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2015 年小升初英语模拟试卷(人教版) 五、选出每组单词中不属于同一类别的词,将标号写在题前的括号内(共 10 分) ( )1、 A、watch B、cold C、clean ( )2、 A、older B、teacher C、taller ( )3、 A、wall B、singer C、writer ( )4、 A、yellow B、father C、brother ( )5、 A、banana B、apple C、duck 六、填空。(10 分。) 1. My brother is ______ (thin) than his classmate. 2. What would you like? I’d like ________( buy) two kilos of peaches. 3. The ________(two) lesson is much easier than the fourth one. 4. Ben and Benny are good at _________ (skate). 5. The boys _______ (run) in the playground now. 七、 选择,将字母编号填在题前括号里。20 分 ( ) 1.______ you________ last summer holiday? A. Did; saw elephants B. Do; see elephants C. Did; see elephants ( ) 2._______ does she feel? A. What B. How C. Where ( ) 3. Mike is_______ me. A. taller B. tall C. taller than ( ) 4. I have a headache. My right hand _______. A. hurts B. hurted C. hurts ( ) 5. Did you______ your mom_______ the garden. A. help; clean B. helped; cleaned C. help; cleaned ( ) 6. How _______are you ?I'm 164cm. A. tall B. heavy C. dow ( ) 7. Amy's jacket is old, but my jacket is older than ______. A. She B. hers C. her ( ) 8. Mike ______books yesterday. w W w . A. read a B. read C. bought ( ) 9. Lily is 165 cm tall. Sarah is 162 cm tall. Sarah is______ than Lily. A. 3cm taller than B. shorter 3 cm than C. 3cm shorter than ( ) 10. Ben's sister often______ a bike on Sundays. Look!_______ riding a bike now. A. ride, He B. rides, She is C. rides, He is 八连词成句 10 分 1. tall, how , are, you ? ( 你有多高?) __________________________________________ 2. hear, sorry, I, to , am, that .(听到这消息我很难过。) _________________________________________ 3. Hoe , you , are , heavy ? ( 你有多重?) __________________________________________ 4. did, holiday, on, where, your, you, go ? (假期你去了哪里?) ___________________________________________ 5. You, what , did , last, do, weekend ? (上个周末你做什么了?) ____________________________________________ 九、阅读理解。(10 分) Aunt Liu is ill. She is in the People’s Hospital. Xiao Ming’s mother tells him to take a basket of eggs to Aunt Liu. But Xiao Ming doesn’t know the way. On the way Xiao Ming sees an old man. The old man walks in front of him. He goes up and says , “Hi, old fellow…” But the old man doesn’t answer him and walks on . Xiao Ming gets puzzled(迷惑的). Suddenly he understands why. It is not polite(有 礼貌的) to say “old fellow” to an old man. Now he goes up to the old man again and asks, “Excuse me, grandpa, would you please tell me the way to the People’ s Hospital?” The time the old man answers, “Well, go along this street , then turn left. It’s just behind the post office.” Xiao Ming thanks the old man and walks on. Soon he finds the hospital. ( )1. Aunt Liu____in a hospital. A .works B. is ill C. sees Xiao Ming ( )2. Xiao Ming’s mother wants him to _______. A .take some eggs to Aunt Liu. B. go to Aunt Liu’s home C. see an old grandpa. ( )3. Xiao Ming asks the old man ______. A .to tell him the way B. to go to a hospital C. to walk in front of him ( )4. The post office is ______ the hospital. A .behind. B. far from. C. in front of ( )5. It is polite(有礼貌的) to say “ _____” to an old man. A .old fellow B. Hi, old fellow C. Excuse me.

资料: 4.5万


