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Unit 7 Art Lesson 2 Beijing Opera 【教学目标】 Students will be able to 1. read and talk about Beijing Opera 2. listen for understanding 3. recall information previously heard 4. express and discuss emotions 【教学重难点】 1. talking about Beijing Opera 2. expressing and discussing emotions 【教学过程】 1. Talk about Beijing Opera (1) Ask the students if they have watched Beijing Opera and what their experiences were. Write these examples on the board. (2) Discuss the questions as a class. Ensure that all students get a chance to answer the questions. (3) Instruct students to work independently and match the photos with the descriptions. (4) Discuss the answers as a class. 2. Listen and tick. (1) Ask a volunteer student to read the four aspects. Explain any unknown terms. (2) Instruct students to tick the aspects that are mentioned as they listen to the radio programme. 3. Listen again and answer questions. (1) Explain to students that they will listen to the radio programme once more, and this time to listen for details. (2) Preview the questions with the students. (3) Suggest that students underline or take notes as they listen. (4) Students work independently or in pairs to answer the questions in full sentences. (5) Check answers as a class. If needed, replay the radio programme and point out the different features of Beijing Opera. 4. Listen again, take notes, and answer questions. (1) Read aloud the instruction and the Skill Builder. Then read each question. Explain any difficult words. (2) In pairs, students discuss the answers. (3) While the radio programme is playing, students check and complete their answers. (4) Discuss the answers as a class. 5. Listen again. List key phrases and talk about whether you like Beijing Opera. (1) In pairs, students listen and take notes of the key phrases used by Dr. Liu to give reasons. (2) Review the answers as a class. (3) Create a class discussion on the students’ opinion of Beijing Opera. Each student needs to provide their opinion and support with logical reasoning. 6. Introduce Beijing Opera. (1) Divide students into five groups. Each group discusses one of the topics in relation to Beijing Opera: the four roles, costumes and masks, sound and singing, history and interesting features. (2) Each group selects one person to be the scribe and write down notes for the group. (3) Each student in the group describes the chosen topic. The scribe can mind map this information. (4) Each group writes a few complete sentences about their topic on Beijing Opera using these descriptions. (5) A volunteer from the group reads this passage to the class, role playing that he or she is introducing Beijing Opera to a group of foreign students. (6) The class can ask questions about the topic and members from the group can help to answer the questions. 7. Listen and answer. (1) Read the instruction and questions aloud to the students. (2) Play the dialogue. (3) In pairs, students answer the questions in full sentences. (4) If needed, play the dialogue a second time. Give the students time to complete the answers. (5) Discuss the answers as a class. 8. Listen, imitate, and talk about emotions. (1) Read aloud the instruction and the Talk Builder box as a class. Explain any unknown terms. (2) Ask students to give a personal example of an emotion, either satisfaction, worry or regret. a. What do these emotions mean? b. Which are positive emotions and which are negative emotions? c. How can your facial features or tone of voice show these emotions? Students can use their dictionaries, if needed. (3) Tell students that they will listen to the dialogue for more detail. (4) As students listen to the dialogue, they need to identify the emotion for each sentence in the brackets. (5) Review the answers as a class. 9. Pair Work: Act it out. (1) Explain to students that they will be watching a short local opera. Students need to take notes of the roles, costumes and masks, sound and singing, history and interesting features. Play only some parts of the prepared video, either from TV or from online resources. (2) Divide the class into pairs. Tell students that they will role play a dialogue between a Chinese student and a foreign student. (3) Student A is role playing a Chinese student, who understands the different elements of opera. Student B is role playing a foreign student, who does not understand opera and asks questions. (4) In pairs, students first write down five questions that a foreign student would ask about the opera; then students provide responses in a script format. (5) Students can practise their role play and perform it for the class.

资料: 3.2万


