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Making a poster about a writer To collect and sort the material needed in making a poster. To present the poster of group work. To evaluate and comment on each other’s poster. As a class, discuss some ancient or modern Chinese writers and writers of other countries. Then in groups, choose a writer to research. • Life story • Most popular works • Achievements • Famous sayings Collect some information about this writer from the Internet to get ready for the project. Research your chosen writer. Use the ideas below to help you. How many steps should we take to make a successful poster? Deciding on a famous writer Planning Preparing Producing Collecting and organizing information Making a poster Planning 1. Suggest a famous writer about whom you will make a poster and give your reasons. 2. Vote to decide on the choice of the writer. • Designing the poster • Sorting the information • Drawing and writing • Presenting the poster Preparing 1. Sort the information from the aspects: 2. What does the poster consist of? What makes a good poster? Life story Most popular works Achievements Famous sayings Producing • Try to include important information. • Use section headings and key words to make the poster easy to read. • Make your posters eye-catching. (artistic and decorative) • Use different fonts. 1. Decide on the layout (content, pictures, font …) 2. Draft the poster. 3. Proofread the poster and make suggestions. 4. Make some changes and finalize the poster. Producing As a group, put together your information to make your poster. Use the example below to help you. Then present your poster to the class. You can make a mind map of the writer. A writer Popular works Famous sayings Life story Achievements … Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) • lived in Zhenjiang during her early life • Started writing in 1922 • Taught English literature in Nanjing • Returned to the USA in 1935 Life story • The Good Earth (1931) • Sons (1932) • A House Divided (1935) • All Men Are Brothers (1933) (a translation of the Chinese classic novel Shuihuzhuan) Most popular works • Won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932 • Won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 (the first American woman to win the Prize) Achievements • “All things are possible until they are proved impossible and even the impossible may only be so, as of now.” • “Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.” Famous sayings Giving a presentation When giving a presentation, you need to: • speak clearly and confidently; • make eye contact with your audience; • talk at a proper speed and pause when it is necessary to give your audience time to think about what you have said; • keep your facial expressions relaxed and friendly. What adjectives would you use to describe a poster that attracts your attention most? A poster that is theme-focused, accurate, simple, organized, eye-catching, neat, colorful, etc. Mo Yan The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012 Prize motivation: “who with hallucinatory realism merges folk takes, history and the contemporary” Born:2 February 1955, Gaomi, China Continue to polish up the posters. Enjoy the posters of other groups and get to know more about famous figures in literature.

资料: 3.2万


