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育新学校中学部---第一学期期中考试试卷 初 一 英 语 班级_____ 姓名_____ 成绩_____ .10.28 一、口试( 1.分类读出单词。 2.一分钟演讲。 3.表演对话(1-7 单元)内容。 4.看图说话(至少 5 句)。 二、听力( A. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。Listen and find the correct answer.(6 分) 1. A. Good night B Good afternoon. C Hi. D Good morning. 2. A. How are you. B How do you do. C Fine, thank you. D Hello. 3. A. It’s $10. B. It’s on the bed. C It’s blue. D Yes. I am.. 4. A. It’s on the bed B It’s blue. C They’re $10 D Yes, it is. 5. A. He’s Mike. B. Her name’s Mary C You are Mary. D I’m Mike. 6. A. Yes, it is. B. No, they aren’t. C. No, he doesn’t. D. Yes, I do. B. 听对话,按所听到的顺序给下列对话排序.Listen and number the conversations.(3 分) A: Is this your pencil? B: Yes, it is. It’s my pencil. A: Is that your backpack? B: No, it isn’t. It’s his backpack.. A: Is this your ruler? B: No, it isn’t. It’s her ruler. C. Nick 想举行生日聚会,经调查,他发现下列食物中有些是他的同学不喜欢的,请你帮他圈出 来.Listen and circle the food that Nick’s classmates like. (5 分) 1 2 3 4 apples ice cream salad bananas broccoli vegetables oranges carrots chicken tomatoes hamburgers french fries D. 听对话,帮 Betty 和她爸爸分别列出购物单。It’s Sunday. Dad is going shopping. Betty wants to help him makes a shopping list. Listen to the tape. Betty and her dad will talk to you. Can you help them to make their own shopping lists? (6 分) a pen a backpack some apples bread some books a dictionary a shirt salad a pair of shoes carrots, hamburgers Shopping list Betty’s List Dad’s List 三、笔试(60 分) A. 读下列单词选出服装类,并写在下面的横线上.Look at the list , there are some words about clothes, Find them and write them on the line.(5 分) alarm clock, pants, bag, shirt, baseball, bed, skirt, cassette, shorts, CD, sweater, chair, desk, socks, 服装类:____________________________________________________________ B. 单项选择(10 分) 1) ----_______ is it ? ----It’s in the desk.. A. What B. What’s C. where D. Where 2) My friends ________ in the classroom. A. am B. is C. are D. have 3) ----Are these notebooks? ----Yes, __________. A. they is. B. they’re. C. they are. D. it is. 4) -----________ he like salad? ----Yes, he _______. A. Does… do B. Do… does C does…does D. Does.. does. 5) She ________ ice cream. A. like B. is C. have D. likes 6) ----_______ is the red sweater? ----It’s $5. A. What B. How much C. Where D. What color 7) ----_______ do you want? ----Blue. A. What B. How much C. Where D. What color 8) - Is this your sister? – Yes, ___. A. it is B. he is C. she is D. this is. 9) Tom is my brother. ____ is a student. A. She B. He C. It D. This 10) Let’s play computer games. A. That sounds good. B. Let’s play football. C. Yes. D. Of course not. C. 补全对话.Complete the conversations with the words in the box.(4 分) I’m what’s have yes you let’s don’t my Conversation 1 A: Hi. My name is Nick. B: Hi, Nick. ________ Jane. A: Nice to meet _______, Jane. B: ______ your last name, Nick? A: _____ last name is Smith. Conversation2 A: _______ play basketball. B: I ______ like basketball. A: Do you ______ a computer game? B: ____, I do. A: Let’s play computer games. D.阅读理解( Passage1 Jim 是学龄前儿童, 他要加入游泳俱乐部,但是不会填卡片,请你读完对话后,帮他把卡片填上. Assistant: Good morning. Can I help you? Jim: Yes, please. I’d like to join the swimming club. Assistant: Good ! I have a few questions. First, what’s your name? Jim: Jim. Assistant: How old are you ? Jim: I’m five. Assistant: What is your address and telephone number? Jim: My address is Grand Street. My telephone number is 603-2845. Assistant: Can you swim? Jim: Yes, and I like it very much. Assistant: Here is a card. Please fill it out. Jim: Thank you. Children Swimming Club Name: ___________ Sex: (male/ female) :_______________ Age: _____________ Telephone number:_________________ Home address: ___________________________________________ Passage2 Bob 的朋友想了解 Zig Zag’s Clothes Sale 的情况. 他从服装店拿到一份资料,他打算把这份资料送给朋 友. 可是资料不完整,为了把资料补充完整,请先读下面的介绍,然后替 Bob 把每件衣服的情况填好. Hi, boys and girls. Have a look at Zig Zag’s Clothes Sale. We have these black shoes only twenty dollars. The blue jeans are ten dollars and the shorts for all colors are eight dollars. Do you like this yellow sweater? It’s only fifteen dollars. For boys, these white shirts are eleven dollars, and there are pink dresses for girls. They are only seventeen dollars. T-shirts in red, blue and green are twelve dollars. Clothes shoes sweater shirts Price $10 color red, blue and green Passage 3 阅读 Dan 和他的兄弟的短文选出正确答案.Read the paragraph, then circle the correct answer. My name is Dan and I have two brothers, Bob and Ray. We like hamburgers for lunch. Bob and I like french fries, but Ray doesn’t. I don’t like eggs for breakfast, but Bob and Ray do. I like fruit for breakfast. We really like chicken and salad for dinner. ( )1.____ doesn’t like french fries. A. Dan B. Bob C. Ray D. Dan and Bob ( )2.