2021届二轮专题 完形填空之十全大补“完” 学案

2021届二轮专题 完形填空之十全大补“完” 学案


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2021 届 高三 完型填空专练 之 十全大补“ 完 ” 2021 年 1 月 1. 考查一 语境中的语意联系 2. 考查二 句段间的逻辑关系 3. 考查三 搭配、句型及语法知识 4. 考查四 生活常识和文化背景 5. 完形填空解题 :记叙文 6. 完形填空解题 :说明文 7. 完形填空解题 :议论文 8. 完形填空解题 :夹叙夹议文体 9. 综合提升 1 10. 综合提升 2 第 1 剂 补 药 考查一 语境中的语意联系 “考查语境,突出语篇”是完形填空命题原则。语篇是一个有机的整体,基于文章内容,作者在文 章的选词和用词方面前后都是紧密联系的,而这也正是该题型命题的侧重点。语篇中的语意联系是 通过词义选择而建立起来的衔接关系。体现方式有:原词复现、同义词复现、同根词复现、反义词 复现、上义词(对下文事物的概括性、抽象性说明)、下义词(对上文概括词语的具体说明)等。 [典例]下面例文中,带星号的题目尤其体现了对“语意联系”的考查。 If you Want to learn① a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a l reason, such as your job or your studies ② ? 2 perhaps you're interested in the 3 , films or music of a different country ③ and you know how much it will help to have a 4 of the language. Most people learn best using a variety of 5 , but traditional classes ④ are an ideal start for many people. They 6 an environment where you can practice under the 7 of someone who’re good at the language ⑤ . We all lead 8 lives and learning a language takes 9 . You will have more success if you study regularly ⑥ , so try to develop a 10 . It doesn't matter if you haven't got long. Becoming fluent in a language will takes years ⑦ but ⑧ learning to get by takes 11 . Many people start learning ⑨ a language and soon give up. “I’m too 12 ,”they say. Yes, children ⑩ do learn languages more 13 than adults⑪,but research has shown that you can learn a language at any 14 .And learning is good ★ 1.A.technical B.political C.practical D.physical 2.A.After B.So C.Though D.Or ★ 3.A literature B.transport C.agriculture D.medicine ★ 4.A view B.knowledge C.form D.database ★ 5.A paintings B.regulations C.methods D.computers 6.A.protect B.change C.respect D.provide ★ 7.A.control B.command C. guidance D.pressure 8.A.busy B.happy C.simple D.normal ★ 9.A.courage B.time C.energy D.place ★ 10.A.theory B.business C.routine D.project ★ 11.A.some risks B.a lot less C.some notes D.a lot more ★ 12.A.old B.nervous C.weak D.tired 13.A.closely B.quickly C.privately D.quietly ★ 14.A.age B.speed C.distance D.school for the health of your brain , too. I’ve also heard people 15 about the mistakes they make when 16 .Well,relax and laugh about your mistakes 17 you’re much less likely to make them again. Learning a new language is never 18 .But with some work and devotion,you’ll make progress. And you’ll be 19 by the positive ⑫reaction of some people ⑬when you say just a few words in 20 own language. Good luck! 15.A.worry B.hesitate C.think D.quarrel ★ 16.A.singing B.working C.bargaining D.learning 17.A.if B.and C.but D.before 18.A.tiresome B.hard C.interesting D.easy ★ 19.A.blamed B.amazed C.interrupted D.informed ★ 20.A.their B.his C.our D. your 参考答案: 解析: ①和第 4 小题的 knowledge 有语意联系 ②此处举例为生活中的现实问题,因此第 1 小题选择 practical ③第 3 小题的 literature 和下文的 films or music 构成上下义关系 ④这就是学习的方式之一,因此和第 5 小题存在例证关系 ⑤和第 7 小题的语意联系在于:在“学习语言”这个语境中,接受擅长语言的人的“指导”是必要的 ⑥regularly 和第 10 小题的 routine 都意指习惯或常规 ⑦和第 9 小题的 time 存在直接联系 ⑧but 的转折作用,联系了第 11 小题和上文的 take years ⑨和第 16 小题联系,词语复现 ⑩注意和第 12 小题在语意上的对比关系 ⑩上文的 children 和此处的 adults 都是 14 小题 any age 的下义词 ⑩positive 和第 19 小题的 amazed 都是褒义词 ⑩和第 20 小题存在指代关系。 满分技巧 通读全文,把握文章中心和段落中心,围绕具体语境与情节,推敲字词的各种联系。切 莫见空填空,前后脱节,顾此失彼。 第 2 剂 补 药 考查二 句段间的逻辑关系 行文逻辑是使文章条例清晰、形成一个有机整体的保障。常见的逻辑关系包括文章的结构顺序; 句子段落间的递进、对比、过渡、并列、转折、因果、条件、推理等诸方面的关系。 利用逻辑关系解题 尝试从逻辑关系的高度整体上把握,就会不无惊喜地发现逻辑关系才是征服完形填空的最佳途 径。所谓逻辑关系并不缥缈,它就隐藏在句子中、句与句之间以及段落的衔接中。通过逻辑关系的 方法,我们可以通过确切、具体的线索,把答案的逻辑意义推测出来,从而在答案中寻找表现了相 同逻辑意义的选项。这样做,使得题目的难度大大降低。 (1) 句中逻辑关系 Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and___45___nitrogen. They are different in that their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin performs one or more specific functions in the body. 45. A. mostly B. partly C. sometimes D. rarely 【解析】短文中的 usually 和 and 是本题逻辑推理的线索。