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Unit2 Seeing the doctor(第一课时) 一,教学目标与策略分析 1. 能听、说、读、写并运用核心词汇 matter,wrong,headache,have a fever,have a cold,ill 及核心语言 What's the matter? I have... 2. 能听懂、会读、会说 Listen and say 板块的对话。 3. 能读懂 Look,read and write 板块的内容,并能模仿范例写请假条。 4. 能理解和初步运用询问他人健康状况的核心语言,懂得关心他人、友爱互助。 5. 在学习过程中乐于感知与合作,并积极使用英语。 二,教学重点、难点分析 重点:掌握核心词汇 matter,wrong,headache,have a fever,have a cold,ill 及核心语言 What's the matter? I have... 难点: 模仿范例写请假条。 三,课前准备 英语教学 PPT 课件、单词卡片等 四,教学过程及设计意图 (一)热身与导入 1.T:Class begin. Good morning boys and girls. S: Good morning Miss Zhang. T:Sit down,please.Let's play a challeng memory game.Are you ready? S:Yes. 2. T:How are you doing? S:I feel bored/happy/sad/tired... T:Yes or No? S:Yes./No.I feel... T:How are you doing?I feel terrible.(师生共同操练 terrible) 3. T:What are you doing? S:They are seeing the doctor.(板书课题) (二)呈现与操练 1. T:What worry?(同义句 What's the matter?)I have a cold. S:师生共同操练(方法:师问生答,生问生答) T:Show me your finger.Spell have a cold.(师板书) S:学生空写。 同法学习 have a fever,ill. 以填空的形式对所学重点内容进行操练 如:A:How are you doing? B: I feel______(糟糕的) A:What's the matter? B:I ____ _ ______. A:Let's go to see the doctor. 2. T:What's the matter? S: 师生共同操练(方法:师问生答,生问生答) S:学生空写。 通过 stomachache 中 ache 的学习,引出 headache 单词,再用 What should I do? 学生说出 Take some medicine and rest well.学生操练,并板书 have a headache. 3. T:Now open your book to page 7.The first listen.(放录音) S: Let's listen and imitate.(学生模仿跟读) T: Now practice the dialogue in pairs. S: 学生练习。 T:Who can act the dialogue? S:学生表演 4. T:Look at the picture and try to guess. How come? Because he eats a lot of unhealthy food. Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man. (没有健康就没有乐趣) 5. T:Now write the word according to the initials.(根据首字母写出单词) What's the matter? I have a f______. I am i_____. Don't worry.I can help you. What's the matter with you? I have a s__________. I have a h_________. You'd better see a doctor. I have a c______ today. I am sorry to hear that. 五.Homework Make a dialogue about seeing a doctor and act in your group. (编一则关于看医生的对话,并在小组里进行表演) 六.板书 Unit2 seeing the doctor What's the matter? I have a cold. have a fever. have a headache. am ill.

资料: 3.2万


