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Unit 4 Everyday economics 速读教材 P38-39 课文,完成下列任务 Ⅰ.阅读判断 判断下列句子提供的信息是正确,还是错误,还是没有提及 1.Zhang Yue was nervous when giving her presentation. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. 2.Zhang Yue made up her mind to grow roses when she was at university. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. 3.Zhang Yue was so lucky that she met nothing challenging. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. 4.The biggest challenge to succeed is to get enough investment. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. 5.We can succeed as long as we have a good idea. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. [答案] 1-5 ABBBB Ⅱ.补全信息 选择正确选项填入空白处,补全所给句子提供的信息 A.who was just starting out B.where roses grow wild C.which surprised many people D.which was totally outside my experience E.where this happens 1.This is a place . 2.The biggest challenge at the initial phase was to persuade people to work for me, . 3.The place is a valley,a world away from any television studio. 4 . Zhang therefore decided to return to her home town and grow roses, . 5.However,like any entrepreneur ,she still had a lot to learn. [答案] 1-5 BDECA Ⅲ.表格填空 Name Zhang Yue Occupation 1.Boss of Rose Valley Co.Ltd. General situation of the company One of the best rose products in 2.Asia. A major Asian manufacturer of cosmetics 3.was willing to buy my product and help with 4.its distribution. Reasons for starting a Experiencing the freedom of 5.being her own boss. To 6.give something back to her home town. Challenges Getting 7. investment. Persuading people 8.to work for her. Advice for young entrepreneurs What you need is:9.a good idea,hard work and determination,a sound business plan,access to capital,and good management and negotiating skills.Know 10. your own limits and those of the people you work with. 细读教材 P38-39 课文,完成下列任务 Ⅰ.主旨匹配 1.Para.1 A.The reasons why Zhang Yue decided to return to her home town and grow roses. 2.Para.2 B.Zhang Yue has mixed feelings to other entrepreneurs. 3.Para.3 C . Zhang Yue's suggestions to other entrepreneurs. 4.Para.4 D.Zhang Yue's rose company is in a valley. 5.Para.5 E.The time that Zhang Yue made up her mind to grow roses. 6.Para.6 F.Zhang Yue was nervous when giving presentation to get help. 7.Para.7 G.Many young people choose to start their own businesses. 8.Para.8 H.Although successful,Zhang Yue still has a lot to learn. [答案] 1-5 FDEAG 6-8 HBC Ⅱ.单项选择 1.When did Zhang Yue choose to grow roses? A.Childhood. B.After presentation. C.After graduation from university. D.After getting help. 2.Why do many young people choose to start their own companies? A.The growing economy provides more opportunities. B.They don't want to work for others. C.They want to stay at home. D.It is difficult for them to find a job. 3.Which is wrong according to Zhang Yue? A.It requires many qualities for young people. B.A sound business plan can guarantee success. C.We should be cautious to start our own businesses. D.Zhang Yue's company is running well now. 4.What is the main purpose of the passage? A.To help young people think more realistically before starting their own businesses. B . To encourage all the young people to start their own businesses after graduation. C.To introduce the main reasons why young people choose to start their own businesses. D.To analyse the pros and cons of young people starting their own businesses. [答案] 1-4 CABA Ⅲ.读后续写微技能 读后续写微技能——心理活动的描述(一) A.阅读课文中含有描述心理活动的语句 1.As she spoke,Zhang Yue put her hands behind her back to hide that they were shaking. 2.She couldn't,however,hide the line of sweat running down her forehead, which was caused partly by the heat of the television studio,but more by fear of the four people seated in front of her. 3.They stared back,their blank faces giving no clue as to what they would say next. B.判断下列语句中哪个是描述心理活动的? 1.Feeling dizzy,Zhang Yue took a deep breath as she struggled to finish her presentation. 2.This is a place where roses grow wild. 3.It was only after graduating from university overseas and returning to visit her parents that Zhang realised the potential. [答案] 1

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