And 前后构成了并列关系,即 and 前 的 usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen 这些维生素成分和 and 后面的 nitrogen 成分形成并列关系,相 应修饰 carbon, hydrogen, oxygen 的 usually 必然和修饰 nitrogen 的 45 空的词构成一一对应的逻辑 关系。鉴于此,在 45 空考虑填入的应是和 usually 相对应的频度副词,而语义与 usually 略有不同。 mostly 和 partly 都表示了部分、量的含义,与频度无关。rarely(很少地,罕有地)虽表示了频度关系, 但其意义与 usually 相反,不符合一一对应的一致性,因此排除。只有 C 项 sometimes(不时,有时) 恰到好处地表示了 and 前后两部分的逻辑对应。故选 C。 (2) 句间逻辑关系 在此,我们发现所谓逻辑关系并不抽象,它往往通过转折、让步、递进、因果等明确的逻辑关 系词来体现。当然,句子的逻辑关系也不一定体现在一句话的内部,它还可以渗透到篇章的层面上, 在句与句之间表现出来。如: Ms Cleveland does not keep her workers on a short leash. ___13___, she encourages them to get ___14___ ways to do business. 13. A. Still B. Yet C. Instead D. While 【解析】根据前后句子的意思可推出两句间的逻辑关系是转折,意思是“Old Mr Cleveland 把 工人用带子捆绑起来(没有任何自由),而她不那样,相反(instead)她鼓励雇员”。 There is a tendency to think of each of the arts as a separate area of activity. Many artists, ___1___ would prove that there has always been a warm relationship between the various areas of human activity. 1. A. therefore B. however C. moreover D. otherwise 【解析】第一句讲各科艺术间是分离的,但后文讲的却是它们之间有很大的关联。however 的 意思是“然而”,表示转折,符合下文。故本题答案为 however。 (3) 段间逻辑关系 这种逻辑关系主要体现在段落之间的衔接上。如: Not everyone sees that process in perspective. It is important to do so. It is generally recognized, ___29___, that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, followed by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, although its impact in the media was not immediately apparent. 29. A. indeed B. hence C. however D. therefore 【解析】这里有两种情况,第一可能是第二段前后的逻辑体现;第二就是段落的前后衔接。但是, 这个题出现在第二段的第一句 ,那么,从完形填空注重逻辑关系的命题思路来看,我们优先考虑 第二种情况。前段末句意为“不是每个人都能够正确看待这个进程”。而第二段首句为“大家普遍 认为”,显然这两者之间存在了逻辑意义上的相反,此处可能体现了一种转折关系。故选 C。 第 3 剂 补 药 考查三 搭配、句型及语法知识 词汇的习惯用法或固定搭配,特别是动词、名词、形容、介词等的搭配在完形填空题中经常考查, 熟悉掌握这方面的知识有助于提高解题的准确性。因此在解答完形填空题时,除了要考虑上下文的 语意联系外,还要从字词搭配、句式结构、语法知识等方面来解读。 [典例]下面例文中,标星号的题目体现了对“搭配、句型及语法”的考查。 Do you check your work emails when you’re on holiday? Do you call your ___1___ to ask what’s happening in the office even on a day off? To be ___2__, ① I do. When I see no signal on my mobile phone in a shopping centre or no wi -fi by beach, I get ___3___. Yes, I’m ___4__ to ② work. Technology fuels our need to stay ___5___ all the time. Portable gadgets ___6___ us to work from home, ___7___ from ③ the nine-to-five routine endured by our parents. ___8___, they also make it more difficult for us to ___9___ and recharge our “batteries”. Indeed, not all ___10___ want us to be connected all the time. German car maker Daimler, ___11___, has offered to automatically delete emails sent to employees while they’re ___12___. The sender of the email receives a message asking them to get in ___13___ with ④ another employee who’s on duty, or to re-send the message at a later date. The response to this service is basically ___14___, with 99% of the employees considering it “very good” Occupational psychologists have been studying workers’ inability to relax when ___15___ duty. ⑤ They found a number of people were ___16___ because they were traveling with technology which allows them to remain connected with work all the time. However, employers and employees alike are 1.A. colleagues B. relatives C. parents D. specialists ★ 2. A. exact B. certain C. honest D. positive 3. A. excited B. relaxed C. touched D. anxious ★ 4. A. blind B. addicted C. familiar D. similar 5. A. devoted B. discouraged C. connected D. confused 6. A. allow B. force C. persuade D. drive ★ 7. A. free B. absent C tired D. far 8. