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单元主题素养练 一、Alice和她的朋友们过去、现在或将来都做什么 了?听一听,连线。每小题读两遍。 1. Alice   A. is going to ask the gatekeeper 2. Sandy B. picked up rubbish 3. Lisa C. lost his dog 4. Tom D. gives the seat to old people 5. Jack E. helped a tourist find the way 二、星期天,Mr Fang带着同学们在公园游玩。他们看到 什么,又做了什么呢?听一听,选出听到的单词或词 组。每小题读两遍。 (  ) 1. A. bell   B. well   C. smell (  ) 2. A. along B. ago C. go (  ) 3. A. gatekeeper  B. street cleaner C. dancer (  ) 4. A. leg B. neck C. let (  ) 5. A. praises B. praised C. raised A B A B A 三、Alice在询问Danny一些事情。听一听,选择正确 的答语。每小题读两遍。 (  ) 1. A. He's at home. B. I can't find him. C. Yes, I saw him two minutes ago. C (  ) 2. A. No, I didn't. B. It's small and white. C. It's near the lake. 点拨:look like 用于描述形状、外貌等,所以回 答用small and white。 B (  ) 3. A. I can wash the dishes after dinner. B. Thank you for your help. C. I can run with my friend after school. A (  ) 4. A. Of course. Please go ahead. B. That's easy. C. I don't know. (  ) 5. A. I am sorry. B. Thank you. C. Yes, I can't find my cat. A C 四、Danny和同学们来到了农场,他们看到了什么? 听一听,给下列图片排序。对话读两遍。 4 2 3 1 五、谁在寻求帮助?请阅读信件,选择最佳答案。 Dear Kate, I am writing to ask if you could do me a favor. I'm going on holiday next Monday. Would you mind feeding my cat while I'm away? It will have some dried food in the morning. Could you please just cook an evening meal for it? It would be very kind of you to help me. Yours, Helen (  ) 1. Who writes the letter? A. Kate. B. Helen. C. May. B (  ) 2. When will Helen go on holiday? A. Next Monday. B. Next Tuesday. C. This Sunday. (  ) 3. What does Helen ask Kate to do? A. Clean the cat. B. Feed the cat. C. Feed the dog. A B (  ) 4. ─What is Kate going to do for the cat if she wants to help? ─She is going to ________. A. cook three meals for the cat B. play with the cat C. cook evening meals for the cat C 六、Mr White一家去购物了,他们发生了什么事呢 ?阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 One day Mr and Mrs White went shopping by car. There were so many cars on the square that they found no room to park their car. They had to stop their car near the shop. They bought a lot of things and they went to their car in a hurry and wanted to put the things into the car. But Mr White couldn't open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman to help them. The policeman was very friendly. He began to open the car for them. Just then a man came up and shouted, “What are you doing with my car?” Mr and Mrs White had a look at the car's number and they were frozen there. It wasn't their car. (  ) 1. Mr and Mrs White drove for _______. A. lunch   B. shopping C. work B (  ) 2. They stopped their car ________. A. on the square 【细节理解法】 B. near the policeman C. near the shop方法点拨:本题用细节理解法解答。由短文第二、 三句“There were so many cars on the square that they found no room to park their car. They had to stop their car near the shop. ”可知广场上没有位置 了,所以他们把车停在了商店附近,故答案为C。 C (  ) 3. They wanted to ________. A. put the things into the car B. give the things to the policeman C. drive the man's car A (  ) 4. The policeman ________. A. liked their things B. would like to help Mr White C. thought the car wasn't Mr White's B (  ) 5. From the passage we know ______. A. the man wanted to rob(抢) Mr White B. the car was the man's C. the policeman wasn't friendly B 七、小习作。 你是一个乐于助人的人吗?你能帮助他人 做些什么呢?根据提示完成短文。 I am a good helper Hello, my name is ________. I like helping others. At home, I can help ___________At school, I often help my teacher _______________I help my friend _________________________Helping others can make me happy. I am a good helper Hello, my name is Kitty. I like helping others. At home, I can help my mum clean the table. I also help my dad water the flowers. At school, I often help my teacher carry the books and clean the blackboard. I help my friend find the lost things, too. I also help tourists find the way. I can give my seat to old people, too. Helping others can make me happy. 八、6A班的学生在家都能帮忙做很多事。根据图片 提示,说一说同学们在家能做什么。 The students of Class 6A are helpful at home. Danny can… Danny Alice Peter Kitty The students of Class 6A are helpful at home. Danny can wash the dishes. Alice can clean the table. Peter can water the plants. Kitty can sweep the floor. 一、1. Alice picked up rubbish three minutes ago. 2. Sandy helped a tourist find the way. 3. Lisa can't find her cousin. She's going to ask the gatekeeper. 4. Tom often gives the seat to old people. 5. Jack is crying. He lost his dog. 二、1. The dog has a blue bell. 2. Two minutes ago,there was a dog. 3. The gatekeeper saw the dog two hours ago. 4. The dog has a pink bell around her neck. 5. Mr Fang praises his students for hard work. 三、1. Did you see John? 2. What does your rabbit look like? 3. How can you help your mum? 4. Can I ask you a question? 5. Can we help you? 四、Farmer: Welcome to my farm, children. Look at my animals here. Danny: Look! The dog is eating a bone. It's white and cute. Kitty: Look at the cat there. It's smiling. Peter: The fat rabbit is funny. It has a ring around its neck. Alice: The animals here are cute. Look at the duck. It's singing.

资料: 3.2万


