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Unit 2 Hobbies Lesson 3 What’s your hobby? Singing 、 singing , I like singing . Reading 、 reading , I like reading. Skipping 、 skipping , I like skipping . Dancing 、 dancing , I like dancing . Let's chant I like … My hobby is … playing the erhu dancing playing the piano running singin g skipping doing Taijiquan reading look book cook My hobby is cooking . Listen and choose 1.( ) What’s your hobby ,grandpa ? My hobby is ———. 2.( )What’s your hobby , grandma ? My hobby is ———. A B paper cutting doing taijiquan Listen and choose 1.( )What’s your hobby , grandpa ? My hobby is ————. 2.( )What’s your hobby , grandma ? My hobby is ———— . B A paper cutting A B doing taijiquan Listen and fill What’s your hobby ,____? My hobby is reading . What’s your hobby ,___? I like cooking Listen and fill What’s your hobby ,_____ ? My hobby is reading . What’s your hobby ,_____? I like cooking . uncle aunt cook做饭 paper cutting剪纸 uncle叔;伯 aunt姑;婶hobby爱好 Review the words Let’s imitate the text 同桌模仿朗读课文 Play a game dancin g Jenn y √ activity name 2. Let’s talk S1: What’s your hobby ? S2: My hobby is skipping /I like skipping. … We should read more books to enrich our brain . We should do more exercises to keep healthy . A good hobby can create a good future. 3.Let’s copy run sing cook dance fun乐趣 sun太阳 king 国王 look 看 book 书 nice 令人愉快 face 脸 Let’s make a summary 1.We learned these new words : hobby paper cutting cooking uncle aunt 爱好 剪纸 做饭 叔叔 阿姨 2.We learned these new sentences: A: What’s your hobby ?你的爱好是什么? B: My hobby is paper cutting 。我的爱好是剪纸。 I like cooking。我喜欢烹饪。 Homework 1.Listen and imitate the text 2 times. 2.Make a “hobby” survey of your friends 。 Name acitivity skippin g dancing reading … Liming √ thank you!

资料: 3.2万


