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8 下 Unit4 a good read 教案 课 题 主备人 课型 New 课时安排 1 8 下 Unit4 a good read Integrated skills 授课人 授课时间 教 学 目 标 1. understand some new words and expressions and learn to use them; 2. catch the key points from the listening materials; 3. learn how to borrow books from the library. 重 点 难 点 分析 New words and phrases: refuse, success, translate, sales, copy, Canadian, series, publishing house, publish, online, get the idea for, so far, a great success, translate into, at a time 教学流程安排 集体智慧 (以知识体系为主) 个性设计 (二次备课) 教学后记 Step 1 Lead-in 1. Free talk (1) Do you like reading? (2) What types of books do you like? (3) Can you tell us the names of the books you like? Step 2 Pre-listening 1. Watch a video T: What types of books can you see in the video? 2. Name the types of books T: I also like reading, and I have read the following books. Can you name their types? Step 3 While-listening 1. Listen and match T: The Class 1, Gra de 8 students are talking about what they have read recently. Listen to them and match each student with the type and name of the book they have heard. You can predict before listening. T: Listen and complete Part A1. 2. Learn the new words and phrases T: Of all the books, I like reading Harry Potter best. Who wrote the book? (J. K. Rowling.) She is a British writer and she is the writer of the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter series is a success and she is successful. Harry Potter series is about Harry Potter’s stories in a magic world. It has been translated into many languages. So far, it has become a great success. There are millions of copies around the world. But at first, all the British publishing houses refused to publish it. Later, only a small publi shing house accepted it. 3. Learn the numbers about Harry Potter (1) When was the first book published? (2) How many teachers are there in Hogwarts? (3) How many classrooms are there in Hogwarts? (4) How many students are there in Hogwarts? Listen and write down the number. 4. Listen and complete Part A2 T: Suzy plans to read the Harry Potter series. She is telling her classmates about the book s. Listen to what she says and complete her notes. The following listening skills may help you: (1) predict before listening; (2) listen for key words; (3) write the short forms. 5. Listen and complete Part A3 Step 4 Post-lis tening Make an interview. T: Work in pairs to interview J. K. Rowling. Try to ask at least five questions about her and her novel B Speak up: I want some history boo ks. Step 1 Presentation 1. Listen and fill in the form ( 1) How many books can Daniel borrow at a time? (2) How long can he keep the books? (3) How can he renew the books? 2. Read the dialogue (1) Read the dial ogue after the record. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (2) Read in pairs. 3. Write down the missing sentences Step 2 Practice Make up new dialogues. T: Work in pairs and take turns to borrow books from a library. You can use the sentences pro vided in your dialogues. 练 习 安排 Remember new words 板 书 设计 Words …… phrases…… sentences…… 课 题 主备人 吴洋 课型 New 课时安排 1 8 下 Unit4 a good read Study skills 授课人 授课时间 教 学 目 标 1. know some common transitions; 2. learn how to use the transitions in writing. 重 点 难 点 分析 New words and phrases: experience, sail, hidden, confidence 教学流程安排 集体智慧 (以知识体系为主) 个性设计 (二次备课) 教学后记 Step 1 Lead-in Review the story of Xi Wang. T: Do you remember this giant panda Xi Wang? Read the passage and fill i n the blanks. T: These words are all transit ions. Step 2 Presentation 1. Introduce transitions What is a transition? Show the picture of a bridge and tell students that transitions are the bridges that allow a reader to move from one idea to the next without getting lost in the langu age. In writing, a transition is a word, phrase or sentence. 2. Introduce different ty pes of transitions (1) Connect the sentences by adding transitional words. (2) Why do we need transitions? (3) Types of transitions Transitions can be used to show time and sequence, to add information, to give an example, to show cause and effect, to emphasize, to compare and contrast. Step 3 Practice 1. Find the transitional words and phrases T: Try to find the transitional words and phrases in Gulliver in Lilliput and discuss with your partner about their types. 2. Underline the transitional words and phrases T: Read Sandy’s art icle and underline the transitional words and phrases. Discuss with your partner about their types. 3. Complete the sentences T: Complete the sentences with proper transiti onal words or phrases. 4. Add some transitions T: Rewrite the following article about TV and website by adding some transitional words or phrases. Step 4 Summary T: To improve your writing, you need to make sure that your ideas, both in sentences and paragraph s, stick together and have coherence. One way to do this is to use transitional words or phrases that he lp bring id eas together. 练 习 安排 Remember new words 板 书 设计 Words …… phrases…… sentences…… 课 题 主备人 课型 New 课时安排 1 8 下 Unit4 a good read Task 授课人 授课时间 教 学 目 标 1. learn how to organize an article about reading habits; 2. learn some writing skills and write a report on reading habits; 3. develop a good habit of reading. 重 点 难 点 分析 1. New words and phrases: advice, librarian, habit, classical, opposite, open up 2. New structures: I spend ... hours a week reading. I love reading because ... We often meet together and discuss what to read. Reading is always a wonderful time. They also open up a whole new world to me. 教学流程安排 集体智慧 (以知识体系为主) 个性设计 (二次备课) 教学后记 Step 1 Lead-in T: Boys and girls, do you like reading? What kinds of books do you like? T: In my free time, I like reading these books. What are they in Chinese? Yes, they are called the four great classical Chinese novels. Step 2 Outline of the writing 1. Prediction T: Today, we are going to write something about our reading habits. What would you like to write about your reading habits? T: Yes, we can write something like these. 2. Outline T: Now, let ’s read Millie’s article first and then help her answer some questions. T: And here is the outline of Millie’s writing. Can you help her fill in the blanks? Step 3 Writing skills 1. How to develop a paragraph T: Let’s read Paragraph 1 and discuss how to develop a paragraph when we are writing. T: Can you find the topic sentence in this paragraph? Yes. It is the main idea. T: What about these ones? We call them major details because they help the readers to understand the main idea. T: And, they are minor details—much smaller details to support the major details. T: So, someone says a paragraph is just like a bamboo. Look at this picture! The main idea is the bamboo’s trunk, and major details are like its sticks, the minor details are small sticks and leaves. We put them all together to make a paragraph. T: Let us do some practice. 2. How to use transitions T: Can you find a transition among these sentences? (but) T: Can you help Millie add a suitable transition before the four great classical Chinese novels? (For example,) T: If the readers want to know why Milli e likes these novels best, which transition can she use to continue her writing? (because) T: Can you use the useful writing structures to rewrite a short paragraph for Sandy? Here is Daniel’s writing. You can rewrite something like this. 3. How to mix Chinese culture in English writing T: Next, let’s discuss how to mix Chinese culture in English writing. Here are some writing tips for you. I think the first two tips are easy to understand. Let’s talk about the third one. T: We can take Daniel’s writing for an example. In this way, we talk about some serious events about China and Chinese. 4. How to write related details T: Let’s come to Paragraph 2. T: Look at this sentence. What is the function of “—” in this sentence? Can we use some tran sitional words to replace “—”, and how? T: Good. That’s to say , “it is just opposite my home” is a related detail to the first sentence because it explains why Millie gets most of her b ooks from Sunshi ne Library. It’s convenient. T: Let’s do some practice. 5. How to brainstorm in English writing T: What do Millie and her friends do in the library? T: What else may they do? T: Yes, there are some other interesting things they may do in Sunshine Library. All these things can be written in our writing. T: Let’s do some exercises. 6. How to highlight the ending 练 习 Remember new words 安排 板 书 设计 Words …… phrases…… sentences……

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