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Unit 9 Learning Lesson 1 Active Learning 【教学目标】 Students will be able to 1. read and talk about active learning 2. read for general understanding 3. identify the main theme of each paragraph and label them with subheadings 4. present a suggestion about active learning 5. practise verb+verb-ing/infinitive structures 6. complete a summary of the text 【教学重难点】 Identifying main themes and summarising the text 【教学过程】 1. What do active learners do? 1) Discuss the title of the lesson and gather ideas on its possible meanings, i.e., a method of learning that is not only about listening to lectures and trying to remember what the teacher has said. Point out that the opposite method is “passive learning” and invite learners to think of contrasting details about each method. 2) Read the list of active learning methods aloud and invite students to raise their hand for the ones they practise by themselves. 3) Students work in small groups and discuss which students they think best represent the principle of active learning. 4) Ask students to think about which areas they could improve on and whether they think that is something they can achieve or not. 2. Read the first paragraph and answer questions. 1) Read the three questions out loud and invite students to give their opinion. a. What do most people believe about the human brain? Is it true? b. What is active learning? c. What is Kevin Daum going to talk about in the article? 2) In small groups, students read the questions and then the first paragraph of the text. 3) Students discuss their answers. 4) Each group presents their answers to the class. 3. Read and write subheadings. 1) Ask learners to silently read through the subheadings on page 52 and point out that subheadings in longer texts are very helpful with coherence and the flow of the information. 2) Independently, students write the subheadings before the corresponding paragraphs. Students do not need to read for any specific details. They should focus on the gist of each paragraph. 3) Students check their answers in pairs and then review as a class. 4) Ask students to identify the part in each paragraph that helped them to find the correct subheading. 4. Identify learning actions, reasons and learning effects. 1) Explain to students that each paragraph of the text focuses on one active learning suggestion. 2) Students read about the first active learning suggestion in the second paragraph and complete the diagram on page 54. 3) Copy the diagram on the board and invite students to volunteer the answers. 4) In pairs, students do the same for the other active learning suggestions. 5) Complete the diagram on the board for the other suggestions by asking students to volunteer the answers. 5. Group Work: Introduce suggestions. 1) In small groups of five, students each pick one of the suggestions so that each student has a different suggestion. 2) Independently, students write a short paragraph on their suggestion using the information in the diagram. Help low level students by providing sentence frames. 3) Encourage students to think of additional information that would make their presentation more interesting and personalised. 4) Each group presents the active learning suggestions to the class. 6. Write T (true) or F (false) for ways of learning. 1) Explain to students that for this activity they will need to focus on detail and read for specific information. 2) Read the statements as a class and explain any unknown words. 3) Independently, students identify whether the ways of learning are correct or not and note down reasons to support their answers. Students can extract information from the text. 4) Make sure students suggest an alternative way of learning for the statements that are incorrect. 5) Review answers as a class. 7. Talk about the suggestions. 1) Students read the text again and decide on which suggestion would be most useful for their own learning. 2) Draw their attention to the example answer and demonstrate to provide one, ideally one that focuses on a different suggestion. 3) In small groups, students discuss their opinions and provide reasons for their answers. 4) Volunteers can share their answers with the class. Find out which suggestion is the most popular in the class. 8. Read the summary and paraphrase. 1) Revise synonyms with students. Explain that students will use the synonyms to replace the underlined parts. 2) Encourage students to work independently. 3) Review the answers as a class. 9. Complete the table on page 55. 1) Draw students’ attention to the coloured verbs in the reading text on pages 52 and 53. Explain that they are either followed by a verb-ing form or an infinitive. Revise these concepts by reading the Grammar Summary on pages 96 and 97. 2) Students independently complete the task. 3) Review the answers as a class. 10. Complete the text on page 55. 1) Ask students to focus on the verb preceding each space and to choose either the correct -ing or infinitive form. 2) Read aloud the text and pause before each space for students to call out the answer in chorus. 11. Express yourself. 1) Questions for discussion: a. What other ways of active learning do you know? b. How will you learn actively in the future? 2) In groups, students discuss ways they can become more active learners. 3) If possible, students can research active learning online. 4) Write interesting ideas on the board and encourage students to apply these ideas in their school life.

资料: 3.2万


