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What are the foods that you can only taste in memories? Your mother’s biscuits? The mud (泥) pies you made as a child? And what are the recipes that bring those memories to mind? This morning, for the first time in more than a year, I made Dutch Babies. From scratch. And I didn’t burn them. Yes, I’m the kind of cook who’s always amazed to pull anything out of the oven that isn’t burnt. But sometimes, I get lucky. What are Dutch Babies? Picture a cross between a pancake and an omelet (煎蛋饼) that tastes better than both. They’re easy to make, and you can make a lot of servings (一份食物) in one pan (平底锅) at the same time. Making Dutch Babies brings to my mind some of the happiest memories of my life. I was given the recipe by a dear friend Sally, a cook who knew a great dish when she tasted it. I’ve made Dutch Babies a few thousand times for sleepovers (夜宿的客人) and houseguests and Sunday suppers. They were always a hit, even if I burned them. After my kids grew up, I didn’t cook much for years, except for holidays or other big occasions. But if I had a full house, I’d make Dutch Babies for breakfast. I can’t recall the last time I made Dutch Babies, before today. I know it was more than a year ago, before life as we knew it was shut down for COVID-19, and we stopped having guests. So why did I make them this morning for only my husband and me? It’s been a hard year for all of us, filled with things we couldn’t do. I was hungry to celebrate being alive. I mixed up the ingredients and stuck it in the oven. While it baked, I thought of all the family and friends I’ve baked it for over the years. Good food can feed a hungry crowd. But if it’s made with love and seasoned with memories, it can fill a soul with hope of better days to come. Add your own memories. And say thanks to my friend Sally. 1. The questions asked in the first paragraph are used to _______. A. explain the connection between food and memory B. express the author’s concern about food safety C. introduce the topic to be discussed D. remind readers of something delicious 2. What do paragraphs 4 to 6 mainly talk about? A. The author’s tips on how to make Dutch Babies. B. The author’s memories of making Dutch Babies. C. Why Dutch Babies were welcomed at the author’s home. D. The author’s family tradition of eating Dutch Babies. 3. Why did the author make Dutch Babies again after more than a year? A. To welcome guests from afar. B. To please her husband. C. To thank her friend Sally. D. To show her gratitude for being alive. 4. What does the author want to tell us from this article? A. Food tastes better when it is shared. B. Food made with love can feed the soul. C. Food gives us hope for better days. D. Food eaten when hungry creates good memories. 重点词汇 recipe /ˈresəpi/ n. 食谱 bring ...to mind 使人想起 使回想起 scratch /skrætʃ/ n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;vt. 抓;刮 pull ...out ...驶出 摆脱困境 oven /ˈʌvn/ n. 炉,灶;烤炉,烤箱 servings n. 服务;(食品等的)一份 sleepover /ˈsliːpoʊvər/ n. (尤指小孩)不在家过夜 Hit n. 打;打击;(演出等)成功 occasion /əˈkeɪʒn/ n. 时机,机会;场合 recall /rɪˈkɔːl/ vt. 召回;回想起,记起 shut down 停工,关闭 be hungry to do 渴望去做某事 celebrate /ˈselɪbreɪt/ vt. 庆祝;举行;赞美;祝贺;宣告 mix up /ˈmɪks ʌp/ 混淆;拌和;调和 ingredient /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ n. 原料;要素;组成部分 bake /beɪk/ vt. 烤,烘焙 season /ˈsiːzn/ vt. 给…调味;使适应 express/ɪkˈspres/vt. 表达;快递 safety /ˈseɪfti/ n. 安全;保险 afar /əˈfɑːr/ adv. 遥远地,在远处 please /pliːz/ vt. 使喜欢;使高兴,使满意 gratitude /ˈɡrætɪtuːd/ n. 感谢(的心情);感激 soul /səʊl/ n. 灵魂;心灵;精神 a full house 客满,满座 What are the foods 1. ________ you can only taste in memories? And what are the recipes2. ______ bring those memories to mind? This morning, 3. _______ the first time in more than a year, I made Dutch Babies. From scratch. And I didn’t burn them. Yes, I’m the kind of cook 4. _________ is always amazed to pull anything out of the oven 5. _________ isn’t burnt. But sometimes, I get 6. _________(luck) . What are Dutch Babies? Picture a cross between a pancake and an omelet ( 煎 蛋 饼 ) 7. _______ tastes better than both. They’re easy to make, and you can make a lot of servings (一份 食物) in one pan (平底锅) at the same time. 8. _________(make) Dutch Babies brings to my mind some of the happiest memories of my life. I 9. __________(give) the recipe by a dear friend Sally, a cook who knew a great dish ______ she tasted it. After my kids 10. _______(grow) up, I didn’t cook much for years, except for holidays or other big occasions. But if I had a full house, I’d make Dutch Babies for breakfast. I can’t recall the last time I made Dutch Babies, before today. I know it was more than a year ago, before life as we knew it was shut down for COVID-19, and we stopped having guests. So why did I make them this morning for only my husband and me? It’s been a hard year for all of us, 11. __________(fill) with things we couldn’t do. I was 12. ___________(hunger) to celebrate being alive. I mixed up the ingredients and 13. ________(stick) it in the oven. While it baked, I thought of all the family and friends 14.___________ I’ve baked it for over the years. 分析句子结构翻译 1. I’m the kind of cook who’s always amazed to pull anything out of the oven that isn’t burnt. (定语从句) 2. This morning, for the first time in more than a year, I made Dutch Babies.(for the first time 作 状语) ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. I was given the recipe by a dear friend Sally, a cook who knew a great dish when she tasted it.(同位语,定语从句) ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. It’s been a hard year for all of us, filled with things we couldn’t do. I was hungry to celebrate being alive.(过去分词作状语,be hungry to do ) _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. But if it’s made with love and seasoned with memories, it can fill a soul with hope of better days to come. _______________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案: CBDB 1. that 2. that 3. for 4. who 5. that 6. lucky 7. that 8. Making 9. was given 10. when 11. grew 12. filled 13. hungry 14. stuck 15.that 1. 我是那种从烤箱里拿出没有烧焦的东西总是很惊讶的厨师。 2. 今天早上,一年多来第一次,我做了荷兰饼。 3. 我的好朋友莎莉给了我这个食谱,她是一名厨师,尝过一道菜就知道是什么好菜。 4. 对我们所有人来说,这是艰难的一年,充满了我们不能做的事情。我渴望庆祝自己活着。 5. 但如果它是由爱和经验丰富的回忆,它可以填补一个灵魂的希望,更好的日子来。

资料: 3.2万


