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高中应用文提升练习--基础知识巩固+应用文训练 4 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.A man named John is waiting for you at the ______(入口). 2.It’s said that everyone’s fingerprints(指纹) are _______(独特的). 3.His______(行为) towards her was becoming ruder and ruder. 4.Do you have any _______(评论) to make about the cause of the disaster? 5.He started feeling _________(想家的) and wanted to go home as soon as possible. 6.Carelessness often leads to ______(错误),so try your best to be careful. 7.Both drinking and smoking among young people are increasing to an _______(惊人的) extent. 8.I have known him for ten years.But I didn’t _________(认出) him just now because he has changed so much. 1.entrance 2.unique 3. behavior 4. comment 5.homesick 6.errors 7. alarming 8.recognise Ⅱ.单句语法填空 9.The instructions on the box are very _______(confuse). 10.There is no software development without _______(create). 11.It is likely_____they will be fired by the company because of their fault. 12.Please remind me _____ the meeting in the afternoon in case I forget about it. 13.He’s a spoiled child and it’s about time he learned to behave ______(proper). 14.Compare the two texts and comment _____ them. 15.We have various summer camps for your holidays.You can choose one _______(base) on your own interests. 16.I came _______ Zhang Yimou in the shop the other day. 9.confusing 10.creativity 11.that 12. of 13.properly 14. on 15.based 16. across Ⅲ.单词拼写 17.As we all know,she showed a talent for acting at an early age. 18.We sat in the café for hours chatting(聊天) about our experiences. 19.He was advised to take exercise regularly ,but he just ignored(忽视) it. 20.In summary(总结),don’t make random comments on others’ behavior . 21.They hope that the activity can have a positive impact on the local people. 22.After the shocking news spread throughout the whole city,everyone felt frightened . 23.All the approaches(道路) to the city have been blocked by the heavy snow. 24.He is always looking in the mirror,admiring himself. Ⅳ.单句语法填空 25.My little brother sat there,_______(focus) on his book. 26._____ is typical of Mary to think about making money in this way. 27.Woodwork is an _______(option) subject in our school this semester. 28.As we all know,parents’ words have a great impact _____ their children. 29.She observed a man _______(walk) on the opposite side of the road. 30.The best way ________(strength) willpower is to make it into a habit. 31.We draw the conclusion on the ________(assume) that all questions are settled . 32.She devoted herself _______(entire) to her research and was respected by others. 25.focusing 26.It 27. optional 28. on 29.walking 30. to strengthen 31. assumption 32.entirely Ⅴ.完成句子 33.随着婚礼日期的临近,苏珊越来越紧张。 __________________________________ 34.大厅里的那把椅子坐上去很舒适。 _________________________________ 35.他就是那个对这个小女孩的死负有责任的人。 _________________________________ 36.他慢慢地举起弓,瞄准那只鸟。 ______________________________ 37.那个学生为自己犯的错误向老师道歉。 ______________________________________ 33.With the wedding day approaching,Susan got more and more nervous. 34.The chair in the hall is comfortable to sit in. 35.He was the man who was responsible for the death of the little girl. 36.Slowly he raised his bow and aimed at/took aim at the bird. 37.The student apologized/made an apology to his teacher for the mistake he had made. Ⅵ.单元语法——用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空 38.If it rains(rain) tomorrow,I ______(stay) at home doing my homework. 39.I guess you were in a hurry.You _______(wear) your sweater inside out. 40.The oil price_______(go) down,but I doubt whether it will remain so. 41.As far as I know,a meeting is________(hold) at 3∶00 o’clock this afternoon. 42.I’m calling about the apartment you ________(advertise) the other day.Could you tell me more about it? 38.will stay 39.are wearing 40. has gone 41.to be held 42. advertised Ⅶ.应用文训练 假如今天是 2020 年 3 月 15 日,星期日,天气晴朗。你去参加了朋友 David 的生日聚会, 请你在日记中记录这件事。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.开头和格式已给出,不计入总词数。 审题 本题要求写一篇日记,写作时应注意下面几点: 1.确定文体:这是一篇应用文。 2.主体时态:一般过去时。 3.主体人称:第一人称。 谋篇 第一段:介绍这次聚会的时间、地点以及参加人员; 第二段:详细介绍聚会的过程; 第三段:写自己的感受。 核心词汇 1.邀请某人做某事 invite sb.to do sth. 2.热情迎接某人 give sb.a warm welcome 3.营造一种气氛 create an atmosphere 4.向某人敞开心扉 open one’s heart to sb. 5.由于,因为 as a result 连词成句 1.放学之后,我带着礼物骑车到了大卫家。(简单句) After school,I arrived at David’s home by bike with a present. 2.大卫和他的父母热情地迎接了我。(动词+双宾语) David and his parents gave me a warm welcome. 3.在聚会上,使我印象最深的是大卫幸福的家庭。(impress) During the party,David’s happy family impressed me most. 4.此外,轻柔的音乐和烛光营造了美好温馨的氛围。(create+宾语) Besides,the light music and candle light created a nice and warm atmosphere. 5.因此,我能够像对待兄弟姐妹一样,向他的其他友好活跃的朋友们敞开心扉。(as a result) As a result,I was able to open my heart to his other friendly and active friends like brothers and sisters. 句式升级 1.用定语从句把句 1 和句 2 合成一个句子 After school,I arrived at David’s home by bike with a present,where David and his parents gave me a warm welcome. 2.用主语从句改写句 3 During the party,what impressed me most was David’s happy family. 3.用定语从句把句 4 和句 5 合成一个句子 Besides,the light music and candle light created a nice and warm atmosphere,as a result of which I was able to open my heart to his other friendly and active friends like brothers and sisters. 用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇 80 词左右的英语 短文。 参考范文 March 15,2020 Sunday Sunny Today is my best friend David’s birthday,and I,together with his other friends,was invited to his birthday party held in his home. After school,I arrived at David’s home by bike with a present,where David and his parents gave me a warm welcome.During the party , what impressed me most was David’s happy family.Besides,the light music and candle light created a nice and warm atmosphere,as a result of which I was able to open my heart to his other friendly and active friends like brothers and sisters. It was a wonderful party and the unforgettable experience will be stored in my mind forever.

资料: 3.2万


