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授课提示:对应学生用书第 99 页 Ⅰ.单项填空 1 . Bill Clinton said during his two terms as president America had moved out of________industrial economy into________information age. A.an;an B.the;an C.an;the D./;/ 解析:考查冠词。第一个空为特指,用定冠词;第二个空后的中心词 age 为可数名词, 此处为泛指,用不定冠词,又因 information 是以元音因素开头的词,故用 an。 答案:B 2.—Which of these two books will you take? —I'll take________,in case the journey is boring. A.either B.both C.all D.neither 解析:考查代词。从答句后半句 in case the journey is boring 可知,答话人潜在的意思 是“两本书都要”。故选 B。either 两者之中任何一个;all 三者或三者以上全部;而 neither 意为“两者都不”根据语境被排除。 答案:B 3 . The Roman people originally lived in northwest India in________ is now southeast Pakistan. A.what B.which C.that D.where 解析:考查宾语从句的引导词。解此题的关键是:介词 in 后缺宾语且宾语从句中缺主 语。 答案:A 4.Do you think that bridge________2,000 meters long? It doesn't appear________ long. A.measures; that B.is measured; so C.is measured; such D.measures; much 解析:考查词义辨析。第一个空处考查 measure 的用法,在此为不及物动词,空后的 2,000 meters long 不是宾语,而是状语。measure (指尺寸、长短等)量度为/有……大、长, 由此排除 B、C 两项(不及物动词没有被动语态);第二空处考查的四个副词中表示程度的 that =so;much 表示非具体的程度,不能和具体数字连用;such 为形容词,不能用来修饰形容 词。故选 A。 答案:A 5.________the poor living conditions, new graduates continue to gather in the suburban villages in Beijing because of low rents and easy transport. A.Except B.Despite C.Instead of D.As well as 解析:句意:尽管居住条件不好,但因为低廉的房租和便利的交通,新毕业的大学生继 续聚居在北京郊区的村庄里。despite=in spite of“不管,尽管”,符合句意。except 除…… 外;instead of(用……)代替……,(是……)而不是……,(用……)而不用……;as well as 也, 又,不但……而且,和……一样。 答案:B 6.________on the top of the hill is a monument,dating back to hundreds of years ago. A.Having stood B.Standing C.Being stood D.Having been stood 解析:考查倒装。主干还原成正常语序为:A monument is________on the top of the hill... 强调的是目前所处的一种状态,应用现在进行时;进行时态的句子构成倒装时,要把现在分 词提到句首。故选 B。如:Hanging on the wall is a picture of Edison. 答案:B 7.She looks forward every spring to________the garden, where flowers line almost every lane. A.walk in B.walking C.pay a visit to D.visiting 解析:考查固定搭配和词语辨析。look forward to 中的 to 为介词,其后只能跟名词或 动名词,故首先排除 A、C 两项;walk 为不及物动词,其后不能直接跟宾语,故排除。 答案:D 8.—Do you think it is going to rain over the weekend? —________. We're planning to go on a picnic. A.I think so B.I believe not C.I don't think so D.I hope not 解析:考查情景交际。从答句后句“我们打算去野餐”可知,答话人“不希望周末下 雨”,故选 D。另外需注意,hope,guess 和 be afraid 表否定意思时只能在其后加 not。 答案:D 9.The girl has no________ at all. She is still trying to please her boyfriend ,even though he is so cold. A.character B.reputation C.dignity D.figure 解析:句意:这个女孩子没有一点自尊。即使男友对她很冷淡,她依然尽力取悦他。由 语境和逻辑可以判断,此处应为“尊严”,故选 dignity (尊严,自尊)。character 品质,特 性,特色,性格;reputation 名气,名声,名誉;figure 身材,体态,风姿。 答案:C 10.The new airport is built close to the freeway, and it is________by Bus No. 2. A.accessible B.available C.alternative D.abundant 解析:句意:新建的机场临近高速公路,2 路公交车可通达机场。accessible “可接近的, 可进入的,可通的,可达的”符合语境。available 可利用的,可得到的;alternative 两者择 一的,供替代的;abundant 大量的,充足的。 答案:A Ⅱ.完形填空 “Two books per visit per week,” said the unsmiling librarian as she handed a library card. Neither the limits nor her attitude__11__me, a 9yearold Jewish girl growing up in Berlin in the 1950s. I needed those visits. The books were filled with stories in which, however __12__things seemed, everything__13__well in the end , __14__justice, bravery, and wisdom - a striking contrast(对比) to my everyday experiences. Thirty years later,I, a recent immigrant to the US with a daughter aged 13, stood in front of another librarian. This librarian was__15__. “What did she say ? ”I asked my daughter , who already knew a little English and often__16__ as my interpreter. “She said‘ Can I help you?’” “Ask if they have any books in__17__,”I requested. “No, they don't.”translated my daughter. While hunting for a job , I was told that the library needed people to__18__books. The interview was short-the job didn't require much English,just a__19__of the alphabet. I started the next day. Every day, I handled hundreds of books whose meaning was __20__from me, mentally dividing them by size and color. One day, while shelving, I found English for beginners and began studying it on my own.