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初中七年级英语教学案 课题:Unit 8 Topic 3 Section C 班级: 学生姓名: 学习目标 1. 学习新单词 2.学习 A:谈论假期与节日 B:谈论风俗习惯 3.学习并检测新单词: (1)大事件 (2)开始 (3)整个的 (4)敲 5)熬夜 (6)高声呼喊 (7)款待 词汇:根据汉语提示完成句子: 1.At that time we (开始) to sing Christmas songs. 2.People (熬夜) and eat dumplings at midnight for (好运气). 3.We (敲) our neighbers’door and (大声喊)“trick or treat”. 4.The (整个)family get together for a big dinner. 5.In China, celebrating Spring Festival is a big (大事). 1. 对话表演。2.展示自我收获。3.对话 PK. 一、In China, celebrating Spring Festival is a big event. 在中国,庆祝春节是一件大事。 1.celebrating Spring Festival 动名词短语。在这里动名词做主语,其谓语动词用第三人称 单数形式。如:Playing basketball is my favorite sports.打篮球是我最喜欢的体育活动。 二、People usually start preparing for the festival one month before it comes.人们通常提前一个 月就为节日作准备。 Start preparing for ….开始为……作准备,start 后面常接动名词, 表示开始做某事, 也可以说成 start to do sth. 如:They start to cook supper. 他们开始做晚饭。 三、They prepare delicious food, and clean and decorate their houses. 他们准备美味食物、清扫 和装点房子。 prepare 用作及物动词时,prepare sth. 表示"准备....",后接名词或代词作宾语。 例:Our English teacher was preparing the lessons when I came into the office. 当我进办公室时,我们的英语老师正准备这节课。 四、On the eve of the festival, the whole family gets together for a big dinner. 在节日(春节) 前夕,全家人欢聚一堂,共享大餐。 1.the whole family 指的是“全家人”,表达的是一个整体的概念,所以谓语动词用单数。 类似的还有 the whole class, the whole school。 2.family 还可表达家庭成员,谓语动词用复数。 例:My family are watching TV.我全家在看电视。 五、People stay up and enjoy dumplings at midnight for good luck. 1.stay up 熬夜, 深夜不睡 例:You have to go to school tomorrow, so you’d better not stay up. 2.stay, 停留,留在 例:I stayed at home on Sunday. 六、On the first day of the lunar new year, children greet their parents and get lucky money from them.阴历年的第一天,孩子们给父母拜年,可以从他们那里得到压岁钱。 1.lucky money 压岁钱 2.on the first day of the lunar new year 阴历年的第一天 七、We all wore scary clothes, and colored our faces white and mouths black like ghosts. 我们所 有的人都穿着可怕的衣服 (戴着大帽子,像巫婆一样手拿扫帚柄), 把脸图成白色,嘴巴 涂成黑色, 像鬼怪一样。 八、Then we knocked on our neighbors’ doors and shouted, “trick or treat!” 然后我们去敲邻 居家的门,并叫道:“是请客还是要我们捣乱?” 1. trick 在此表示“恶作剧” 2.knock at/on 敲… 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. (celebrate)National Day(国庆节)is a big event in China. 2.We are busy (prepare) for 29th Olympic Games(29 届奥运会). 3.In China children always greet their parents for (luck) money. 4.-Listen! Someone (knock) at the door. -Let me go and see. Don't be afraid(不要害怕). 5.Yesterday evening, she (wear) a beautiful dress at the party. 单项选择: ( )1. ________ Christmas Eve, I hung my stocking by the fireplace. A. At B. On C. In ( )2. —Best wishes to you! —_______ A. That’s all right. B. You’re kind. C. Thank you. ( )3. The ______ coat is very beautiful. A. colors B. color C. colorful ( )4. If it ________ rain, they will climb the hill. A. won’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t ( )5. —Who is knocking the door? —It’s me. A. on B. to C. down. ( )6. Thank you _____ your Christmas card. A. to B. for C. at ( )7.I tried to talk to him, but he shouted me . A. at B. to C. with

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