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Instead D. However 9. A concentrate B. continue C. relax D. succeed 10. A. friends B. employers C. customers D. assistants 11. A. for example B. or rather C. to make it worse D. just in case 12. A. in charge B. on holiday C. within reach D. at work ★ 13. A. touch B. trouble C. line D. effect 14. A. special B. casual C. popular D. positive ★ 15. A. on B. off C. with D. at ___17___ that we’re more productive if we get the work-life balance right. An app to deal with this problem has been created. If you are worried about spending too much time on your smartphone, this app is to ___18___ your usage. The app ___19___ you if you go beyond a certain limit. Perhaps we should all take some time out to consider ___20___ ⑥ we’re addicted to work, addicted to technology, or both. It’s good to switch off once in a while. 16. A. cut off B. settled down C. burnt out D. put away 17. A. pretending B. realizing C. questioning D. blaming 18. A. complete B. ruin C. control D. improve 19. A. recognizes B. amuses C. confirms D. warns ★ 20. A. that B. whether C. when D. Where 参考答案 解析: ① 考查短语 to be honest ②考查短语 be addicted to ③考查短语 free from ④考查短语 get in touch with ⑤考查短语 off duty ⑥考查名词性从句的链接 满分技巧 “前后搭配”在解题时用得最多。首先以谓语动词为中心,考虑动词与介词 的搭配、动宾搭配以及句武搭配等,甚至动词能不能与一些副词搭配也需要考虑。判断 能不能搭配,除涉及词语的用法外,还需要综合语法知识及常识等来考虑。 高考在设题时为了提 高难度,常常把这些固定搭配变为被动形式或者拆开进行考查。做此类题目时,关键要将固定搭配 还原。牢记常见的固定搭配,尤其是其中心词,只要在文中出现中心词就先联想其所对应的常见搭 配,这样就可以很快得出答案。 第 4 剂 补 药 考查四 生活常识和文化背景 解答完形填空,有时文章中提供的信息还不够,考生的英语语言知识和有关世界的知识,都发 挥着重要的作用。当对语言的把握不很准确时,可充分利用自己已掌握的文化背景和生活常识,巧 妙地加以运用,能够根据主题猜测细节,体会文章表达的氛围。这样将会大大简化复杂的分析与判 断过程,节省宝贵时间,顺利地沿作者的思路阅读下去。 [典例 1] I said that I didn’t know how to get back into town. In silence, he started driving. I ran back to my car and drove behind him. Finally I recognized a familiar street. As I turned to head home, the car disappeared. Then I _____my driveway when the warning light for my gas tank turned on. A. pulled into B. drove away C. ran across D. fount out 影响这个题目正确作答的关键是对空后面的 driveway 的含义的理解,driveway 指的是 the hard area or road between your house and the street,(美) (从建筑物、车库等通至道路的) 私用车道,车道 ( (英)drive)。而中国家庭大多数是不存在这样的一个 driveway 的。本句意思是当邮箱的耗油警示灯 亮起的时候,我也到家了,所以选 pull into.正确答案为 A. [典例 2] Salina Joe began to ____ when she was one-year old. A. say B. cry C. sing D. talk 根据常识判断,婴儿在一岁的时候应该是开始学说话,而不是学哭或学唱歌,故答案只能在 A、 D 之间选出。又因为 say 是及物动词,其后面需接宾语,而 talk 是不及物动词,其后不需要接宾语, 故正确答案为 D。 [典例 3] Every morning she would give him breakfast in bed and bring him the paper to _____ A. check B. read C. keep D. sign 外国人早 上有读报的习惯,题中的 paper 指的是报纸,这是理解本文细节的关键,有了这些文化背景知识, 可迅速推断出正确答案为 B。 [典例 4] We arrived in Spain for the first time a few weeks ago. I decided to buy a car because we had sold the one we had in England. ... But when I turned into the main road I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing ______ me.. A. after B. with C. around D. towards 从语篇提供的信息看,“我”来自英国。在英国开车要靠左行驶,那么可以推知作者来到西班牙后, 行驶方向出了问题,以致于造成一系列的错误。如果了解此文化背景知识,对全文的把握就会更加 准确。答案为 D。 [典例 5] Cyclists who give signals before turning or stopping help prevent _______. .... A. accidents B. mistakes C. falls D. deaths 根据常识可知,骑自行车的人在 拐弯或停车前发出信号,自然是为了避免事 故,故 A 为最 佳选项。 [典例 6] I thought he was going to ask for my father's ___and call him. A. help B. position C. number D. job B. 考查文化常识和语境,句中后半句是 and call him,依照常识,打电话需要电话号码,所以选 C。 [典例 7] We _____ hamburgers and Coca Colar at the counter. A. ordered B. made C. arranged D. demanded 根据常识及语境,“在柜台旁”不是订快餐就是付款,在选项中只有 order 有“点餐”之意,所以选 A. [典例 8] Family traditions were important in our house, and none was more appreciated than the perfect Christmas tree.------ I was cooking when I heard the _____ sounds as the boys carried the tree into the living room. A happy B. loud C. terrible D. violent 如果具备文化背景知识:在西方,圣诞树于圣诞节的意义,就不难选出 A. 其实文段开头也交代了 这一文化背景。 [典例 9] After ____ the British flag at the Pole, they took a photograph of themselves before they started the 950-mile journey back. A. growing B. putting C. planting D. laying 根据常识,南极地区冰雪覆盖,须费好大的劲将旗插进极地,plant 在这里的意思是“安插”“插牢”, 故答案为 C. 满分技巧 将文段意思和我们原有的生活经验、文化背景知识、以及科普常识等结合起来, 进行简单推理,从而得出正确答案。事实上,该技巧与“逻辑推断”常常是交织在一起的,因为虽有 背景知识,仍需简单推理;逻辑推理离不开背景常识。 第 5 剂 补 药 完形填空解题 :记叙文 【高考示例】 I used to be a very self--centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed. I have started to think about other people __36__ I think about myself. I am happy that I am becoming a __37__ person. I think my __38__ started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my __39__ and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever __40__ to anyone in my classes. By the end of my first semester, I was really __41__. It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So I tried a(n) __42__. I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I __43__ to help. That was really a big __44__ for me. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of __45__ are still my best friends today. A bigger cause of my new __46__ , however, came when I took a part-time job at Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there who had Alzheimer's disease became my __47__. Every time I came into her room, she was so __48__ because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never __49__ her, so I took her place. She let me __50__ that making others feel good made me feel good too. When she died, I was __51__, but I was also very grateful to her. I think I am a much __52__ person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not __53__ these experiences. They have __54__ me to care about other people more than about myself. I __55__ who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago. 36. A.since B.before C.or D.unless 37. A.famous B.simple C.different D.skilled 38. A.education B.career C.tour D.change 39. A. balance B. homework C. degree D. interest 40. A. talked B. wrote C. lied D. reported 41. A.careful B.lonely C.curious D.guilty 42. A. argument B. game C. experiment D. defence 43. A.dared B.offered C. hesitated D. happened 44. A.dream B.problem C.duty D.step 45. A.us B.which C.them D.whom 46. A.attitude B.hobby C.hope D.luck 47. A.friend B.partner C.guide D.guest 48. A.polite B.happy C.strange D.confident 49. A.bothered B.answered C.visited D.trusted 50. A.explain B.guess C.declare D.see 51. A.homeless B. heartbroken C. bad-tempered D. hopeless 52. A.quieter B.busier C.better D.richer 53. A.forget B.face C.improve D.analyze 54. A.forced B.preferred C.ordered D.taught 55. A.miss B.like C.wonder D.expect 36.句组层次 利用首句解题 37.句组层次 利用同义词解题 38.语篇层次 利用原词复现解题 39.句组层次 利用上下文语境解 40.句组层次 利用上下文语境解 41.42 句组层次 利用上下文语境解 43.句内层次 利用上下文语境解 44.句组层次 利用上下文语境解 45.句内层次 利用上下文语境和 语法知识解题 46.语篇层次 利用上下文语境解 信息源:上文“不与 他人交流”转变到 “主动帮助他人” 47. 句组层次 利用上下文语境解 48. 49. 50 句内层次 利用上下文语境解 51. 句组层次 利用上下文语境解 52. 语篇层次 利用上下文语境解 53. 语篇层次 利用上下文语境解 信息源:由上文作者 的转变可知不会“忘 记”这些经历 54. 语篇层次 利用上下文语境解 信息源:由上文可知 这些经历“教会”了作 者关心他人 55. 篇层次 利用上下文语境解 真题精选对应训练 Whenever we hear about “the homeless”, most of us think of the Developing world. But the 36 is that homelessness is everywhere. For example, how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a 37 country like Germany? Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making 38 for the homeless of Berlin, Germany’s capital. They 36:A.result B.Truth C.reason D.idea 37:A.traditional B.developing C.typical D.wealthy 38:A.preparations B.houses C.meals D.suggestions 39:A.began B.met C.called D.left first 39 one long hot summer when most Germans were 40 on holiday. Kurt and his wife stayed at home, made sandwiches, 41 a table in the street and gave food to the homeless. The Mullers soon realized that food and clothing weren’t 42 . “What these people also need is warmth and 43 ,” says Rita. The Mullers didn’t 44 to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime. Rita 45 there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home was always 46 to anyone who couldn’t face another night on the street. The couple were soon 47 all their time and money, so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to 48 donations. Today, over thirty companies 49 donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help to 50 them to the homeless. The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer 51 new shoes. Kurt and Rita receive no 52 for their hard work. “ We feel like parents,” says Rita, “and parents shouldn’t 53 money for helping their children. The love we get on the streets is our salary.” Though Rita admits she often gets 54 . She says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a 55 in the world. 40:A.asleep B.alone c.across D.away 41:A.brought up B.set up C.put aside D.gave away 42:A.enough B.necessary C.helpful D.expensive 43:A.Fame B.freedom C.courage D.caring 44:A.Hesitate B.agree C.pretend D.intend 45.A.make sense B.found out C.make sure D.worked out 46:A.open B.crowded C.noisy D.near 47:A.Costing B.wasting C.taking D.spending 48:A.pay for B.ask for C.look into D.carry out 49:A.completely B.calmly C.regularly D.roughly 50:A.advertise B.sell C.deliver D.lend 51:A.donates B.produces C.designs D.collects 52:A.permission B.payment C.direction D.support 53:A.borrow B.raise C.save D.expect 54:A.surprised B.excited C.tired D.amused 55:A.Profit B.difference C.decision D.rule 一: 读懂文章世界提的关键, 速读文章,了解文章大意 The passage mainly tells us that a _______ couple try their best to help the homeless of______ . They give_____ as well as_____and caring to the homeless. Through their efforts, many ________ and __________join them. 二: 精读文章,理清细枝末节 时间 地点 人物 事件 helping the homeless _________ _______ ____________ 1.__________ for the poor 2.Giving them _______and ______ 3.Many ______ and _______ join them 第 6 剂 补 药 完形填空解题 :说明文 Step one 真题体验 Body language is the quiet,secret and most powerful language of all!It speaks 36 than words.According to specialists,our bodies send out more 37 than we realize.In fact,non-verbal communication(非言语交际)takes up about 50% of what we really 38 .And body language is particularly 39 when we attempt to communicate across cultures(文化).Indeed,what is called body language is so 40 a part of us that it’s actually often unnoticed.And misunderstandings occur as a result of it. 41 ,different societies treat the 42 between people differently.Northern Europeans usually do not like having 43 contact(接触)even with friends, and certainly not with 44 .People from Latin American countries, 45 ,touch each other quite a lot.Therefore,it’s possible that in 46 ,it may look like a Latino is 47 a Norwegian all over the room.The Latino,trying to express friendship, will keep moving 48 .The Norwegian,very probably seeing this as pushiness,will keep 49 —which the Latino will in return regard as 50 . Clearly,a great deal is going on when people 51 .And only a part of it is in the words themselves.And when parties are from 52 cultures,there’s a strong possibility of 53 .But whatever the situation,the best 54 is to obey the Golden Rule:treat others as you would like to be 55 . 