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Zx.xk Unit9 What does he look like? (section B 2a-2c ) An Interseting Job Joe Brown Fast-reading 1、What’s Joe Brown’s job? 2、Is his job sometimes difficult? He is a police________.artist Yes. Read 2b and answer two questions. Careful reading Read para1 and answer these questions. people see crimes and describe what the criminal looks like 2.What does police artist do ? The police put it in newspapers and on television to find him. 3.What does police do ? The police artist draw a picture of criminal. 1.What do the people do? 目睹犯罪活动 Translate these phrases. 把它刊登在报 纸上 警局画像师 see crimes put it in newspapers 一份有趣的工作 an interesting job police artist Retell(复述) para1. Joe Brown has....he is.... people see...and .... police artist draw....criminal. police...it...nespaper..television to .... Many people don’t always see things the same way so theymay①———— the same person ② ________ They don’t always ③ ________ well. remember Why is Joe Brown’s job sometimes difficult? differently Read para2 and fill in the blanks. describe Can you help me to find the real(真实的) criminal? 3.careful reading Read the third part and fill in the blanks. Another woman says: “He is tall and thin, and he has ________ ________ hair. He’s about thirty years old.” In the end, the real criminal is a ________ and ________ old man, he has short black hair! One woman says: “The criminal is of medium height and young . He has long ________ brown hair and ________ eyes.”straight big curly blond short heavy Who is the real criminal? retell 2b Use the picture retell the passage. Another woman says: “He is —— In the end, the real criminal is One woman says:.”The criminal is——— — Language points. 1. the same way ____________ the same person ____________ 相同的方式 相同的人 2. differently adv. 译为________,常修 饰动词和形容词。 different adj. 译为________ 不同地 不同的 可做定语和表语,常修饰可数名________ “与… 不同”: __________________. 复数 be different from 3.Many people don’t always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. ————————————————— ——————————————— ————————————————— ——————————————— 许多人不能以同样的方式看事情,因 此他们总是不同的描述同一个人。 1. in the end 译为______, 相当于______, 可放句首,也可放句末。 最后 2.real adj. 译为_________;后跟名词 really adv. 译为________.后跟形容词 或者动词 It’s not a ________ ring. Look! That actress is _______ beautiful. 真的真实的 真正实在 real really 翻译In the end ,the real criminal is a short and heavy old man, and he has short black hair. 最后,真正的罪犯是一个又矮又胖的 老男人。他留着一头黑色短发。 At last 二、汉译英(每空一词) 1.乔画了一幅罪犯的画像。 Joe draws ___ ______ ___ the _________. 2.萨莉长着一张圆脸且有一头金发。 Sally has a _____ ____ and _____ _____. 3.另外一个妇女说他长着大眼睛。 _______ woman ____ that he __ big ____. 4.最后他到达了那个小村庄。 He ____ to the small village _____ _______ __________. 5.那名罪犯又高又瘦。 The _______ is ______ _______ _______. a picture of criminal round face blonde hair says has eyesAnother got in the end criminal tall and thin 伊宁市出租车司机连闯红灯送伤员 救人的这名的哥叫于铁锋,是伊宁市 一名普通的出租车师傅。2017年5月16日下 午在火车站附近载客,突然看见路边蹲着 两位农民工,当出租车滑行了十多米后, 于师傅突然停车说,那两个人好像受伤了。 女乘客转过头一看,只见蹲在地上的农民 工兄弟脚下一滩血迹,手腕还有血液汩汩 涌出,农民工兄弟伤的很严重,于师傅没 有一丝犹豫立即向后倒车,并停在两个农 民工身边对他们说:快上车! 上了车才知道,原来农民工使用角磨 机时被意外飞出的刀片切到动脉,将他手 腕上的大动脉和筋脉割断,流血不止的农 名工等待近半小时未有人愿意拉载,于师 傅一路双闪闯过了三个红灯,并将其送到 最近的医院,事后又将女乘客送到目的地。 Be a kind man. 做个善良的人! Pretty is as pretty does. Handsome is as handsome does. 行为善者始为美! 1、Recite 2b. 2、Write an article Lost. Homework.

资料: 3.2万


