3)阅读能力 阅读文章,掌握其中语言点。 4)语法能力 祈使句及各种变形形式。 5)写作能力 论述城市交通问题 重点词汇拓展: display(vt.)战士,陈列 receipt(n.)收据 destination(n.)目的地 provide(vt.)提供 blow(vt.)吹响(乐器,号角等) react(vi.)反应 solution(n.)解答,答案 registration(n.)执照,登记 permit(n.)执照,许可证 permission(n.)允许 limit(vt.)限制 limited(adj.)有限的 impressive(adj.)给人印象深刻的 impress(v.)使铭记 impression(n.)印象 convenient(adj.)方便的 convenience(n.)方便 explore(v.)探索 exploration(n.) explorer(n.)探索者 be/get stuck in 被困在。。。。。。 in no time 马上,一会儿 get around 四处走动,到处旅行 under construction 正在建设中 switch off 关上 no way 没门 what’s more 另外,而且   be in a good mood 情绪,心情好 make sure 确保,确定   1. display (1)vt. 展示;陈列;显示 We will display our new products in this hall. 我们将在这个大厅展示新产品。 It’s the first time the painting has been displayed to the public. 这是该画首次公开展 出。 The boy didn’t want to display fear in his heart. 这男孩不想显露出他内心的恐惧。 (2)n.陈列;展示;陈列的货物、艺术品等 The shop window display attracted me. 这家商店橱窗陈列吸引了我。 What Lee did is only a display of anger. 李所做的只是愤怒的表现。 常用短语: on display 正在展览中 There are so many fancy cars on display here that I don’t know which to buy. 有这么多的豪华汽车在此展出,我不知要买哪一辆才好。 on display 的同义词组:on show; on exhibition 2. permit (1)n.许可证;执照;(尤指通行证) You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。 Have you got a driver’s permit? 你有驾驶执照吗? (2)vt.许可;容许 The facts permit no other explanation. 事实不容许有其它的解释。 Do you permit your children to smoke? 你准许你的孩子们吸烟吗? 固定结构: permit sth/doing sth 允许某事/做某事 permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 The old lady doesn’t permit making noises in her house. 这位老太太不允许(别人)在她家里吵闹。 Our teacher won’t permit us to be absent or late. 我们老师不允许我们旷课或迟到。 permission. n. 许可;准许;同意 permissive adj. 许可的;纵容的;放任的 3. provide (1) vt.提供;供给 The school will provide tents, but we have to bring our own food.   学校会提供帐篷,但是我们自己必须带食物。 常用短语: provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb 给某人提供某物 (2) vi.预防(灾害);为(将来)做准备 固定结构: provide for/against sth 预防某事 We’d better provide against a typhoon. 我们最好做预防台风的准备。 What will she do to provide for old age? 她将怎样防老呢? provision. n. 供应;提供 provided conj. 假如;倘若 4. convenient adj.方便的;适合需要的;近便的 I can’t phone you now; it’s not convenient. 我现在不方便给你打电话。 注意:convenient 形容事物,指事情“方便的”,不能形容人。 常用短语: It is convenient for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是方便的 Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? 你明天开始工作方便吗? Our house is convenient for the shops. 我们家到商店很方便。 convenience 方便;便利 inconvenient adj. 不方便的;不合适的 inconvenience. n. 不方便之处;麻烦 5. explore (1) v. 勘探;探险;考察 Columbus discovered America but did not explore the new continent. 哥伦布发现了美洲,但没有考察这块新大陆。 They were exploring for oil in this region. 他们在这一区域勘探石油。 (2) v. 仔细检查;探究;调查 Those scientists are exploring all possible ways to cure the disease. 那些科学家们正在研究所有可能治愈这种疾病的方法。 exploration. n. 勘探;探究 explorer. n. 探险家;调查人员 6. react (1)vi.反应;作出回应;反对 固定结构:react to sb/sth 对某人/某物作出反应 The eye reacts to light. 眼睛对光会起反应。 (2)vi.有影响;起作用 固定结构:react on/upon sb/sth 对某人/某物有影响 Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person. 恶人有恶报。   常用短语:react by doing sth 通过做某事做出反应 ----How did your mother react to the news? ----She reacted by getting very angry. 你妈妈对这个消息反应如何? 她的反应是非常生气。 reaction. n. 反应;感应 7. solution n.解决方法;解答 ;答案 固定结构:solution 常和介词 to 搭配 He can find no solution to his present troubles. 他无法克服目前的困难。 8. limit n.界限,限定  v. 限制,限定 set a limit to=put a limit on 限制 to the limit 到极限 within limits 适度地,有限地 limit…to…(多用于被动)把。。。。。。限制在 be limited to 局限于 limited  adj.有限的 We must limit your spending to 1000 a month. The teaching of history should not be limited to time and figure. She has reached the limit of her patience. My mother limited us to one cake each. There are so limited choices in front of us. 【阅读】 1. This bus is connected to electric wires.(=This bus is joined to electric wires.) 这辆公交车连接到电线上。 be connected to: be joined to 同...... 连接在一起 The refrigerator wasn’t connected to the electricity supply. 冰箱没有被接通电源。 Have the two parts been connected properly? 这两个部件连接好了吗? 常用结构:be connected with... 同......有关系(have a relationship with...; be related to...) connect with...连接;与......联系 connect.... to/with... 把......与......连接 His disappearance was connected with the robbery. 他失踪和这起抢劫案有关。 If the tunnel is built, it will connect Britain to Europe for the first time in history. 如果隧道建成,它将有史以来第一次把英国和欧洲大陆连接起来。 2. Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam? (=Have you ever been caught in a traffic jam?)你有没有遭遇过交通阻塞呢? be/get stuck in 陷于;在......里卡住 They got stuck in the elevator. 他们被困在电梯里了。   Help! I’m stuck in the mud. 救命啊!我陷进泥里不能动了。 get+过去分词与 be+过去分词用法相近。Get+过去分词强调动作,表示的常是意想不到 的,突然的或偶然的情况,或谈论自身做的动作。常见的有: get hurt 受伤 get burnt 被烧伤 get separated 被分散 get killed/paid 被杀死/拿工资 get dressed/washed 穿衣/洗脸 get lost/married 迷路/结婚 get drunk 喝醉 3. Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time. (= A taxi will come to you the moment you put up your hand.) 只要你招招手,立刻就会有出租车。 1)in no time: very quickly; immediately; at once; right away 立刻;马上;很快地 After his mum came back, little Tommy became happy in no time. 