36.A.straighter B.louder C.harder D.further 37.A.sounds B.invitations C.feelings D.messages 38.A.hope B.receive C.discover D.mean 39.A.immediate B.misleading C.important D.difficult 40.A.well B.far C.much D.long 41.A.For example B.thus C.However D.In short 42.A.trade B.distance C.connections D.greetings 43.A.eye B.verbal C.bodily D.telephone 44.A.strangers B.relatives C.neighbours D.enemies 45.A.in other words B.on the other hand C.in a similar way D.by all means 46.A.trouble B.conversation C.silence D.experiment 47.A.disturbing B.helping C.guiding D.following 48.A.closer B.faster C.in D.away 49.A.stepping forward B.going on C.backing away D.coming out 50.A.weakness B.carelessness C.friendliness D.coldness 51.A.talk B.travel C.laugh D.think 52.A.different B.European C.Latino D.rich 53.A.curiosity B.excitement C.misunderstanding D.nervousness 54.A.chance B.time C.result D.advice 55.A.noticed B.treated C.respected D.pleased Step Two 深度阅读与拓展训练 任务型阅读——篇章结构 任务型阅读——写作训练 根据所读短文,写一篇有关 Body language 的文章。要点如下: 1.Body language 的使用;2.Body language 的特点; 3.避免误解的途径。 参考范文 When we talk with others,we make ourselves 1.________(understand) not only by our words but also by our body language. Body language is quiet,secret but powerful,2______ speaks louder than words. 3____ fact,our bodies send 4_____ more messages than we realize. On the other hand,body language is so important when we attempt to communicate across cultures 5_____ misunderstandings occur as a result of it. For example,different 6_______(society) treat the distance between people differently. When two parties are from different cultures, there’s 7___strong possibility of misunderstanding. But 8________ the situation is, the best advice to avoid 9_____________(misunderstand) is to obey the Golden Rule:treat others 10______ you would like to be treated. Step Three 知识积累 1.身体语言____________ 2.根据;按照 ____________ 3.发出;放出;派遣_____ 4.占据;拿起;从事 ______ 5.尝试;企图做某事________ 6.发生 o______ 7.因此;由于;作为……的结果 ________ 8.对待________ 9.另一方面________ 10.在对话中;交谈中 ________________ 11.看起来像……________ 12.作为回报 ________ 13.把……当作 ________ 14.大量 ________ 15.继续;发生;过去 ________ 16.遵守规则 _______________ Step four 真题精选对应训练 If you want to learn a new language,the very first thing to think about is why.Do you need it for a 36.A.technical B.political C.practical D.physical 36 reason,such as your job or your studies? 37 perhaps you’re interested in the 38 ,films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a 39 of the language. Most people learn best using a variety of 40 , but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的) start for many people.They 41 an environment where you can practice under the 42 of someone who’s good at the language.We all lead 43 lives and learning a language takes 44 .You will have more success if you study regularly,so try to develop a 45 .It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got long.Becoming fluent in a language will take years,but learning to get by takes 46 . Many people start learning a language and soon give up.“I’m too 47 ,” they say.Yes,children do learn languages more 48 than adults , but research has shown that you can learn a language at any 49 .And learning is good for the health of your brain,too.I’ve also heard people 50 about the mistakes they make when 51 .Well,relax and laugh about your mistakes 52 you’re much less likely to make them again. Learning a new language is never 53 .But with some work and devotion,you’ll make progress.And you’ll be 54 by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in 55 own language.Good luck! 37.A.After B.So C.Though D.Or 38.A.literature B.transport C.agriculture D.medicine 39.A.view B.knowledge C.form D.database 40.A.paintings B.regulations C.methods D.computers 41.A.protect B.change C.respect D.provide 42.A.control B.command C.guidance D.pressure 43.A.busy B.happy C.simple D.normal 44.A.courage B.time C.energy D.place 45.A.theory B.business C.routine D.project 46.A.some risks B.a lot less C.some notes D.a