____ like hamburgers. A. Dan and Bob B. Bob and Ray C. Dan, Bob and Ray D. Dan and Ray ( )3.____doesn’t like eggs for breakfast. A. Bob and Ray B Dan C Bob D. Ray ( )4.____ likes fruit for breakfast. A. Bob and Ray B Dan C Bob D. Ray ( )5.____ like chicken. A. Dan and Bob B. Bob and Ray C. Dan, Bob and Ray D. Dan and Ray E、写作练习(21 分) 一、看图完成句子。Look at the picture and complete the sentences below . Robert- Mary Frank- Sarah Paul- Susan Ann Richard Jane Tom Kate Frank is Robert’s _________. Mary is Robert’s ___________. Paul is Susan’s ________. Ann is Sarah’s _________. Ann is Richard’s _________. Paul is Tom’s __________. Kate is Jane’s __________. Jane is Frank’s __________. Richard and Tom are Robert’s ___. Mary is Kate’s __________. 2.Lisa 的朋友到 Lisa 家看的。Lisa is a student. One day her new friend, Betty comes to see her. This is what Betty sees in Lisa’s room 1) It’s a beautiful room. There is a big window near the bed. On the wall, above the bed is a guitar. And there’s a desk beside the window. On the desk there is a computer, and a chair in front of the desk. There is a table on the left side of the room. There is a TV set on the table. The drawers are next to the bed, near the door. On the floor is a pretty doll. It’s soft and comfortable. 1) 照她的描述写一写自己的房间。Describe your own bedroom, or your classroom. - 2)根据她对 Lisa 房间的描述画出 Lisa 的房间 Draw a picture of Lisa’s room. Lisa’s room 3Tomoko 写给笔友的信,请你作为他的笔友给他回信。 Dear friend, My name is Tom. I live in New York, America, and I want a pen pal in China. I’m 14 years old and I speak English and Chinese. I have a brother and two sisters. I like music and dancing. My favorite subject in school is English. It’s very interesting. Can you write to me? Yours truly, Tom 答题纸 一、口试(略) 二、听力 A1-6: B: C: D:Lisa’s: Dad’s: 三、笔试 A B 1-5 6-10 C DPassage1: Passage2: Passage3: 1-5 E 一、______________________ 二、(答在试卷上) 育新学校初一英语第一学期试题答案 /10/28 一、口试 ((略) 二、听力 ( A. 1-6 DCBCBA B. 3,2,1 C. carrots, French fries, apples, vegetables, broccoli. D. Lily’s: a pen, a backpack, a dictionary; Dad’s: hamburgers, a shirt, some books. 三、笔试(60 分) A.pants, shirt, skirt, shorts, sweater, socks, hat B.1-5 CCCDD; 6-10 BDCBA C.1. I’m, you, What’s, My, Let’s, don’t, have, Yes D.Passage1: Children Swimming Club Name: Jim Sex: (male/ female) : male Age: 5 Telephone number : 603-2805 Home address: Grand Street Passage2: Clothes shoes jeans sweater shirts T-shirt Price $20 $10 $15 $11 $12 color black blue yellow white red, blue and green Passage3: 1-5 CCBBC E.写作练习: 一、son, wife, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, daughter, grandsons, grandmother 二、1.I have a beautiful room. There are a lot of things in my room. My bed is near the window, beside the desk. And there is a computer on the desk. The chair is on the floor, next to the desk…. 2.(略) 三、 Dear Tomoko, I’m A. I live in China. … 听力稿: A. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。Listen and find the correct answer.(6 分) 1. Good morning. 2. How are you? 3. What color is this T-shirt? 4. How much are these shoes? 5. What’s your name? 6. Is this your backpack? B.听对话,按所听到的顺序给下列对话排序.Listen and number the conversations.(3 分) A: Is that your backpack? B: No, it isn’t. It’s his backpack.. A: Is this your ruler? B: No, it isn’t. It’s her ruler. A: Is this your pencil? B: Yes, it is. It’s my pencil. C.Nick 想举行生日聚会,经调查,他发现下列食物中有些是他的同学不喜欢的,请你帮他圈出来.Listen and circle the food that Nick’s classmates like. (5 分) Conversation 1: Nick: Hi, Sue. Student1: Hi, Nick. Nick: Sue, do you like chicken? Student1: No, I don’t. And I don’t like apples. My friend Lily doesn’t like chicken and apples, either. Conversation2: Nick: Good morning, Lucy. Student1: Good morning, Nick. Nick: Do you like vegetables, Lucy? Student1: Yes, I like all vegetables but tomatoes. I don’t like eating tomatoes. 1 2 3 Conversation3: Nick: Hello, Kate. Student1: Yes? Nick: Do you like salad? Student1: Let me see. No, I don’t like salad. Conversation4: Nick: Hi, Mary. Student1: Hi, Nick. Nick: Do you like bananas? Student1: Yes, I do. But I don’t like carrots. D 听对话,帮 Betty 和她爸爸分别列出购物单。It’s Sunday. Dad is going shopping. Betty wants to help him makes a shopping list. Listen to the tape. Betty and her dad will talk to you. Can you help them to make their own shopping lists? (6 分) Dad: Betty, I’m going shopping. Do you want something? Betty: Yes. I want some hamburgers for lunch. And I also want a shirt and some books. What about you, Dad? Dad: I want to buy a pen, a backpack and… Betty: And what ? Dad: And a dictionary. An English and Chinese dictionary. Betty: Ok, let me list these things on the paper. Betty: For Dad, we’ll buy a pen, a backpack and a dictionary. For Betty, we’ll buy hamburgers, a shirt and some books. Dad: Thank you, Betty. You’ re really a good girl. Betty: You’re welcome, dad.

资料: 1.1万


