How much are these socks?单元教学教师课件

How much are these socks?单元教学教师课件


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Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section A 1a-2e A guessing game( 猜猜游戏 ) Is it a /an… a sweater / e / a shirt / ɜ : / a T-shirt a bag / æ / pants / æ / shorts / ɔ: / shoes / u: / socks / ɔ / a hat / æ / a sweater a skirt Do you remember the new words? a shirt a T-shirt short s trouser s sock s shoe s a hat a bag socks __ T-shirt __ shorts __ sweater __ bag __ hat __ trousers __ shoes __ jacket __ skirt __ i d a c f g j b h e Match the words with the things in the picture. 1a $ 10 How much is the sweater? It’s ten dollar s . $ 12 $ 6 ¥ 14 How much are these pant s ? They’re fourteen yuan. ¥ 8 ¥ 4 Listen and circle the things you hear in the picture in 1a. 1b (1) L isten again. Write down the price of each thing. hat     shorts     sweater     ( 2 ) T : L isten to the tape again and fill in the blanks. A :          is the hat ? B :      six dollars. A : And how much      these      ? B : Oh ,      eight dollars. A : And this sweater ? How much is it ? B : Let’s see . It’s nine      . While listening tasks six dollars eight dollars nine dollars How much It’s are shorts they’re dollars ☆ 教材解读 ☆ How much is this T-shirt ? How much 在这里用于询问商品的价格 , 意为“多少钱” ; 若句子主语是可数名词的单数形式 , 用 How much is …? 回答时用“ It’s + 价格 . ” ; 若句子主语是可数名词的复数形式 , 用“ How much are …? ” 提问 , 用“ They’re+ 价格 . ” 回答 , 也可直接用具体价格来回答。 — How much is the dictionary ? 这本词典多少钱 ? —( It’s ) 88 yuan .88 元。 — How much are the trousers ? 这条裤子多少钱 ? — They are 34 dollars.34 美元。 【 拓展 】询问 价格还可以用 : What’s the price of …? 使用这一句型时无论被询问的商品是单数还是复数 , be 动词都用 is , 不能用 are ; 其答语为 : It’s … “价格是 …… ”。 — What’s the price of this book ? 这本书多少钱 ? — It’s 5 dollars.5 美元。 How much are the socks ? 这双袜子多少钱 ? 【 注意 】 ① socks 是 sock 的复数形式。 像 socks , shoes , trousers , glasses , shorts 等都是成双成对的物品 , 一般以复数形式出现 。 【 拓展 】 ( 1 ) dollar 是名词 , 意为“美元” , 是美国、加拿大等国的货币单位。其符号为“ $ ” , 1 美元 等于 100 美分 ( cents ), one dollar 可写成“ $ 1.00 ” 。 I have about 100 dollars. 我有约 100 美元。 ( 2 ) 英国货币单位是英镑 ( pound ), 1 英镑 等于 100 便士 ( pennies ) 。 注意 dollar 和 pound 都是可数名词 , 其复数形式分别为 dollars 和 pounds 。中国 货币单位 是元、 分 ( yuan , fen ) 为不可数 名 词 。 two yuan 可写成“ ¥ 2 ” 。 How much is this T-shirt? It’s seven dollars. $2 ¥ 9 $ 4 ¥ 5 $ 8 $ 6 $6 ¥ 7 Practice the conversation with your partner. Then make your own conversations. 1c How much are these socks? They are two dollars. How much is the baseball? It’s one dollar. How much are the glasses? They’re two dollar s . Make your own conversations like these. an orange bag blue shorts blue trousers a red hat a white T-shirt a black shirt black shoes a green sweater white socks $4 $5 How much is this orange bag? It’s $4. How much are these blue shorts? They’re $5. $15 $8 $25 $ 5 $3 $20 $30 $12 $10 Ask and answer. a small red sweater a big white sweater a small pink T-shirt a big white T-shirt Presentation long green pants short blue pants small black shoes big red shoes Listen and repeat. black colors white red green blue yellow big small short long brown purple 2a Listen to the conversations and circle the things you hear. 2b Listen again. Fill in the price tags. $ 5 $ 8 $ 6 $ 7 $ 2 $ 9 2c Ask and answer questions about the things in 2b in pairs. A : Can I help you ? B : Yes , please. I like this black hat. How much is it ? A : Let’s see . It’s … B : OK.I’ll take it. A : Here you are. B : Thank you. A : You’re welcome. 2d Read the conversation . Answer the following questions : 1.What does Mary want ? 2.What color does she want ? 3. How much is each thing ? 4.Does she buy them ? 5.How much does she pay for the things in total ( 总计 )? Role-play the conversation. 