小汤姆在妈妈回来以后立刻变得高兴起来。 Lisa is very quick in thinking; she always answers you in no time no matter what you ask her. 利萨头脑敏捷,无论你问她什么,她都能立刻回答你。 2)此句型实际上是:祈使句 + and/or + 含将来时态的陈述句的一种形式,又如: Go ahead and you will see the grand gate.往前走,你就会看到大门。 此结构还相当于:if you…,you will…。 4. Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing. (=Public transport provides a cheap way to go or travel to different places in Beijing. ) 公共交通为人们游览北京提供了低价位的出行方式。 get around (=go about,about 和 around 都是副词): (1)各处走动 My grandfather is very old now and he doesn’t get around much any more. 我的祖父年事已高,不再各处走动了。 It’s hard to get around without a car. 没有汽车的旅行很艰难。 (2)(消息等)传播出去 It got around quickly that Andy Liu would give a concert in Harbin. 刘德华将在哈尔滨开个唱会的消息迅速传开。 5. You’ll have a good view of the rapidly changing city. (= You’ll take in the sights of the rapidly changing city.) 这样你会一览这个飞速发展城市的亮丽风景。 view: n [C, U] 景色;美景;视野;想法;见解   常用短语: have a good/ wonderful / bad view (of...) 对......能够很好/不好得观看 come into view 看得见;进入视野 be in view 看得见;在视野中;考虑中;计划 in one’s view (in one’s opinion) 在某人看来 I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. 我坐在公共汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光。 As we turned the corner, a fascinating castle came into view. 当我们转过拐角,一座迷人的城堡映入我们的眼帘。 There was nothing in view except the vast sea.? 除了浩瀚的大海以外什么也看不到。 In my view, you must have misunderstood him. 我觉得你一定是误会他了。 6. There are four underground lines in Beijing, and several lines are under construction. (= There are four underground lines in Beijing, and several lines are being constructed/ built.) 北京有四条地铁线,还有几条线也正在建设之中。 under construction: being built 在建造中;正在施工 A dam is under construction. 水坝在建筑中。 The new airport is still under construction. 新机场仍在修建中。 其它短语: under reconstruction 在重建中 under repair 在修理中;正在修理 under way 在进行中;在航行中 7. Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys (hutong) of old Beijing. = If you want to explore the narrow alleys (hutong) of old Beijing, you may as well use the tricycle which is a rewarding way. 如果想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车绝对是值得一坐的。 worth: adj(作表语)有......的价值;值得 常用结构:be worth + n./ doing sth This bicycle is worth £50. 这辆自行车值 50 英镑。 Your computer is worth the price. 你的电脑是值这个价钱的。 Although at times, learning a language was frustrating, it is well worth the effort. 尽管有时学习语言令人感到垂头丧气,但它却完全值得你为之付出努力。 Suzhou Gardens are worth visiting. 苏州园林值得游览。 8. Keep cool! (=keep calm!) 保持冷静! keep cool:保持凉爽;保持冷静,镇定自若 Let’s sit in the shade and keep cool. 我们做到树荫下去凉快凉快吧。 Don’t get excited about the examination; keep cool! 不要对考试太激动,沉着点。   9. Motorists could take a bus into the city center and arrive at work or shops relaxed and in a good mood. (= Motorists could go to the city center by bus and arrive at work or shops feeling relaxed and happy.) 驾车者可以轻松地乘公交车进入市中心,心情愉快的工作 或购物。 1)be in a good mood: feel happy 心情好;感到高兴 Why are you in such a good mood? 你心情怎么这么好? The boss is not in a good mood now; you’d better not ask for trouble. 老板现在心情不好;你最好不要自找麻烦了。 拓展: be in a bad mood 心情不好;不高兴 be in the mood for sth/doing sth 有做某事的心思或兴致 be in no mood for sth/doing sth 没有做某事的心思或兴致 2)relaxed and in a good mood 在句中为主语补足语,说明 motorists 的状态。又 如: They arrived at the village at last, hungry and tired. 10. There was no way I was going to catch the plane. (=It was impossible for me to catch the plane.) 我无论如何也赶上飞机了。 no way: 没门儿;决不;无论如何不 You want me to give up my holiday? No way! 你想让我放弃假期?没门儿! There’s no way we’re going to get this finished on time. 我们不可能按时完成这个工 作。 拓展(way 组成的固定短语): on the way (to...) 在(去......的)路上 all the way 一路上 by the way 顺便说一句;在途中的路边上 by way of 路经;途经 in a/one way 在某种程度上 in the way 挡路;阻碍 under way 正在进行中 11. After only six months, traffic coming into central London was reduced by about 30 percent and journey times by about 15 percent. (= After only six months, traffic coming into central London was reduced to about 70 percent and journey times to about 85 percent.) 仅六个月后,进入伦敦市中心的交通车辆减少到百分之七十,车辆穿行的次数减少了约百 分之八十五。 by:  用来表示某事物的数量或程度,例如“增加了/减少了/提高了/降低了多少”或者“相差多   少”。 The number of students in this school has been increased by 20 percent this year. 今年这所学校的学生数目增加了 20%。 The cost of production was reduced by RMB 30,000 Yuan last year. 去年生产成本降低了三万元。 Our basketball team lost the game by only one score. 我们的篮球队仅以一分之差输了这场比赛。 I am taller than her by 5 centimeters. 我比她高五公分。 12. What’s more, central London shops did not lose business even though there were fewer cars. (= In addition (besides), central London shops did not lose money even though there were fewer cars.) 另外,伦敦市中心商店的销售情况并没有因为车辆减少而受损。 what’s more: and that; also 而且 My husband has a good heart; what’s more, he’s quite hard-working. 我老公很善良,而且,他还很能干。 The price is too high, and what’s more, I don’t like the color of the coat. 价格太贵,而且,我也不喜欢这件外套的颜色。 拓展: what’s more 的同义词或词组:besides; in addition; moreover; furthermore   本单元的语法项目是祈使句 1.基本概念 祈使句是用来表示命令,请求或建议等意义的句子,是英语的基本句型之一。 