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April Fools' Day LESS Reporter :Pepper ON76 Daily Proverb Life is too short for long–term grudges. 人生短暂,何必长期心怀怨念。 1 2 fool n.傻子,呆子 不要说傻话,别做傻事! Don’t be a fool! make a fool of 愚弄,嘲笑 adj.(美)愚蠢的,傻的 (foolish) v.愚弄,骗,骗取 announcer n.广播员,播音员 announce v.宣布 请通知你的同学明天不上课。 Please announce to your class that there will be no school tomorrow. v.显示,预告 温暖的阳光显示春天就要来了。 A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring. announcement n.公告,发布,宣布 make an announcement splendid adj.(风景,建筑)壮丽的,华丽的,壮观的 壮丽的落日 a splendid sunset adj. 太好的,真了不起的 我们玩的非常开心。 We’ve had a splendid time. gather v.收成,摘取,收集 采花 gather flowers 收割庄稼 gather (in) the crop v.聚集,推测,理解 gathering n.聚会,集会 家庭聚会 a family gathering process n.过程,经过 发展的过程 the process of the development n.程序 做蛋糕的程序 a process of making cake 这栋大楼在重建过程中。 The building is in the process of being rebuilt. procession n.行列 送葬的行列 a funeral procession More Words bulletin [ˈbʊlətɪn] n.新闻简报 macaroni [ˌmækəˈrəʊni] n.通心面 stalk [stɔ:k] n.梗 thresh [θreʃ] v.(把谷物)脱粒 champion [ˈtʃæmpiən] n.冠军 studio [ˈstju:diəʊ] n.播音室 3 detective diamond parcelsand valuable precious guard steal rob 4 They have seen the film many times. We’ve just been talking about you. 现在完成时 现在完成进行时 强调过去动作对现在的影响, 或者说过去的做作一直延续到现在,还可能继续延续下去。 强调过去动作一直延续到现在,一直发生着,存在着影响。 1. ---I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final. ---I think so. He ________ for it for months. A. is preparing B. was preparing C. had been preparing D. has been preparing 2. By the time he realizes he _________ into a trap, it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it. A. walks B. walked C. has walked D. had walked 3. So far this year we _______ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. A. saw B. see C. had seen D. have seen 4. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she ______ English for a year. A. studies B. studied C. is studying D. has been studying 5. Danny _________ hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular. A. works B. is working C. has worked D. had worked 6. ----I have got a headache. ---No wonder. You_________ in front of that computer too long. A. work B. are working C. have been working D. worked 7. The unemployment rate in this district_______ from 6% to 5% in the past two years. A. has fallen B. had fallen C. is falling D. was falling 8. Now that she is out of job, Lucy ___ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet A. had considered B. has been considering C. considered D. is going to consider 9. ---______ you ______ him around the museum yet? ---Yes. We had a great time there. A. Have ; shown B. Do ; show C. Had; shown D. Did; show 5 'To end our special news bulletin,' said the voice of the television announcer, 'we're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria. Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. Two of the leading growers, Giuseppe Moldova and Riccardo Brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual. Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks. The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year's crop before the September rains. On the right, you can see Mrs. Brabante herself. She has been helping her husband for thirty years now. Mrs. Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed. This last scene shows you what will happen at the end of the harvest: the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition! Signor Fratelli, the present champion, has won it every year since 1991. And that ends our special bulletin for today, Thursday, April lst. We're now going back to the studio.' Thank You

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