2e Woman: Can I help you? Mary: Yes, please. I need a sweater for school. Woman: OK. What color do you want? Mary: Blue. Woman: How about this one? Mary: It looks nice. How much is it? Woman: Nine dollars. Mary: I ’ ll take it. How much are those yellow socks? Woman: Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs. Mary: Great! I ’ ll take two pairs. Woman: Here you are. Mary: Thank you. Woman: You ’ re welcome. Circle common shopping expressions. $2 $ 4 ¥ 5 $ 7 $ 6 $6 ¥ 8 A : Can I help you ? B : Yes , please. I need/want/like … for my sister. How much …? A : Let’s see.It’s/They are … B : OK.I’ll take it/them. How much is/are …? A : It’s … /They are … B : I’ll take … A : Here you are. B : Thank you. A : You’re welcome. ¥ 9 Group work ☆ 教材解读 ☆ 1.Can I help you ? 该句是向别人提供帮助时的常用句型或是服务员主动询问顾客需要时的常用语。类似的还有 : What can I do for you ? /May I help you ? /Is there anything I can do for you ? 用于表示客气和礼貌。回答时 , 若需要购物用“ Yes , please . I want/need/like … ”来 回答 ; 若不想购物用“ No , thanks. I’m just looking around./Just have a look . ” 来 回答。 2.I need a sweater for school. need 在句中是实义动词 , 意为“需要” , 后加名词、代词、动词不定式、动词 -ing 作宾语 。 I need a sweater. 我需要一件毛衣 。 He needs me. 他需要我。 【 拓展 】 need 也可作情态动词 , 意为“需要” , 后接动词原形。 3.How about this one ? one 为代词 , 此处用于指代上文提到的 sweaters 中的一件。 I have some apples . Do you want one ? 我有一些苹果。你想要一个吗 ? 4.It looks nice. look 在句中是系动词 , 意为“看起来 ; 好像” , 后接形容词 nice 构成系表结构。 He looks very strong. 他看上去很强壮。 【 注意 】   用法类似的还有 : feel , smell , taste , sound 。 【 拓展 】   look 作不及物动词 , 意为“看” , 其后接宾语时 , 要与 at 连用 , 即 look at 。 Look ! The bus is coming. 瞧 ! 公共汽车来了。 Look at the picture. 看这张画。   5.I’ll take it. ◆ 此句为决定买商品时的常用语。 如果选定的商品是单数时 , 应说“ I’ll take it . ” ; 如果选定的商品是复数时 , 应说“ I’ll take them . ” 。 ◆ I’ll 是 I 和 will 的缩写 , 用于一般将来时 , 表示动作将要发生。 ◆ take 意为“买下” , 相当于 buy/get/have ; 口语中表示“买下”常用 take 。 【 拓展 】   take 作动词时 , 还意为“拿走 , 取走”。 Please take the books to the office . 请 把这些书拿到办公室去。 6.Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs. ◆ 此句中 , 介词 for 用来表示物品价格 , 用法为 : 价格 + for + 物品 。 It’s ten yuan for the pen . 这 支钢笔 10 元钱。 ◆ pair 为名词。表示“一双 , 一对” , 常与介词 of 搭配 , 表示裤子、鞋子、袜子、眼镜等由两个相同部分组成的物品的量。 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 , two pairs of shoes 两双鞋。 7.Here you are. 这是把物品递给对方时常说的话。 当你购物或向别人借东西时 , 对方也常用 Here you are. 表示“给你”。 — May I use your pen ? 我 可以用你的钢笔吗 ? — Here you are. 给你。 T-shirt sweater skirt hat trousers shorts shoes socks Exercise Ⅰ. 根据图片写单词 Ⅱ. 在 A 栏中用 is this 或 are these 填空 ; 在 B 栏中用 It’s 或 They’re 填空 A 1 .How   much          T-shirt ? 2 .How   much          skirt ? 3 .How   much          shoes ? 4 .How   much          socks ? 5 .How   much          trousers ? B      8 dollars.      7 dollars.      15 dollars.      3 dollars.      20 dollars. is this It’s is this It’s are these are these are these They are They are They are Ⅲ. 翻译句子 1 . — 这件 T 恤衫多少钱 ? — 8 美元。 2 . — 这双袜子多少钱 ? — 2 美元。 How much is the T-shirt ? It’s eight dollars. How much are the socks ? They are two dollars. 1.Practice dialogues with your group members after class. 2. Copy and learn the new words. 3. Review color words. Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section A Grammar Focus-3c the, this, that, these, those Make sentences in the chart with the words in the three boxes. yellow, green, purple, blue, brown, red, white, black T-shirt, hat, trousers, skirt, sweater, socks, shorts, shoes, jacket, bag 3a How much is …? the yellow T-shirt How much are …? the black shorts the purple hat this black jacket this green skirt that red bag that purple sweater the brown socks the red shoes these white trousers these blue shorts those purple socks those green trousers that white skirt this brown jacket the blue T-shirt 4. ______________ They’re three dollars. 