__21__English letters started forming words I could__22__, words combined into phrases,and-oh, __23__! -I was reading. It was a slow process, supported by dictionaries and__24__by tears,but it was progress. Afterwards I got promoted to the front desk-__25__books in and out and answering simple questions. Now every day I receive dozens of people. Sometimes I spot new immigrants. They come from all over the world ,so they look different,but the hesitant expression on their faces and their__26__manners are similar. My heart goes out to them,__27__they are people like me.I fully understand the__28__roads on which they have stepped.“They've come to the right place,”I think to__29__. Then I smile and say-just the__30__a librarian said to me a long time ago- “Can I help you?” 【语篇解读】 作者通过讲述儿童时代和中年时代遇到的两个图书管理员截然相反的态 度,试图说明一个道理:善意温暖人心,对待别人的态度不仅影响他人的心情,而且可能改 变他人的命运。 11.A.surprised B.comforted C.puzzled D.shocked 解析:在 20 世纪 50 年代二战结束不久的德国柏林,一个九岁的犹太女孩对于别人冷漠 的态度是不会感到吃惊的(surprised)。另外因为经常去那个图书馆,所以对图书馆管理员的 态度及图书馆对借书数量的限制很清楚,这一切都并不让她感到吃惊。puzzled 困惑的,迷 惑的;shocked 感到震惊/震撼的;comforted 感到安慰的。 答案:A 12.A.attractive B.dull C.terrible D.strange 解析:由时代背景我们可以推测,很多书是关于战争的,对于一个九岁的女孩子来说当 然是感到可怕的。由 however 及句意判断,空处应用 terrible 来与下文的 well 相对应。 terrible 可怕的,恐怖的,令人生畏的;attractive 有吸引力的;dull 枯燥无味的;strange 奇 怪的,陌生的。 答案:C 13.A.went out B.turned out C.ended in D.came up 解析:书中故事最后的结局总是出乎意料的好。turn out“证明是,结果是”。后面接 形容词或副词,符合语境。 答案:B 14.A.rewarding B.affecting C.completing D.denying 解析:这些书中满是故事,这些故事看起来很可怕,但是故事中的正义、勇敢和智慧总 会在最后得到报答,这与我生活中的遭遇形成了强烈的对比。rewarding 在这里是现在分词 作伴随状语,意为“奖赏,报答”,和后面的名词构成动宾结构。 答案:A 15.A.chatting B.staring C.reading D.smiling 解析:smiling 与文章中提到的第一个图书管理员的 unsmiling 相呼应,形成明显的对 比,并和下文的 Can I help you?照应。 答案:D 16.A.introduced B.instructed C.guided D.served 解析:serve as(=act as)担任,充当。我女儿经常充当我的翻译。 答案:D 17.A.Spanish B.French C.Russian D.German 解析:由文章第一段中的 growing up in Berlin 可知,作者在德国长大,母语是德语。 刚到美国时不懂英语,可推断出此处问有没有德语书。 答案:D 18.A.shelve B.register C.record D.mark 解析:由下文空 20 后的 One day,while shelving 可知图书馆需要招聘人来将书上架。 shelve 将(书等)放置在架子上。register 登记,注册;record 记录;mark 作记号,作标记。 答案:A 19.A.list B.knowledge C.line D.competence 解析:a knowledge of 对……的了解,掌握。 答案:B 20.A.vague B.simple C.hidden D.clear 解析:由语境可知,我这时对英语一无所知,因此英语对我来说不是 vague (模糊的, 不清楚的,不明确的),而是 hidden(隐藏的,一无所知的)。be hidden from sb.不为某人所知。 答案:C 21.A.All of a sudden B.In no time C.Step by step D.Now and then 解析:由下文的 It was a slow process(这是一个缓慢的过程)可知,此处用 step by step (逐 步地,一步步地,逐渐地)。 答案:C 22.A.recognize B.realize C.define D.interpret 解析:字母渐渐地组成我能识别的词汇。recognize“识别,认出”符合语境,表明了作 者初学英语的水平。realize 实现,意识到;define 下定义;interpret 解释,说明。 答案:A 23.A.challenge B.wonder C.opportunity D.news 解析:由认识字母到逐渐认识词汇和短语,作者对自己居然能阅读感到惊讶,认为这是 一件很神奇的事情。wonder 奇迹,奇观,奇事。 答案:B 24.A.inspired B.accompanied C.blocked D.excited 解析:accompanied by 陪伴,伴随。开始时,阅读是一个缓慢的过程,阅读时需借助词 典并伴着眼泪。 答案:B 25.A.checking B.classifying C.borrowing D.lending 解析:check in (out) 登记进入(核对、核查、办手续离开),为固定搭配。 答案:A 26.A.rough B.elegant C.polite D.shy 解析:由常识判断,对于初到异国他乡的人来说,做很多事情时应该都是胆怯的。由上 文的新移民脸上的 hesitant expression (犹豫的表情)也可判断这里应用 shy (害羞的,胆怯 的)。 答案:D 27.A.though B.until C.for D.unless 解析:此处用 for 表示补充说明原因。 答案:C 28.A.difficult B.smooth C.endless D.straight 解析:我完全理解他们走的路是很困难的(difficult)。smooth 平坦的,顺利的;endless 无 休止的,无止境的;straight 直率的,直接的。 答案:A 29.A.me B.myself C.them D.themselves 解析:think to oneself 心想,思忖。 答案:B 30.A.means B.approach C.method D.way 解析:此处指那位图书管理员说话的方式。(just) the way 正如,就像……一样,后为定 语从句。way (一般指抽象的)方法,方式,手段;means (具体的)方法,手段;approach 通 路,入口,途径,方式,方法;method 系统性、理论性的方法。 答案:D

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