2.基本要点 祈使句一般没有主语,实际上是省略了主语“You”,有时需要强调对方时,可表示出主语。 谓语动词用原形。句末用感叹号或句号,用降调朗读。 Come here, please. 请来这里。 Please open the window. 请打开窗子。 Come and meet my family. 来见见我家人。 You clean the blackboard. 你来擦黑板! 3. 基本句型 (1) Do 型(以行为动词原形开头) Get out! 出去! (2) Be 型 Be quiet! 安静!   (3) Let +宾语+ do 型 e. g. Let’s listen to the music. 我们听音乐吧。注意: 三种句型中 Do 型为最常见、最简单的一种结构。表示请求、劝告的祈使句还可以在句前 或句末加上 Please。以使语气更加缓和,客气。 Help him, please! 请帮帮他! Please pass me that book. 请把那本书递给我。 4. 祈使句的否定结构 Don’t/Never + 动词原形 Don’t do that again! 不要再做那件事了! Never do that again! 再也不要做那件事了! Don’t make any noise! 不要发生噪音。 Don’t let a child do whatever he likes! 不要让小孩子为所欲为. 注意:Let’s 型祈使句,其否定式也可用 Let’s not 表达。 Let’s not play any more! 我们不要再玩了! Let’s not waste our time! 我们不要再浪费时间了! 5. 祈使句的附加疑问句 (1). 在祈使句的附加疑问句中,附加疑问部分一般用 will you? 回答部分则用(Yes) I will. 或(No) I won't. -----Turn down the TV, will you? 把电视机(音量)调低一些好吗? ----Yes, I will./ No, I won’t. 好的/不。 (1). 以 Let's 开头的祈使句,其附加疑问句一般用 shall we,而以 Let us 开头的祈使句,其附 加疑问句则用 will you。因为 let’s 中的 us 包含听话者(即被请求者),而 let us 中的 us 不包含听话者在内。 Let’s practice our spoken English, shall we? 我们(一起)练习英语口语,好吗?(即 请求者要求与被请者一起练习) Let us play the football this afternoon, will you? (您)今天下午让我们踢足球,好 吗?(踢足球的人不包含被请求者) 练习: 1 _ at the door before entering, please. A. Knocked B. To knock C. Knocking D. Knock 2 _ careful when you cross the street. It’s so crowded here. A. Don’t be B. Do be C. Being  D. Do 3 Let’s not make much noise in the classroom, ? A. shall we B. will we C. need we D. can we 4 ----English has a large vocabulary, doesn’t it? ---- Yes. more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate. A. Know B. Knowing C. To know D. Known   5 _ if you can and many lives will be saved. A. Giving B. Give C. Given D. To give 6 Tom, go and fetch the tool for us, ? A. doesn’t he B. will you  C. will he D. don’t you 7 Follow your doctor’s advice, your cough will get worse. A. or B. and C. then D. so 答案:DBAABBA     一.试题 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关 小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How old can a person buy alcohol? A.16. B.18. C.20. 2.What’s the weather like? A.Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Windy. 3.What are the two speakers talking about? A.A castle. B.The railway. C.The local people. 4.Which of the following is true? A.They are at school. B.They want to go to school at this moment. C.They are on a camping trip. 5.What will the boy probably do? A.Cook the food. B.Clean the room. C.Set the table. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读 各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读 两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 8 题。 6.Who are the two speakers talking about? A.The man who is standing at the door of a house. B.The man who is walking down the street. C.The man with a brown bag. 7.What is Mr. Green doing? A.Running after a stranger. B.Carrying a bag. C.Talking with a boy. 8.Who will the stranger most probably be? A.A thief. B.A murder. C.Mr. Green’s brother.   听第 7 段材料,回答第 9 至 11 题。 9.Why is the woman going to hospital? A.Because she isn’t feeling well. B.Because she wants to see a friend who’s in hospital. C.Because she wants to buy some drugs. 10.How long did it take the man to wait for No.7 bus yesterday? A.More than an hour.  B.One hour. C.Less than an hour. 11.Which bus does the girl decide to take at last? A.No.7 bus. B.No.13 bus. C.No.30 bus. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。 12.What was the boy doing before he went swimming? A.He played basketball with John and Tony. B.He played football with John. C.He played football with John and Tony. 13.Why didn’t Tony go swimming with the boy? A.Because he had to finish his homework. B.Because he couldn’t swim. C.Because his mother wanted him to go back earlier. 14.What is the boy going to do this afternoon? A.He is going to play football. B.He is going to help Mr. Smith to plant flowers and get paid. C.He is going to help Mr. Smith to plant flowers for free. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。 15.Why does the man call the woman? A.He wants to invite her to a party. B.He wants to invite her to have dinner. C.He wants to invite her to the cinema. 16.Why is the man going to give a party? A.Because he has got a promotion. B.Because he has got a new house. C.Because he has got a baby. 17.When will the party start? A.On Friday. B.On this Saturday. C.On next Saturday. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 18.What’s the main topic of the passage? A.Hobbies. B.Stamps. C.His mother. 19.Where does the speaker live? A.America. B.England. C.Japan.   20.What’s the speaker’s mother’s hobby? A.Collecting stamps. B.Watching TV. C.Dancing.   单词拼写: 1. The new railway station is still under c_ . 2. The speed l_ _ on this road is 70 mph. 3. His first speech as president made a strong i on his audience. 4. After a five-day trip, we arrived at our d . 