5. ___________________ It’s nine dollars. 6. ___________________ It’s eight dollars. 1. How much is that hat? _________________________ 2. How much is the bag? _________________________ 3. How much is the T-shirt? __________________________ It’s five dollars. Look at the pictures and write the questions and answers. It’s six dollars. It’s ten dollars. How much are the socks? How much is this sweater? How much is that skirt? 3b 8 4 5 6 $10 2 7 9 Memory Games 3c Student A, look at the pictures in 3b for a minute and then close your book. Student B, ask questions. How much are the socks? Umm, they’re three dollars. Exercise Ⅰ. 翻译短语 1 . 一顶红色的大帽子         2 . 一双棕色鞋         3 . 绿色的长袜         4 . 一件粉色的小 T 恤衫         5 . 一把蓝色的短尺         Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 .How much is      ( this ) red sweater ? 2 .      ( this ) socks are $4.00. 3 .Do you like      ( that ) trousers ? 4 .I don’t like      ( those ) skirt. 5 .Tom likes     ( these ) T-shirt.But I like   ( those ) one. 6 . How much      ( be ) these shorts ? 7 .The purple bag      ( be ) $8.00 . a big red hat a pair of brown shoes   long green socks   a small pink T-shirt   a short blue ruler this These those that this that are is Ⅲ. 翻译句子 1 .A : 您要买点什么 ? B : 是的。 2 . 我 ( 把它 ) 买下了。 3 . 我要买两双足球袜。 4 . 我需要为上学买一件毛衣。 5 . 这条黑色的裤子多少钱 ? 6 . 它看起来很漂亮。 7 . 一条短裤三美元 , 两条短裤五美元。 Can I help you ? Yes , please. I’ll take it. I’ll take two pairs of soccer socks. I need a sweater for school. How much is this pair of black trousers ? /How much are these black trousers ? It looks nice. Three dollars for one pair of shorts and five dollars for two pairs. 1.Copy the words, phrases and useful shopping expressions. 2. Make conversations with your partner. Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section B 1a-1e One two Three four Five six Seven eight Nine ten One two Three four Five six Seven eight Nine ten Put on your shoes Go to the store Buy the socks Take the shirt Come back again Put on your shoes Go to the store Buy the socks Take the shirt That’s the end Let’s Chant! 3512 5896 6157834 824671 35486920 Say the numbers quickly. Numbers ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen four + teen → sixteen seventeen nineteen fifteen eighteen 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 16 17 19 twen ty twen + ty → thir ty thir + ty → twenty - one twenty - two thirty - one 20 30 21 22 31 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thir teen four teen fif teen six teen seven teen eigh teen nine teen twen ty thir ty for ty fif ty six ty seven ty eigh ty nine ty twenty - one … twenty - nine thirty - one … thirty - nine forty - one … forty - nine fifty - one … fifty - nine sixty - one … sixty - nine seventy - one … seventy - nine eighty - one … eighty - nine ninety - one … ninety - nine hundred Learn these numbers and find out the rules: 1: 1---12 : ( 记住每个单词 ) 2: 13---19: -teen (thir-, fif-, eigh-) 3: 20---90: -ty (twen-, thir-, for -, fif-, eigh-) 4: 21---99: 十位 __ 个位 5: 100---900: _______ hundre d 6: 101---999: _______ hundred and __ 个位 十位 __ __ 个位 小结 : Can you solve these problems? 你们会做下列问题吗 ? two +nine = _________. three + nine = ________. six + seven = __________. eight + six = _________. seven + eight = __________. nine + seven = _________. ten + seven = _________. ten +eight = _______. eleven +eight = _____. ten + ten = _______. twenty +one=__________. s even teen + thirteen=___________. eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty Listen and repeat. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1a Row 1: ten___ eleven___ twelve___ thirteen___ fourteen___ Row 2: twenty-five___twenty-six___twenty-seven___ twenty-eight____ twenty-nine___ Row 3: twenty____ twenty-one____twenty-two___ twenty-three___ twenty-four____ Row 4: fifteen______ sixteen______ seventeen______ eighteen_______ nineteen_____ Row 5: thirty____ thirty-one_______ Write the numbers in 1a next to the correct words. Which rows of numbers are in the wrong places? 10 11 12 13 14 25 26 27 28 29 20 21 22 23 24 15 16 17 18 19 30 31 1a Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 1a. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1c ☆ 教材解读 ☆ 基数词 表示数目的词称为基数词。其形式如下 : ( 1 ) 1-10one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , ten ( 2 ) 11-19eleven , twelve , thirteen , fourteen , fifteen , sixteen , seventeen , eighteen , nineteen 这里除 eleven , twelve , thirteen , fifteen , eighteen 为特殊形式外 , fourteen , sixteen , seventeen , nineteen 都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀 -teen 构成。 ( 3 ) 21-99 整数几十中除 twenty , thirty , forty , fifty , eighty 为特殊形式外 , sixty , seventy , ninety 都是其个位数形式后添加后缀 -ty 构成。表示几十几时 , 在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连词符 “ - ” 。 21 twenty-one , 76 seventy-six 。 【 拓展 】   基数词记忆规则歌诀 : 基数词不难记 , 找出规律很容易 : 零至十二形各异 , 加上 -teen 为十几 , thirteen , fifteen 看仔细 , eighteen 只有一个 t ; twenty 却是很奇怪 , forty 本身也不乖 , eighty 一起搞例外 , 跟着也把规则坏 ; 十位后面是个位 , 表示数字“几十几” , 表示“几百几十几” , and 常把百、十系。 勤学妙记加练习 , hundred 就是你的好成绩。 Listen again. Circle the things in the picture that Kate and her mom talk about. Check (√) the thing Kate buys. √ 1d Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture above . 1e How much is the white bag? It’s seventeen dollars. Mary buys a new sweater for her father .( 为她爸爸 ) She knows her father wants a new sweater. And her father likes blue. Do you want to buy some things for your parents? Do you know your parents? 你了解你的父母吗? Writing 根据你对父母的了解,给你的父母买他们喜欢或想要的东西。 所用句型参照 3a 中的对话 请讨论是否增加一下句型: A: What size( 尺码 ) do you want? B: I want Size M.( 中号 ) A: Twenty dollars. Too dear( 太贵了 ). Ten dollars. OK? B: OK. Things Price( 价格 ) Dad Mom Report( 报告 ): My father likes…I buy …for my father. My mother likes…I buy …for my mother. 汉翻英 : 11 个足球 14 个西红柿 23 件衬衫 28 只红袜子 35 顶帽子 33 个乒乓拍 45 条短裤 48 件毛衣 57 个学生 55 个闹钟 eleven soccer balls fourteen tomatoes twenty-three shirts twenty-eight red socks. thirty-five hats thirty-three ping-pong bats forty-five pants forty-eight sweaters fifty-seven students fifty-five clocks 1. 抄写单词从 ten----thirty 两行 , 中文两次。 2. 预习 Section B 。 Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section B 1a-1e $70-90 $86 Is it …? Let's guess! $45-60 $58 Are they …? $40-70 $56 Are they…? $15 $5 $10 $20 $25 $ 10 $20 $30 $13 $ 12 ¥ 120 $ 15 ¥ 50 $ 18 ¥ 113 $ 30 $ 11 ¥ 29 On Sale! 1. a skirt ___ 3. socks ___ 5. shorts __ 2. a sweater ___ 4. trousers ___ 6 . shoes __ How much do you think these things cost? Match each clothing item with a price. b a f e d c a. $3 c. $30 e. $22 b. $15 d . $20 f . $25 2a 15 12 22 16 20 30 28 2 Read the ad and fill in the price tags. 2b ☆ 教材解读 ☆ 1.price How much is the sweater ? = What is the price of the sweater ? How much are the shorts ? = What is the price of the shorts ? How much is/are …? = What is the price of …? The price of that coat is high. 那件大衣的价格很高 ( high ) 。 I want to buy these shoes at a low price. 我想低 ( low ) 价买到这双鞋。 ( 1 ) for sale 待售 , 出售 not for sale 非卖品 ( 2 ) on sale 出售 ; 上市 ;[ 美 ] 廉价出售 , 拍卖。 ( 3 ) have a sale 进行减价销售。 3.sell ( 1 ) sell sth. 出售某物。 I will sell my computer. 我要卖掉我的电脑。 ( 2 ) ( sth. ) sell at/for ( 某物 ) 以 …… 的价格出售 ; 售价是 …… This shirt sells for/at six dollars. 这件衬衫售价六美元。 ( 1 ) buy sth. from … 从某处购买某物。 I want to buy a skirt from Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store. 