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Unit4 Lesson3 They are having lots of fun people There are many people in the park. There are many _______in the supermarket.people There are many _______on the ______.people bus What are they doing? Some people are doing taijiquan near the lake. Some women are singing Beijing Opera under the tree. Andy is learning kung fu from Danny. 1.When is it? 2.Are they happy? It's Sunday morning. Yes, they are Look and read carefully, then answer. They are _____ _______. enjoying themselves 1、What are the women doing under the tree? Some women are __________________ under the tree. singing BeijingOpera Listen carefully, then fill in the blanks. 1、What are the women doing under the tree? Some women are singing BeijingOpera under the tree. Jenny tries to follow them 2. Where are the people doing taijiquan? Some people are doing taijiquan ____________.near the lake Listen carefully, then fill in the blanks. There are many ______ in the zoo.people Is Andy learning kung fu from Danny? Read the last paragraph and fill. Yes. Andy_ ________.He's now following Danny. comes over 3、listen and repeat 听音跟读 4、Read in groups and dub for the video. 小组内读对话,并给视频配音。 themselves Good morning! I'm in the sports center(运动中心) now.There are many____________here.They are enjoying___________. Look! Some __________are singing Beijing Opera near the lake.They sing well.Some children are skating.They are happy.Some old men are doing taijiquan __________.They are having ___________fun. How happy they are! Reading time Reading time Did the rabbit have a good neighbour? I have a good neighbour! What have we learnt in this class? 这节课我们学到了哪些知识? Homework: 1、 Listen to the tape and try to imitate. 2、Make a survey: What do people do in the morning? Write down or draw them and then talk about the activities in your group. 调查人们的晨练活动,记录下来或是画下来,小 组间交流一下。 Thank you. Bye-bye.

资料: 3.2万


