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2021 届初中英语中考作文练习与讲解 考前写作一周两练[02] 介绍体育名人 01 写作任务 金州勇士击败克利夫兰骑士队,从而以大比分 4-1 赢下赛季 NBA 总冠军, 杜兰特成功当选总决赛最有价值球员(MVP)。请你根据表格提示,以“An excellent basketball player — Kevin Durant”为题,写一篇介绍著名球星杜 兰特的短文,向某英文报的 Sports World 栏目投稿。 要求: 1. 包括表格内所有要点,可适当发挥; 2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚; 3. 不少于 80 词。 02 写作思路与分析 本次写作任务要求介绍体育名人,属于人物介绍类记叙文。 首先,可简单对人物的出生时间、地点、家庭背景进行介绍。 其次,介绍人物的主要经历、贡献、成就等。可以按照时间顺序来写,也可 以按照表格中的提示顺序,先介绍人物的个人经历,再介绍其获得的成就。 最后,简单评价该人物。 注意:描述过去的经历时要用一般过去时。 03 词汇储备 ★形容词(描述运动员技术、能力、品格等): excellent, skilled, hard-working, fast, gifted, talented, careful, promising (有前途的), active, confident ★与运动项目有关: race, marathon, hurdles, the 110m hurdles race, race walking, high jump, long jump, triple jump, gymnastics, football, rugby, basketball, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, baseball, golf, ice hockey, swimming (breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle, butterfly stroke), diving, skiing, ice skating 04 句型荟萃 ★开头(个人情况介绍): 1. …, born on …, is a professional basketball player. 2. I think/believe/guess/suppose every basketball fan knows Durant, who was born ... 3. Kevin Durant, a familiar (熟悉的) name to basketball fans, is an NBA star. 4. He is 211 cm in height. / He is 211 cm tall. / Standing 211 cm, he … 5. My favourite athlete is Kevin Durant, one of the greatest basketball players in the world. ★主体(职业以及运动生涯): 1. Like many other successful players, he started to play basketball at a young age / when he was young / at an early age. 2. He dreamed of playing basketball in the NBA. 3. His life as an NBA player began in … 4. His ability in basketball was noticed by … 5. Because of his basketball skills, he was chosen for … 6. He started off on the Seattle SuperSonics. 7. He received an invitation to take part in … 8. As is known to basketball fans, he plays for the Golden State Warriors of NBA. 9. He did an excellent job so that he … 10. … led his team to their first championship. 11. … won an Olympic gold medal both in 2012 and 2016. 12. Together with his teammates, he won … ★结尾(评价或期许): 1. He still has a long way to go in the NBA. 2. We believe that he will bring us more surprises in the future. 3. There is no doubt that he will achieve more in the future. 4. His hard work has brought him great success. We take pride in him. 5. He is considered as one of the most popular basketball players all over the world. 05 范文展示 An excellent basketball player — Kevin Durant Kevin Durant, who was born on 29 September 1988 in America, is a well-known professional basketball player. Standing 211 cm, he has played for the Golden State Warriors since 2016. Durant was good at playing basketball at a young age and he dreamed of being an NBA player. In 2007, his dream came true. His ability in basketball was noticed and he was chosen for the Seattle SuperSonics. Three years later, he became the youngest scoring champion in NBA history. Both in 2012 and 2016, Durant won an Olympic gold medal. This year, he surprised us all by leading his team to win first place in the NBA finals and winning an MVP Award. Now Durant is considered as one of the greatest basketball players in the world. We believe he will bring us more surprises in the future. 介绍伟大的发明 写作任务 发明改变命运,智慧创造财富。世界上有很多伟大的发明,这些发明点 亮了我们的思想,便捷了我们的生活。 请你根据下表中的信息向大家简单介绍几项发明(可选取其中两项进行介 绍)。 要求:语句通顺,表达无误;不少于 90 词。 写作思路与分析 本次的写作任务要求根据提示介绍几项伟大的发明,属于事物介绍类说 明文。 写作时,应对事物的外形、发明者、发明时间、特点、用途等进行客观而 准确的描述。 具体到本篇习作,可先综述伟大发明的共性,然后选取两项进行介绍,最 后总结伟大的发明对人们的生活所产生的影响。 词汇储备 ★描述发明物时可能用到的一些单词或短语: weight, thin, thick, as big / beautiful as, be made of / from, look like, in the shape of, be similar to ★对发明的评价: useful, special, great, amazing, wonderful, surprising, creative, unusual, practical ★与发明有关的其他词汇: invent, invention, change, improve, daily life, be widely used, at that time, be used for, become popular, by accident 句型荟萃 ★开头: 1. In modern life, there are many inventions that have made our life easier. 2. Among all the modern inventions, I think … is the most important one. 3. There have been many great inventions that have changed the way we live. ★主体: 1. The light bulb was invented in 1879 by … 2. It’s made of / from … 3. Many things have changed with this great invention. 4. … was invented by accident by … 5. It could be widely used for / as … 6. The weight of it is … 7. In order to …, the man invented it. 8. Thanks to the invention, … 9. It is as large as … and looks like … 10. With the invention of the …, it is easy for us to … ★结尾: 1. What great and useful inventions they are! / How useful the inventions are! 2.Thanks to them, our lives have been greatly improved. 3. People will have a happy life as long as they use them. 范文展示 There have been many great inventions that have changed the way we live. I think the first great invention is the one that is still very important today — the wheel. It was invented a few thousand years ago and it was made of wood at that time. This invention has made travelling faster and made it easier to carry heavy things. However, its inventor is still unknown. The next important invention is the telephone. It was invented by an American called Alexander Bell in 1876. It was made of plastic and metal. It is used for communicating with others. Besides the above, there are still lots of other great inventions. Thanks to these amazing inventions and their inventors, our lives have been greatly improved.

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