5. You break the law if you drive without a driving p _. 6. It is not (方便的)for me to come now; I am busy. 7. His painting will be _ (展示) to the public. 8. These ideas will be (研究)in more detail in Chapter 2. 9. I want to buy two second-class (单程票)to Shanghai. 10. Keep all your _ (收据)for work-related expenses. 单项填空: 1. When the entire class worked together, they finished the project . A. in no way B. in no time C. on no account D. in no case 2. The screen is connected X-ray machine. A. with a  B. to a C. with an D. to an 3. ---- Where __? ---- I got the heavy traffic, otherwise I would have been here earlier. A. did you go, sticking to B. have you been, stuck in C. were you, sticking with D. are, stuck in 4. Their city has been construction since last year. A. under B. into C. with D. on 5. ---- with us another hour, I suppose, and we will finish the task perfectly. ---- Will that do? OK, let’s have a go. A. To stay B. Stay C. staying D. Stayed 6. The boy was not permitted his brother’s bike. A. to use B. using C. use D. used 7. ---- What do you think of the book? ---- Oh, excellent. It is worth second time. A. to read a B. to read the C. reading a D. being read the 8. Stand over there _ you’ll be able to see it better. A. or B. while C. but D. and   9. Mary, here. Everybody else, stay where you are. A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming 10.   and I’ll get the work finished. A. Have one more hour B. One more hour C. Give one more hour D. If I have one more hour 11. If it is quite to you, I will visit you next Tuesday. A. convenient B. fair C. easy D. comfortable 12. ---- Let’s go to a movie after work, OK? ---- . A. Not at all B. Why not C. Never mind D. What of it 13. ---- I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. ---- . It was her fault. A. No way B. Not possible C. No chance D. Not at all 14. Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves and, _, she gets well paid for it. A. sooner or later B. what’s more C. as a result D. more or less 15. As we joined the big crowd I got from my friends. A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed   单选: 1. The students were not _ to leave the classroom without an adequate reason. A. permitted B. admitted C. hoped D. asked 2. –May I have your to leave a little earlier? --Of course, but you should come back tomorrow by 8 o’clock. A. permission B. conclusion C. encouragement D. suggestion 3. They’ve us $150000 for the house. Shall we take it? A. provided B. supplied C. shown D. offered 4. His son _ the old man with all the food and the money he needed. A. provided B. fed C. afforded D. charged 5. Come and see me whenever __. A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you 6. To help your children do well in school, it is important for you to get in their education and their lives. A. involving B. to be involved C. involved D. to involve   7. The firefighters soon got the fire in the building _. A. under attack B. under control C. under construction D. under study 8. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to   . A. be put up B. give in C. be switched on D. go out 9. The film is well worth . A. to be seen B. seeing C. of being seen D. being seen 10. Not only interested in football but beginning to show an interest in it. A. the teacher himself is, all his students are B. the teacher himself is, are all his students C. is the teacher himself, are all his students D. is the teacher himself, all his students are 11. My parents provided me _ 800 yuan my study every year. A. with, with B. with, for C. for, with D. with, in 12. Our new house is very for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. In fact, this is the reason why I decided to buy it a year ago. A. reasonable B. available C. convenient D. comfortable 13. The guests got _ and enjoyed the meals. A. sitting B. seating C. seated D. sat 14. Why are you killing time this way? Can’t you find something doing at all? A. useful B. valuable C. worthy D. worth 15. Don’t play any longer. It’s high time you down to your study. A. got B. get C. shall get D. to get 16. The hurricane damaged many houses and business buildings, , it caused 20 deaths. A. or else B. therefore C. after all D. what’s more 17. 200 people, including her only son, got killed in the terrible disaster. I wonder what her would be when the news reaches her. A. impression B. comment C. opinion D. reaction 18. The waste from the paper factory has poisoned all the fish here to death;   is left. A. nothing B. no one C. none D. not anything 19. The repairs cost a lot, but it’s money well . A. to spend B. spent C. being spent D. spending   20. –Oh, Mary! You should do your work instead of sitting here watching TV. --   A. That’s not a very good idea. B. TV provides good influence on children. C. What makes you said that D. You said TV was educational. 21.   