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Mysteries of the World Appreciation of a clip about crop circles (麦田怪圈) Crop circles are patterns that appear in fields. The pattern is created when certain areas of the crops are tamped (压实) down, but others are left intact (完好无损). The edge is so clean that it looks like it was created with a machine. What are crop circles? mysterious crop circles The crop circles are actual events that have taken place in cereal crop fields from all over the world and their origin is unknown. Objectives 1. To learn about some unexplained mysteries of the natural world 2. To describe a mystery thing using the words you have learned Have you ever heard of these things? Stonehenge 巨石阵 Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角 UFO 不明飞行物 The Bigfoot 大脚 The Yeti 雪人 1. Do you believe in unexplained things such as UFOs and Yetis? Why or why not? 2. If you saw a UFO or a Yeti, what would you do? Discussion Look at the pictures and match them with the descriptions on page 51. a The Bigfoot b The Yeti c The Loch Ness Monster d The Grey man 1 ______ is a monster that lives high up in the Himalayas. 2 _______ got its name because of its large footprints. 3 _______ is a frightening creature that lives in Scotland. 4 One of the most famous monsters in the world is the _______. a b c d attack claw creature dinosaur footprint hairy monster spirit tail 1 an animal, especially if you don’t know what kind of animal it is ________ 2 an unknown animal that is big and frightening ________ Find the words in the stories. Now match them with the definitions. creature monster 3 with a lit of hair ______ 4 the mark left on the ground by a foot __________ 5 a part that sticks out at the back o fan animal’s body _________ 6 a large animal that lived thousands of years ago _________ 7 something that continues to exist after death ________ 8 the sharp nails that some animals and birds have on their feet _______ 9 to use violence against someone _______attack claws dinosaur tail spirit hairy footprint Appreciation of a clip about Nessie Nessie (英国苏格兰北部 的)尼斯湖水怪 尼斯湖水怪,是地球上最神秘也最吸引人的谜之一。早在1500多年前,就开始 流传尼斯湖中有巨大怪兽常常出来吞食人畜的故事。古代一些人甚至宣称曾经 目击过这种怪兽,有人说它长着大象的长鼻,浑身柔软光滑;有人说它是长颈 圆头;有人说它出现时泡沫层层,四处飞溅;有人说它口吐烟雾,使湖面有时 雾气腾腾……各种传说颇不一致,越传越广,越说越神奇,听起来令人生畏。 Have you ever heard of the “Monster of Lake Tianchi”? • Location: in the Southeast of Jilin Province • Depth: the deepest lake 204 meters on average the deepest --373 meters • Shape — an oval • Area: covers an area of about ten square kilometers • the highest volcanic lake in the world • 坐落在吉林省东南部, 是中国和朝鲜的界湖 • 面积9.2平方公里, 平均水深204米,最 深处373米,是我国 最高的火口湖, 也是 我国最深的湖泊 • 它大体上呈椭圆形, 面积9.82平方公里, 周长13.1公里。 Lake Tianchi Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world. 火山湖 The “Monster of Lake Tianchi” in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province, northeast China, is back in the news after several recent sightings. Do you believe there is a monster in Lake Tianchi? Why? Homework 1. Preview the new words and expressions. 2. Choose some of the following words to describe a creature you have heard of or imagined. (50-100 words) attack claw creature dinosaur footprint monster spirit tail hairy

资料: 3.2万


