《新概念英语》第二册Lesson 35 Stop thief教学设计

《新概念英语》第二册Lesson 35 Stop thief教学设计


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《新概念英语》第二册Lesson 35 Stop thief教学设计 Period 1 1.  Analysis of teaching content and studentsThe main teaching content of this class is about a story of a bus driver who fighted with two thieves bravely.Stealing is a very common phenomenon today which does great harm to our society.The students must be very interested in this topic . The teaching material has appropriate breadth and depth, from which the students will learn some related knowledge,.2.  Teaching goalsa. Enable the students to master the new words and expressions, such as regret, rush, straight, fright, battered and so on.b. Improve the students’ abilities of English listening, writing, speaking and reading.c. Teach the students to learn how to deal with the dangerous situations.3.  Difficult points of teachingEncourage the students to speak English freely in the class.Important points of teachingEnable the students to master the new words and expressions.4.  Teaching methods    task-based language teaching, asking and answering, group work, discussion and so on5.  Teaching aids    Blackboard, computer, projector6.  Teaching proceduresStep 1. lead-in    Show some very interesting pictures about stealing to the students and ask them “ if you saw some one stealing, what should you do” . Ask two or three students to answer it, then give them some advice about how to deal with the dangerous situations.    Keep calm     Call the police    Try to use some suitable and safe methods to stop the crim.T: Today, we will learn a story of a bus driver and let us see what he did when he saw the theives.Step 2. New words and expressions    Teach the students to read the new words and expressions, then give them about 3 minutes to remember them in the class.Step 3. Listening    Require the students not to open the books and ask them to listen to the story and fill in the blanks. Then ask the students to show their answers.Step 4. Reading    Watch the video clip first. Then ask them to read the passage by themselves and try to make at least two questions. After three minutes, require them to discuss their questions in the groups and correct the questions for each other.    Ask three or four students to present their questions by projector. Give them right to ask other students to answer their questions.Step 4. language points    Move on to the language points. 1)while  n. 一段时间wait for a while等一会儿 after a while隔了一会儿 a short while ago=a short time ago不久以前 在前不久,张少成和练杰艺为去钓鱼岛买了一艘小船。 A short while ago, Zhang Shaocheng and Lian Jieyi bought a little   boat for going to Diao Yu Island.2) regret    v. 后悔regret to do:很遗憾要去做某事regret doing: 很遗憾已经做某事我很遗憾要告诉你一个坏消息I regret to tell you a bad news我真后悔告诉他这个消息I regret telling him the newsregret that +从句    遗憾……regretful [rɪgretfl]adj. 后悔的;失望的;令人惋惜的;(同 forget : forget to do sth  是忘记了要去做某事;  forget doing sth.  忘记已经做某事)3) far  adv. 非常(可用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级和最高级,这时候同much的用法相同)exciting令人兴奋的        more exciting  更加令人兴奋的far more exciting    令人兴奋的多修饰比较级的常用的词和短语还有:much, (by) far, even, still, a lot, a great deal, a little, a bit, rather 等修饰最高级的有:much,(by) far, nearly,almost等4) act   v. 行动action  n.  动作,行动take action 采取行动 take action to do sth.采取行动5) straight adv. 径直 go straight on the road  沿着路径直往前走Stand straight! 站直!adj. 直的,笔直的,顺直的A straight road   直路 straight face无表情的脸6) battered  adj. 撞坏的battered car 变形的车battered bag破旧不堪的包batter vt. & vi.连续猛击,砸烂batter the door  不断的敲门Step 5. Homework    Write a summary of this story.

资料: 29.3万


