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Module 4 The world around us Period 1 I have a friend. She is a princess. Welcome to my castle, Kitty. Wow, it’s big. It’s beautiful. Thank you! Unit 11 Shapes She invites(邀请) us to her castle(城堡) Do you want to make friends with them? Let’s go. I have some good friends, they are fairies(精灵). Anybody home? Unit 11 Shapes Welcome to our house, princess. Who is she? She is my friend, Kitty. Look, it’s a star. Hi, Kitty. My name is star. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too. Star. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Unit 11 Shapes star far car Unit 11 Shapes Welcome to our house, princess. Who is she? She is my friend, Kitty. Look, it’s a star. Hi, Kitty. My name is star. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too. Star. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Unit 11 Shapes Look. They are circles. They are my cousins. How many circles are there? There are six circles. Oh, six circles. Where is square? Unit 11 Shapes circles Unit 11 Shapes Look. They are circles. They are my cousins. How many circles are there? There are six circles. Oh, six circles. Where is square? Unit 11 Shapes Square, square, we are here. Look, there are two squares. Hello, we are squares. We can sing. No, we can’t. You can sing very well, squares. Can you dance? We are squares. But triangle can dance. Unit 11 Shapes Let’s sing and dance together. Wow, we have new friends. So happy. She is my friend, Kitty. Anybody home? Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Welcome to our house, princess. Who is she? Look, it’s a star. Hi, Kitty. My name is star. nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too. Star. Look. They are circles. They are my cousins. How many circles are there? Oh, six circles. There are six circles. Where is square? Square, square, we are here. We are squares. Look, there are two squares. Hello, we are squares. We can sing. You can sing very well, squares. Can you dance? No, we can’t. But triangle can dance. Wow, we have new friends. So happy. Let’s sing and dance together. Hide and see Our friends circle, square, star, triangle are hiding in this house. Please use your golden eyes and find them out(我们的朋友藏在这栋房子里了,孩子们, 快使用你的火眼金睛,把他们找出来吧) Look at the picture. There are _______; There are _______; There are________ Pay attention to our daily life. You will find the shapes make our world beautiful.(仔细观察生活中的每一处, 你会发现形状将我们的世界构造地如此美丽) Homework Look over our daily life and talk about shapes. 认真观察,说一说生活中跟形状有关的事物。) _________ is like a circle.A football A star fruit_________ is like a star. ______________ is like a square. __________ is like a triangle. A piece of biscuit A sandwich

资料: 3.2万


