小学英语鲁科版五年级下册《Unit4Lesson1Helivesnexttome》课件 (2)

小学英语鲁科版五年级下册《Unit4Lesson1Helivesnexttome》课件 (2)





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Where’s he/she from? He’s/She’s from … Ask and answer Where’s he from? He’s from the U.S. Where’s he from? He’s from Ottawa. Where’s she from? She’s from India. Where’s she from? She’s from France. He’s from _______. This is _________.Andy Ottawa Listen and answer A. He lives next to me. Where does Andy live now? Listen and choose B. He lives in Ottawa. next to Look and say The bear is ________ the sofa(沙发).next to Look and say The boy is ________ the girl.next to Look and say The hospital is ________ the school.next to Look and say Where did you live in Ottawa? Oh, we were neighbours in Canada. I lived in Young Street. And you are neighbours in China! They are __________.neighbours Look and say They are __________.neighbours Look and say Listen and answer Does Andy enjoy his stay in Beijing? Do you enjoy your stay in Beijing? Listen and answer Does Andy enjoy his stay in Beijing? Yes, he does. Why? Do you enjoy your stay in Beijing? Yes, I do. I like Chinese food. And the new neighbourhood is nice. Listen and answer Does Andy enjoy his stay in Beijing? Why? Yes, he does. He likes Chinese food. And the new neighbourhood is nice. neighbourhood He enjoys his _______. This is Guangtouqiang’s new_____.stay stay Look and say This is Lin Tao’s _______________.neighbourhood Look and say Good idea. Thank you. Shall I show you around? 小组内分角色读 小组展示 Let’s talk.(同桌讨论介绍4位新朋友。) Henry the U.S. Ann India Paul France Amy Canada He’s from the U.S.Where is Henry from? Yes,he does. He likes Beijing Opera. He likes his neighbourhood. Does he enjoy his stay in China? neighbour She lives next to me. is my neighbour. from . a/an . likes . Mary She's Beijing dancing She's teacher She a is my neighbour. from . a/an . likes . Jobs doctor nurse businessman teacher gardener cook policeman Hobbies singing dancing playing basketball playing the erhu playing the piano running reading Let’s do.(小组讨论介绍自己的邻居。) Wang Hong: Where is Henry from? Jenny: 1. ____________________ Wang Hong: Where does he live now? Jenny: 2. ____________________ Wang Hong: Does he enjoy his stay in Beijing? Jenny:3.______________ He likes Beijing Opera. He likes his neighbourhood. Read and choose A. Yes, he does. B. He's from the U.S. C. He lives next to Andy. B C A Talk about your neighbours with your friends. Homework

资料: 3.2万