is interesting the way the terracotta warriors were discovered. A. This B. That C. What D. It 22. –How can I wake up so early? --Set the alarm at 4:30, you will make it. A. or B. and C. but D. so 23. The government will not _ you to build here. A. let B. make C. have D. permit 24. –Will you help me do this? -- , young man. A. On the way out     B. By the way C. No way D. Out of the way 25. My father impressed _ me the value of hard work. A. at B. with C. on D. for 完型填空: “Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked. When the baby was placed in her arms and she was  1 . The baby had been born without ears. Time 2 that the baby’s hearing was perfect. It was only his 3 that was damaged. When he rushed home from school one day and 4 himself into his mother’s arms, she sighed,  5  that he would have many heartbreaks in his life. He grew up and became a 6  with his classmates. He might  7  have been class president, but for that. The boy’s father 8 with the family physician in secret. “Could 9 be done?” the father asked. “I believed I could 10 on a pair of outer ears, if they could be got,” the doctor answered. So the 11 began for a person who would make such a  12  for a young man. Two years went by. Then the father said, “You are going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will give the ears you need. 13 it’s a secret,” said the father. The operation was very 14 , and a new person appeared. “But I must know!” he urged his father. “Who 15 so much to me? I could never do enough for him.” “I do not believe you could.” said the father. The secret was   16   for years till he stood with his father over his mother’s coffin. Slowly and 17 , his father raised his mother’s thick brown hair to  18 that his mother had no outer ears. “Mother said she was 19 she never let her hair be cut,” he whispered gently, “and nobody ever thought she was less   20  ,   did they?” 1.A.angry B.disappointed C.surprised D.curious 2.A.proved B.seemed C.told D.saw 3.A.figure B.face C.ear D.appearance 4.A.got B.put C.sent D.took 5.A.knowing B.guessing C.doubting D.wondering 6.A.enemy B.stranger C.favorite D.friend 7.A.ever B.also C.even D.still 8.A.asked B.spoke C.chatted D.said 9.A.some things B.everything C.anything D.nothing 10.A.transplant B.operate C.set D.fix 11.A.operation B.search C.interview D.examination 12.A.devotion B.effort C.sacrifice D.contribution 13.A.Therefore B.But C.Though D.Otherwise 14.A.normal B.useful C.difficult D.successful 15.A.changed B.worked C.gave D.did 16.A.discussed B.hidden C.spread D.kept 17.A.carefully B.sadly C.excitedly D.tenderly 18.A.see B.find C.show D.tell 19.A.proud B.glad C.worried D.regretful 20.A.beautiful B.ugly C.respectable D.fashionable   单项填空: 1. Our car got in the mud, which delayed our journey. A. broken B. stopped C. stuck D. lost 2. Please pass us ten books at time, which will save our time. A. one B. a C. no D. / 3. All this snow and ice make it difficult for old people to very well. A. get about B. turn away C. pick up D. take off 4. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise. A. limit B. lack C. need D. demand 5. You did very well. Have you his suggestion to improve your work? A. offered B. adopted C. provided D. received   6. Let’s go our for a picnic if _. A. you are convenient B. it’s convenient to you C. you feel convenient D. it’s convenient with you 7. I don’t like the way you laugh at her. A. which B. in which C. to which D. on which 8. My father loves his dog so much that I even think he a member of our family. A. looks it as B. looks on it as C. thinks it as D. looks it to be 9.   _ back to the Ming Dynasty, the temple can offer us much useful information about history. A. Date B. Dated C. To date D. Dating 10. Don’t leave matches of cigarettes on the table within of little children. A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance 11. Every possible advanced technology. A. should be made of B. should be made  use C. use should be made of D. should make use of 12. The advertisers had intended upset or turn their audience away, but   _ reach out and inform them. A. to , not to B. not to, not to C. not to, to D. to, to 13. Unexpectedly, he had a _ recovery from his illness. A. fast B. quick C. rapid D. soon 14. It’s said that some officials in our country their to get illegal profits for themselves. A. take, direction B. hold, situation C. occupy, power D. abuse, position 15. He quite appreciated to the ball at the balance. A. inviting B. to be invited C. being invited D. having invited 阅读理解:   Dear Mr. Perkins,   (A)   We would like to introduce ourselves. Our company was organized only two years ago, but we are one of the largest boat companies in California. As you know, your son has bought a boat from us recently, and I think you know how pleased he is with our product. Also, John Webb, one of your son's friends, has bought a boat from us and, we understand, is very happy with his boat. We are always happy to  know that