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Unit 11 The Media 课前·自主领悟 课堂·要点精析 课后·强化训练 7.(全国卷Ⅲ)I quickly lowered myself,ducking (低下) my head to avoid (look) directly into his eyes. 答案: looking 8. (ignore) the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make. 答案:  Ignoring 9.Keep (hold) your position for a while. 答案: holding 10.It’s quite hot today.Do you feel like (go) for a swim? 答案:  going 11.When it comes to (speak) in public,no one can match him. 答案:  speaking 3.(全国卷Ⅱ)We can choose between staying at home and take a trip. 答案: take→taking 4.(全国卷Ⅲ)I showed them I was independent by wear strange clothes. 答案: wear→wearing 5.(浙江卷)I enjoyed sit close to the windows and looking at the view. 答案: set→sitting 6.He isn’t good at talk but he gets on well with other people. 答案: talk→talking Ⅲ.单句写作 1. I have just learned from the advertisement that (20名学生志 愿者都想参加英语文化节). 答案: 20 student volunteers are wanted for the English Culture Festival 2. (教科书和字典能被用做参考书) while the magazines serve as reading materials. 答案: The textbooks and dictionaries can be used as reference books 3. (我的学校位于中国的一座北方城市),where you can taste many kinds of delicious food,because it is well famous for its snacks. 答案: Our school is located in a northern city of China 4. (我们班由50名活泼可爱的男孩女孩组成),who are warm and generous and ready to offer help. 答案: Our class is made up of 50 lively boys and girls 5. I hope you (将被接受为我们班的一员). 答案: will be accepted as a member of our class 6. As far as I am concerned,I think that the column concerning entertainment (应该被取消). 答案: should be removed 7. For example,once most of my classmates made a suggestion that we go outing at the weekend,but I thought (帮助养老院里的老人) would be more meaningful. 答案: helping the old at the nursing home 8. Sometimes (放弃) a little can (意味着得到更多). 答案: giving up;mean getting more 9. As an outgoing student, (我很擅长与别人交流),which makes me feel confident about this position. 答案: I am good at communicating with others 10. (听和说) is where my weakness lies when it comes to English. 答案: Listening and speaking 11. And you also should keep it in mind that (经常和同学们交换 笔记) is a good way to improve your study. 答案: comparing notes with your classmates frequently 12. I hope you enjoy (为我们报纸写文章). 答案: writing for our newspaper 谢谢观看!

资料: 3.2万


