小学英语鲁科版五年级下册《Unit5Lesson 1 There is a river near the village.》课件

小学英语鲁科版五年级下册《Unit5Lesson 1 There is a river near the village.》课件





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U n i t 5 L e s s o n 1 T h e r e i s a r i v e r n e a r t h e v i l l a g e Guessing game Is there……….? Watch and choose A: In grandparents' village. B: In a city . Where are they? 他们在哪里? Watch and choose A: In grandparents' village. B: In a city . There are many______in the trees.birds There are many _____ in the trees. There are many birds in the trees. birds There is a river near the village. Are there any fish in it? There are some_______in the river.ducks They are _________fish.catching Listen and repeat 听音跟读 : This is my grandparents’ village. :Look at the new houses. How beautiful! : Wow! So many trees and flowers! : Yes. Look! There are many birds in the trees. They are singing happily. : There is a river near the village. : Are there any fish in it? : Yes,there are lots of fish. : Great! We can go fishing. : Look! There are some ducks in the river! : What are they doing? : They are catching fish. : I want to catch fish, too. : We may do it tomorrow. Now let’s go to my grandparents’ house. Read in roles 小组内读课文,并表演对话 This is a village. There is a river near the village. Are there any trees in the village? Yes, there are. 1.Design your village (设计你理想中的村庄) 2.Talk about in group. (小组内讨论) This is my___. There is/are ____. Is there/Are there………………? Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t./ Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t. I love my village.Welcome to my village 参 考 句 型 You can use these sentences. Welcome to my grandparents' village. _____________________. wow! How beautiful! _____________________. Yes.They are singing happily. Look.There is a river near the village. ___________________________. Yes,there are.______________. D:There are many houses trees and flowers. C:There are many birds in the trees. A:Are there any fish in the river? B:There are some ducks in the river ,too. Standard test D C A B Homework Draw a picture of your village and introduce it. (画一张你村庄的画并介绍它。) Thank you very much!

资料: 3.2万