our customers are satisfied. We are writing to you now because, as you know, your son has decided to buy a larger boat, and we need   your signature on the loan (贷款) papers. The loan application has already been signed by Danny. As you will see, there is one form to fill out, and there are three contracts to sign. Danny’s 26-foot boat was returned to our San Pedro Dock yesterday, and we are pleased to say that the new 36-foot “Challenger” will be delivered in two weeks from today. It is being inspected by our manager right now. The auto-pilot (自动领航仪) has already been installed by our mechanic. It looks as though everything will be ready in time for delivery. All we need are the signed contracts from you. Thank you. Tony Valention 1. The main aim of the letter Tony wrote to Mr. Perkins is to . A. tell him to sign the contracts B. thank him for buying a new boat C. tell about something of his company D. ask him to pay for his boat right away 2. The underlined word “contracts” means . A. application forms from the buyers B. letters sent by the sellers C. formal agreements having the force of law D. designs of a new product 3. From the passage we can see that the boat company _. A. isn’t an old one B. is a world-famous one C. is developing slowly D. has to advise customers to buy its boats (B) There is  no doubt about it. The best way to  learn new words is to do it unconsciously(无意识的). I don’t mean while you’re unconscious. I mean while you are unconscious of the fact that it is sinking in. That is how I learnt the 30,000 words in my vocabulary by living in an English- speaking world, mother tongue. I just pick them up. But some of them may be misunderstood. Now, to misunderstand does not mean not to understand. To misunderstand is to understand but incorrectly. The 5 % mislearnt of all the words we “know” will be the least frequently used words, as the more frequently used words are less likely to be mislearnt. Some of the misunderstandings may live with all our lives, without knowing that we got them wrong. Many English teachers think that this natural method of learning words in one’s   own mother tongue can be used for a second language learning. They teach their students how to play the Guessing Game. “There is no time to look up in your dictionaries all the new words you come across,” they will say. “You have to practise guessing what the word means from the context.” This method of guessing in a second language learning does not work. It may succeed in many cases, but results in hundreds or thousands of wrongly-guessed meanings of words. And what’s more, there are more separate meanings than there are words themselves. Our learners’ dictionaries usually have many meanings. A good dictionary is what makes self-learning possible. Don’t guess! Look it up! 4. It is certain that the best way to learn new words is . A. to learn them by oneself B. to learn by living in an English-speaking world and using them frequently C. to guess them from the context D. to get more separate meanings of each word 5. The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refers to _. A. the 30,000 words B. English teachers C. misunderstood words D. frequently used words 6. Which of the following is most likely NOT true? A. Some of the words the writer knows must have been misunderstood. B. Most of the 30,000 words the writer learned are frequently used ones. C. How many words the writer got wrong are not known. D. All the words the writer knows were learned by reading them. 7. It can be inferred that __. A. when somebody is conscious, he or she usually can’t learn new words by heart B. we must use the words as often as possible in order to master them C. it’s the best way to learn new words that one should only guess their meanings from the context D. only dictionaries can help us learn language well (C) My first performance in front of an audience was coming up soon. I tried as hard as I could to remain calm, but my heart was racing. I stared down at my sweat-covered, shaking hands. I looked up again at the audience, realizing that these were real people. They were not just my mum and dad, who would say, “Good job!” even if I messed up the entire piece. What if I had the wrong music? What if I played the wrong notes?   