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2021 届高考英语词汇延伸与阅读练习(三十六) 1. suppose /sə'pəʊz/ vt.认为,猜想;假定/想 拓展 (1)be supposed to do sth.应该做某事 be supposed to have done sth.本应该做某事(实际未做) be supposed to be ... 被认为是…… (2)suppose/supposing(that) 假定/假如…… (3)I suppose so. 我认为是这样。 I suppose not.=I don't suppose so.我认为不是这样。 例句 ①The bus was supposed to arrive half an hour ago. =The bus is supposed to have arrived half an hour ago. 公交车本来应该在半小时之前到达的。 ②Supposing/Suppose that you are wrong, what will you do then? 假设你错了,你会怎么办? 串记 Supposing the engineers are right, what am I supposed to do next? 如果工程师们是对的,那接下来我该做什么呢? 2. sure /ʃɔ:r; ʃʊə/ a.确信的,肯定的(同 certain,反 unsure);ad. (口语)的确,一定,当然 拓展 be sure of/about/that ... (主语)有把握,确信…… be sure to do sth. (主语)一定会做某事 for sure 确定地,无疑地 make sure of/about ...弄清楚;查明 make sure that ... 确信/务必…… surely ad. 当然;无疑;坚定地;稳当地 例句 ①You'd better make sure of/about the exact time of the arriving train. 你最好弄清楚火车到达的确切时间。 ②You are sure to succeed if you go on working hard. 如果你继续努力工作,你一定会成功的。 辨析 sure 和 certain 均表示“确信的,确定的”。 sure 表示对事实的主观确信, certain 表示“确定”是根据客观的事实或证据。 点津 make sure 后一般不跟不定式。另外,以上结构中的 sure 都可与 certain 互换, 但名词性从句作主语时不用 sure,要用 certain。还要注意,在祈使句中要用 sure 不用 certain。 3. surprise /sə'praɪz/ vt.使惊奇/诧异;n.惊奇,诧异;令人吃惊的事 拓展 surprise sb.by doing sth.做某事使某人吃惊 surprise sb.into sth.冷不防地使(某人),乘(某人)不备时使其…… by surprise 出其不意地 in/with surprise 惊奇地 to one's surprise 令(某人)吃惊的是;使…感到震惊 surprised a.感到惊讶的,出人意料的 be surprised at 对……觉得惊讶 be surprised to do 惊讶地做…… surprising a. 令人惊讶的;意外的 surprisingly ad.惊人地;出人意料地 例句 They were surprised to hear the news.(=at hearing the news) 他们听到这个消息大吃一惊。 串记 To my surprise, the story has a surprising ending. 令我感到惊讶的是,这个故事有着意外的结局。 4. surround/sə'raʊnd/ vt. 围绕;包围 拓展 surround by〔with〕以…环绕〔包围…〕 be surrounded with(by)被……包围着 surrounding a. 周围的,附近的; n. 环境,周围的事物 例句 ①The students surrounded the professor and asked him many questions. 学生围住教授,问了他许多问题。 ②He likes to surround himself by beautiful things. 他喜欢生活在美丽的环境中。 ③The film star was immediately surrounded by a crowd of young people. 那位电影明星立即被一群年轻人围住了。 串记 “The soldiers have got all of you surrounded. Come out and surrender.”the voice could be heard around the surroundings.“ 士兵们已经包围你们了。快出来投降吧。”这声音在周围都能听到。 5. survive /sə'vaɪv/ v. 幸存(于);艰难度过 拓展 (1)survive sb.比某人活的时间长/寿命长 survive sth. (经历意外、战争、疾病等后)幸存,活下来 survive on sth. 靠某物继续维持生活 (2)survival n. 幸存;残留下来的人(物) survivor n. 幸存者 例句 ①He was the only one to survive the plane crash. He was so lucky. 他是唯一从飞机坠毁事故中幸存下来的人,他真是太幸运了。 ②The family are struggling to survive on very little money. 这家人正靠很少的钱艰难度日。 串记 Only five children survived the school bus accident. They were taken to a hospital, where the doctors said one of the survivors only had a 40% chance of survival because of his serious injury. 只有五个孩子在校车事故中幸免于难。他们被送往医院,医生说其中一名幸 存者只有 40%的存活机会,因为他的伤势严重。 课后练习 Elizabeth Bishop is considered one of the best American poets of the 20th century.She was born in Worcester,Massachusetts in 1911.Her dad died when she was just a baby and her mom never recovered from the loss;she went to live with her grandparents in Nova Scotia,Canada when she was five.Eventually Bishop attended Vassar College,where she began to write poetry. At Vassar she discovered Marianne Moore’s poetry and met “Ms.Moore” and began their life-long friendship.She later met poet Robert Lowell.She wrote tons and tons of letters to both of them,which is good for us because we would otherwise know very little of her personal life.Bishop’s poetry is sometimes considered objective and cold because it shows almost nothing about the poet or her life. Bishop published her first book of poetry in 1946 and wrote until her death in 1979.She would spend years working on a single poem.Her poems are not the result of hasty scribbling (匆忙乱写) on paper while eating breakfast.Over a lifetime of writing,she only published about 275 pages of poetry,and about 40 of those are translations.She would look through drafts of poems again and again and improve them until they were as close to perfect as she could get them. Reading Elizabeth Bishop is like being transported to the very place,the very moment she’s writing about.She leads us to a microscope so we can see every smallest part of the scene.It seems she’s always asking us to notice more,and more until the poem is so clear in our minds that it’s almost painful — like a light that’s too bright.It might take your eyes a while to get used to it,but once they do,you’ll like what you see. 1.What do we know about Bishop’s early life? A.She started to write poems at five. B.She was always encouraged by her parents. C.She spent her childhood mainly in Worcester. D.She was mainly brought up by her grandparents. 2.Why are Bishop’s letters to Moore and Lowell important? A.They have a deep influence on other poets. B.They offer much information about her life. C.They help us study Moore’s and Lowell’s poetry. D.They prove she had friendships with famous poets. 3.What can we say about Bishop’s poetic creation? A.She liked to write in the morning. B.She could write poems at high speed. C.She tried her best to achieve perfection. D.She published hundreds of books of poetry. 4.Which can be used to describe the style of Bishop’s poems? A.Exact. B.Informal. C.Humorous. D.Enthusiastic. 参考答案: 本文是夹叙夹议文。文章介绍了 20 世纪美国著名女诗人伊丽莎白·毕肖普,并对其 诗歌进行了评价。 1.D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Her dad died when she was just a baby...live with her grandparents in Nova Scotia,Canada when she was five”可知,毕肖普主要是 由祖父母带大的。 2.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“She wrote tons and tons of letters to both of them,which is good for us because we would otherwise know very little of her personal life”可知,毕肖普与穆尔和洛威尔的书信为人们提供了毕肖普日常生活 方面的信息,因此这些书信很重要。 3.C 细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可知,毕肖普创作诗歌的时候精益求精,力求 完美。本段中的“until they were as close to perfect as she could get them”是最关键 的线索。 4.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“She leads us to a microscope so we can see every smallest part of the scene”和“It seems she’s always...that’s too bright”可知,毕 肖普的诗歌讲究精准到位。

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