我想从酷先生服装店买条裙子。 ( 2 ) buy sb.sth. 给某人买某物。 I’d like to buy him lunch. 我想请他吃午饭。 5.for 的不同用法 ( 1 ) 以 …… 的价钱。 We have green sweaters for only $15 ! 我们有价格仅为 15 美元的绿毛衣 ! ( 2 ) 供 …… 之用 , 为 …… 所需。 For boys , we have trousers for only $22. 男裤只卖 22 美元。 ( 3 ) 等值交换。 Socks are only $2 for three pairs. 三双袜子只卖 2 美元。 It’s 30 yuan for this book. 这本书卖 30 元。 6. 几种表示价格的句型 ( 1 ) We have sports shoes for only $4. 我们有价格仅为 4 美元的运动鞋。 ( 2 ) Red short skirts are only 12 yuan . 红色短裙仅需 12 元。 ( 3 ) It’s five yuan for three pairs of socks. 5 元可以买三双袜子。 ( 4 ) Black trousers sell for/at 35 yuan a pair. 黑色 裤子卖 35 元一条。 You : Hello, _______ I help you? Girl: Yes, please. I need a _______. You : How about these purple ______? Girl: Oh, I like this one. How _____ is it? You : It’s only ________ dollars. Girl: Oh, good. I’ll _______ it. You : And what do you need? Boy: Well, I need a pair of black _______ for school. You : What about this pair? They’re _______ twenty-eight _________. Boy: Great. And do you have shorts, too? You : Yes, our shorts are only ______ dollars. Boy: OK. I’ll take the _____ and the _____ . can skirt skirts much twenty take shoes only dollars sixteen shoes shorts Imagine you work at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store. Complete the conversation and practice it in a group. 2c Exercise Ⅰ . 翻译短语 1 .11 个足球         2 .14 个西红柿         3 .23 件衬衫         4 .28 只红袜子         5 .31 顶帽子         6 .30 个乒乓球拍         7 .15 条短裤         8 .12 件毛衣         9 .13 个学生         10 .18 个时钟 eleven soccer balls fourteen tomatoes twenty-three shirts twenty-eight red socks thirty-one hats   thirty ping-pong bats fifteen pairs of shorts twelve sweaters thirteen students   eighteen clocks Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 . — Does Mrs . Green have a      ( 服装 ) store ? — Yes , she does. 2 .I want to      ( 买 ) a new schoolbag for school. 3 .We      ( 卖 ) the sports shoes. 4 . — What’s the      ( 价格 ) of your new pencil box ? — It’s 10 yuan . 5 . The      ( 男孩 ) in a red hat is my brother.His name is Li Wei. 6 .The sweaters are on      ( 减价 ) . clothes buy sell price boy sale Ⅲ. 翻译句子 1 . 快来买衣服 , 服装大减价 ! 2 . 我们有红色、绿色还有白色的 T 恤仅售 18 美元。 3 . 我们有价格便宜的短裤。 4 . 男袜每双仅售 5 元。 Come and buy clothes at our great sale ! We have T-shirts in red , green and white for only $18. We have shorts at very good prices. For boys , socks are only ¥ 5 for one pair. 1.Read the ad in 2b and study the new words and expressions in it. 2. If you have 200 RMB. You can buy anything you like. Please complete your plan and make yourself much more beautiful and nicer: (pay attention to the price and color) Thing Buy from Price Color Number( 数量 ) Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section B 3a-Self-Check 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Can you count these numbers in English? Can you solve these problems? two +nine = _________. three + nine = ________. six + seven = __________. eight + six = _________. seven + eight = __________. nine + seven = _________. ten + seven = _________. ten +eight = _______ . eleven +eight = _____ . ten + ten = _______. twenty +one= __________. sixteen + fourteen= ___________. eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty You: Hello, ______ I help you? Girl: Yes, please. I need a ______. You: How about these purple ______. Girl: Oh, I like this one. How ______ is it? You: It’s only ______ dollars. Girl: Oh, good. I’ll _____ it. You: And what do you need? Boy: Well, I need a pair of black ____ for school. can skirt skirts much twenty take shoes Practice the conversation in a group. You: What about this pair? They are _____ twenty-eight _______. Boy: Great. And do you have shorts , too? You: Yes, our shorts are only ______ dollars. Boy: OK. I’ll take the _____ and the ______. only dollar s sixteen shoes shorts Look at the things in the picture. Fill in the blanks in the ad. Huaxing Clothes Store Do you like ________? We have _______ for only ___ yuan . How much are our ________? Only ___ yuan . And the red _____ are ___ yuan . sweaters sweaters 21 trousers 20 skirts 25 3a Write an ad for your own clothes store. Come and buy your clothes at… ! Do you like…? We have …____ ___________________________ ___________________________ Come to our store now! Sale at __________ 3b 写作指导: 可能用到的句型如下: 1. Come and buy your … at great sale! 大减价了! 2. Do you like/need/want …? 你喜欢 / 需要 / 想要 …… 吗? 3. We have/sell … for only … dollars /yuan. 我们有 / 卖 …… ,只需 …… 美元 / 元。 4. You can buy … for … dollars/yuan. 你可买 …… , 只需 …… 美元 / 元。 5. … is/are … dollars/yuan. …… 美元 / 元。 6. How much is/are …? It’s /They’re … dollars / yuan. …… 多少钱 ? …… 美元 / 元。 7. Come to … now! 快来 …… 吧! One possible version: Sale at _________________ FGB Clothes Store Come and buy your clothes at ! Do you like ? We have ______________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Come to our store now. FGB Clothes Store T-shirts T-shirts at very good price-only$10. Do you need bags for sports? We also have great bags for only$8! For boys, we have T-shirts in white and yellow for only$15. Shorts are only$10! For girls, you can buy green skirts for$12. How much are the hats? Only$6! And socks are only$2 for two pairs! I: a pair of white socks ___________________ ________________________________________ My partner: _____________________________ ________________________________________ My teacher: _____________________________ ________________________________________ 1 Describe what these people are wearing today. a pair of brown shoes, blue trousers, a yellow sweater, blue trousers, a red jacket, purple hat a pair of gray socks, a pair of white shoes a pair of grey socks, a pair of red shoes red trousers, a white jacket A. Thank you. B. I’m sorry. We don’t sell bags. C. You are welcome. D. Here you are. E. Yes, please. Do you sell bags? F. OK. I’ll take them. G. Can I help you? H. I see. Hmm… those blue trousers are nice. How much are they? I. They’re twenty-five dollars. 2 Put the sentences in order to make a conversation. 阅读指导: 首先,通读全部句子,可知这是购物的一个情境,购物人想买包,但该商店没有,他买了一条好看的裤子。 其次,应找到对话的开头句,由常识可知,购物时,一般售货员应先对顾客说“ Can I help you?” ,顾客回答,“ Yes, please.” 或“ No, thanks.” 。 然后,再循着上下句间的逻辑关系逐句分析。 答案: G, E, B, H, I, F, D, A, C Exercise Ⅰ . 翻译短语 1 . 一家服装店     2 . 大减价     3 . 以很低的价格     4 . 一条红色的短裙     5 . 一双黑色的鞋     a clothes store big sale at a good price a red skirt a pair of black shoes Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 . 你喜欢毛衣吗 ?      you like      ? 2 . 黑色、白色的男裤只要 10 美元。      boys , we have          black and white      only 10 dollars. 3 . 绿色的短裤 8 美元。 Green           8 dollars. 4 . 来华兴服装店吧 !          Huaxing Clothes Store ! 5 . 来买服装吧 , 大减价 !      and      your clothes      our great      ! Do sweaters For trousers in for shorts are Come to Come buy at sale Ⅲ. 补全对话 A : Can I      you ? B : Yes ,      .I’d like a      of shoes. A :      color do you like ? B : Red. A : Sorry.We      have any red shoes. Look at these black shoes. They      very nice. B : OK.I like black , too.        are they ? A : Four dollars. B : OK.I’ll      them. A :      you are. B : Thank you. A : You’re      . help please pair What don’t look How much take Here welcome Get the students to write the following composition. 新华商店有各色鞋,每双 25 元。黑色、黄色的袜子每双 2 元。白色毛衣每件 30 元。白色、黄色的帽子每顶 4 元。白色、蓝色的短裤每条 15 元。根据以上内容写一则广告。

资料: 8611