As it turned out, I  was never  able  to  answer  these  questions because  the spotlight (聚光灯) was waiting for me. I grasped my hands tightly together, drying off the sweat. Slowly I walked to the mud-brown piano in the center of the room. It contained 88 demanding keys, which were waiting impatiently to be played. I swallowed the golf-ball-sized lump (隆起部分) in my throat and sat down. Slowly, I opened the music. Next, I rested my still shaking hands on the ivory (象牙色的) keys. As my fingers played across the keys, I was becoming more unsure of my preparation for this moment. But the memory of my years of training came flooding back. I knew that I had practiced this piece so many times that I could play it backwards if requested. Although at one point I accidentally played two keys instead of the intended one, I continued to move my fingers automatically (自动地). My eyes burned holes into (were fixed on) the pages in front of me. There was no way that I was going to lose my concentration. To keep this to myself, I leaned forward and focused carefully on the music. When l came to the end of the page, a warning went off inside my head: DON’T MAKE A MISTAKE WHEN YOU TURN THE PAGE! Needless to say, I obeyed myself with all my heart and mind. And, proud of my “page-turning” feat (技艺), I finished the rest of the piece without making a single mistake. After the final note died away, a celebration went into action inside my head. I had finished. I had mastered the impossible. 8. The author was nervous before the performance because . A. his or her mother and father weren’t present B. the strong spotlight was shining onto the stage C. he or she hadn’t mastered the entire piece D. he or she had never performed in public before 9. The underlined phrase “mess up” in Paragraph 3 probably means _. A. put into disorder B. forget about C. stop halfway D. do well in 10. The author _ . A. didn’t make any mistake in the performance B. felt better at the beginning of the performance C. paid all attention to nothing but his / her performance D. lost his / her concentration sometimes during the performance 11. What did the author feel about his / her performance? A. He / She thought it was comfortable and successful. B. He / She thought it was very difficult but successful.   C. He / She thought he / she had never made a mistake during the performance. D. He / She thought he / she played through the piece carefully but light-heartedly. (D) People and the sources of air pollution are found in the same places. This means that cities with large populations have the biggest problem of dirty air. Air pollution is caused by many different things. A major source of air pollution is the gas fumes from cars. Statistics show that 93 percent of all auto trips are within cities. Another major source of dirty air is the burning of coal and oil for energy. This energy is needed to make electricity. Of course, much more electricity is used in the city than in the country. On the average, we throw away more trash and garbage than the year before. The burning of garbage contributes to air pollution. Many major industries are also responsible for the dirty air in the around cities. The fumes from iron, steel, chemical, and petroleum production add particles to the air. The effects of air pollution range from mild headaches to death. The levels of pollution found in heavy for traffic may cause headaches for loss of clear vision. Wherever coal and oil are used for fuel, fumes may kill trees and plants and cause metal to corrode. In some of the larger cities, these fumes endanger the live of human beings by contributing to(导致) lung diseases and causing early death. 12. The key point of the passage is that . A. the cause of air pollution is people B. the causes and the effects of air pollution are both found in cities C. the effects of air pollution range from headaches to death D. air pollution is caused by dirty air 13. What is the purpose of this passage? A. to persuade people to stop polluting the air B. to tell the causes of air pollution C. to tell why cities are bad places to live D. to describe why cities are bad places to live 14. Why is air pollution more grave in the city than in the country? A. Because there larger populations in cities. B. Because the air in the city is dirty. C. Because there are more cars in the city. D. Because there are much more gas fumes from cars and burning of coal and oil for energy in the city than in the country. 15. In larger cities, the fumes from coal and oil may contribute to _. A. heart disease B. lung diseases C. loss of clear vision D. serious headache     英语听力原文 (Text 1) W:… Oh, excuse me, sir. How old are you? M:Sixteen, why? W:Well, I’m afraid you’re too young to buy alcohol. You have to be eighteen you know. (Text 2) M:Are you carrying the umbrella to keep the sun off you? W:No, the sun is not very hot in spring. (Text 3) W:Do you like the castle, David? M:Not very much. The stupid people built it too near the railway. (Text 4) M:Food really tastes good after it is cooked over an open fire. W:It sure does. I wish this weren’t the last night of our camping trip, but school starts next week. (Text 5) W:I have to stay in the kitchen. I don’t want the food to burn. Would you please set the table? M:Of course, mother. (Text 6) W:Who’s the man with the black bag? M:I can’t see a man with a black bag. W:He was standing at the door of that house a moment ago. Now he’s walking down the street. M:Oh, that man. I don’t know who he is. He’s a stranger. W:Look at the man who’s running after him. M:Yes. Perhaps the stranger is a thief. W:I don’t think so. M:Wait a minute. I can recognise the man who’s running after him. It’s Mr. Green. W:Now I remember. Mr. Green told me yesterday that his brother was coming.   (Text 7) M:Where are you going, Jane? W:I’m going to the hospital to see Susan Smith. M:I saw her yesterday. She was a little better. W:Must I catch a No.7 bus to get there? M:No, you needn’t. A No.13 bus will also take you there. W:No.13 buses run much more frequently, don’t they? M:Yes, I caught a No.7 bus yesterday, and I had to wait for half an hour at the bus stop. W:Thank you, Henry. I’ll get a No.13. M:But No.13 buses leave from the centre of town. You’ll have to walk two miles to catch one. W:Really? Then I’ll take No.7. (Text 8) W:Did you play football yesterday? M:Yes, I played football with Tony and John. W:What did you do after you’d played football. M:John and I went swimming. W:Why didn’t Tony go with you? M:Because his mother had asked him to go back home before 6 o’clock. W:Are you going swimming again this afternoon? M:No, we aren’t. We’re going to help Mr. Smith plant some flowers all the afternoon. W:You’re going to be very tired. M:Yes, we certainly are. But Mr. Smith is going to pay us all for the work we’ll do. (Text 9) M:Hello, Claire, this is Mick. W:Hi, Mick, how are you? M:Good, listen, I’m phoning because I want to invite you to a party. At our new house. And… W:New house? Really? M:Yes, we’ve moved. That’s why we’re giving the party. Can you come? W:Well, that depends. When is it? M:This Saturday evening. W:Well…I’m going away on. Sunday morning very early. Will the party go on very late?   M:Until two in the morning. But you don’t have to stay that long, well? What about it? W:All right. I’ll come. (Text 10) My hobby is collecting stamps. When I began, I collected the stamps of all countries. But there are too many, so now I only collect American and Japanese. I have many friends in America. I myself live in Japan, so I have many opportunities to get them, And I can learn a lot from stamps, especially the history of their countries. My mother has a hobby, too. It is dancing. She said it made her younger. 英语听力答案: 1-5BBACC 6-10BACBC 11-15ACCBA 16-20BBACC 必会基础: 单词拼写: 1.construction 2. limit 3.impression 4. destination 5. permit 6. convenient 7. displayed 8. explored   9. singles 10. receipts 单项填空: 1-15:BDBAB  ACDAB  ABABA 7题:be worth reading a second time值得再读一遍。a+序数词表达“再、又”的含义, 此处不是排序的逻辑。 10题:One more hour是一种省略的说法,相当于:Give me one more hour, and …… 15题:get separated = be separated, get done 所表达的是一种被动的意义。 提高拓展: 单项选择: 1-5 AADAC 6-10 CBDBD  11-15 BCCDA 16-20 DDCBD 21-25 DBDCC 11. B 考查 provide的固定搭配provide sb. with sth. 13. C seat 是及物动词, get seated=be seated就坐 14. D be worth doing 16. D what’s more 表示递进关系,“而且,况且” 完型填空: 1-20:CADBA  CCBDA BCBDC DDCBA 1.当婴儿捧到怀里时,才发现孩子天生就没有耳朵,母亲惊讶不已,用disappointed“ 失望”似乎也讲得通,但与后面所表现出来的伟大的母爱相矛盾。 2.时间证明了孩子的听力没有缺陷,see“见证”,与题意不符。 3.听力没有缺陷,但是由于天生就没有耳朵,appearance“相貌”自然受影响;figure“身   材”、face“脸庞”与“没有耳朵”不存在必然的联系,故排除。 4.put oneself into one’s arms“投身于某人的怀抱”,符合题意。 5.母亲能理解孩子生活中受了许多苦,故尔叹息。know“了解、知道”,表示伴随动作, 符合题意;guess“猜测”,doubt“怀疑”,wonder“想知道”,均与题意不符。 6.favorite“最受欢迎 / 喜爱的人”,符合题意。 7.他长大后成了最受同学喜爱的人,要不是那事,他甚至有可能成为班长。 8.speak with = talk with“会谈、交谈”,符合题意。 9.“真的啥事都干不了吗?”,用nothing能体现父亲焦急的心情。 10.transplant   on“移植”,符合题意。 11.既然移植一对外耳是可能做到的,就得寻找肯为孩子做出牺牲的人。 12.make a sacrifice for sb“为某人做出牺牲”。 13.       “儿子,你可以上医院动手术了,我和母亲请来了一位愿意捐献耳朵给你的人,但此 事要保密”,不难看出,这里表转折,用but。 14.从下文的and a new person appeared“重获新生”,可以推断出这场手术非常成功。 15.“谁为我献了这份大礼,我永远报答不了他的恩情”,give“给予”,最符合题意;do so much强调“做了许多事”,与题意不符。 16.keep  secret“保守秘密”。 17.父亲走到母亲的灵柩前,慢慢地、轻柔地撩起她浓密的棕色长发…… 18.show“使显露”,符合题意。 19.“母亲说她很高兴从来都没剪过头发”。 20.“但是没有人会认为她不美,是吧?”fashionable“时髦的”,respectable“体面的、文 雅的”,均与题意不符。 高考链接: 单项填空: 1-5 CBABB 6-10 BBBDB  11-15 CCBDC 阅读理解: 1-15 ACADA DBDAC  BBADB 1. 见contracts所在的句子以及最后一句话。这是写这封信的实质。而其余部分主要是宣传 他们的公司,他们的服务等。这些都是为了让客户放心地购他们的货。 2. 该词前面讲到了Mr. Perkins的儿子决定向船舶公司买一艘大船;又根据contracts后面 的sign(签订)以及随后讲的公司已做好交货的准备,需要的只是签订了的contracts等等, 可知它的意思是“合同”。 3. 正文第二句讲:他们的公司两年前才成立。 4. 本文作者不主张猜词义,而强调查辞典的重要性,并应记住尽量多的词义。作者在倒数 第二段作了说明:辞典能给出很多不同的词义。联系起来可得出此答案。也可用排除法。 5. 根据上文所说I learnt the 30,000 words...可知。 6. 从第1段中的sinking in(潜移默化)和第2段中的pick them up(不知不觉学到),可知作者   掌握的词汇中一部分是在生活中无意识学到的。 7. 第3段说作者对所学词汇中的5%理解错误,原因是用得最少。而用得多的则误解的可能 性小。 8. 从第1段可知,这是作者首次在观众面前演出,再结合第3、4段便知作者紧张的原因。 9.   从前面的内容推知:在父母面前演奏无妨,即使messed   up(弄得一团糟)他们也会说“很 好”。 10. 9、10、11三段都对此作了描述。 11. 最后两段无疑是在告诉读者,作者成功了。此外前八段都是对作者紧张、不安的描 述。所以只有B项能恰当反映作者对此次表演的感受。D显然错误;同时因为作者演奏时曾 弹错了一个音符,所以C的说法错误。 12. 主旨题。纵观全文,文章的前半部分讲的是导致污染的原因,而后半部分讲的是污染 的结果。而A只强调起因,C只强调结果,D与本文没有什么关系。所以B为正确答案。 13. 文章没有直接说写这篇文章的目的。但我们从受污染的结果可以推断出写这篇文章的 目的就是要我们减少污染。所以A为正确答案。 14. 第一段后半部分说明,空气污染的主要原因是汽车的废气和用来发电的煤和油的燃 烧。而汽车和电在城市里比在郊区用得多。故D正确。 15. 根 据 文 章 最 后 一 句 “these  fumes  endanger the  lives  of  human  beings  by contributing to lung diseases and causing early death.”可知,B为正确答案。

资料: 29.3万