lot more 47.A.old B.nervous C.weak D.tired 48.A.closely B.quickly C.privately D.quietly 49.A.age B.speed C.distance D.school 50.A.worry B.hesitate C.think D.quarrel 51.A.singing B.working C.bargaining D.learning 52.A.if B.and C.but D.before 53.A.tiresome B.hard C.interesting D.easy 54.A.blamed B.amazed C.interrupted D.informed 55.A.their B.his C.our D.your 第 7 剂 补 药 完形填空解题:议论文 The concept of solitude (独处) in the digital world is almost non-existe nt. In the world of digital technology, e-mail, social networking and online video games, information is meant to be____36___. Solitude can be hard to discover ___37____it has been given up. In this respect, new technologies have ___38____our culture. The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a(n) ___39____as we’ve known it. People have become so ___40____in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted ____41___they’d rather not be. Today we can talk, text, e-mail, chat and blog (写博客), not only from our ___42____, but from our mobile phones as well. Most developed nations have become ___43____on digital technology simply because they’ve grown accustomed to it, and at this point not ___44____it would make them an outsider. ___45____, many jobs and careers require people to be ___46____. From this point of view, technology has changed the culture of work. Being reachable might feel like a ___47____to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times. I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still possible for anyone who ___48____wants it. Computers can be shut ___49____and mobile phones can be turned off. The ability to be “connected”and “ on”has many ___50____, as well as disadvantages. Travelers have ended up ___51____on mountains, and mobile phones have saved countless lives. They can also make people feel ___52____and forced to answer unwanted calls or___53____to unwanted texts. Attitudes towards our contentedness as a society ___54____ across generations. Some find today’s technology a gift. Others consider it a curse. Regardless of anyone’s view on the subject, it’s hard to imagine what life would be like ___55____daily advancements in technology. 36.A. updated B. received C. shared D. collected 37. A. though B. until C. once D. before 38. A. respected B. shaped C. Ignored D. preserved D. preserved 39. A. edge B. stage C. end D. balance 40. A. sensitive B. intelligent C. considerate D. reachable 41. A. even if B. only if C. as if D. if only 42. A. media B. computes C. databases D. monitors 43. A. bent B. hard C. Keen D. dependent D. dependent 44. A. finding B. using C. protecting D. changing 45. A. Also B. Instead C. Otherwise D. Somehow 46. A. connected B.trained C. recommended D. interested 47. A. pleasure B.benefit C. burden D. disappointment 48. A. slightly B. hardly C. merely D. really 49. A. out B. down C. up D. in 50. A. aspects B.weaknesses C. advantages D. exceptions 51. A. hidden B. lost C. relaxed D. deserted 52. A. trapped B. Excited C. confused D. amused 53. A. turn B. submit C. object D. reply 54. A. vary B. arise C. spread D. exist 55. A. beyond B. within C. despite D. without 参考答案 一、读懂文章是解题的关键(如何读) 速读文章,了解文章大意 What's the passage mainly about? With the development of __________ , the concept of _________ is disappearing. People are connected with each other by means of ________ or mobile phones. Although people have different __________towards the change, the advance of technology does make a __________to the world. 二:精读文章,理清细枝末节(完成下面框图) 论点 ——————————— 论据 结论 Digital technology has changed our way of life. 1. New technology have _________________ . 2. Digital technology has changed the _______ of work. 3 It is hard to imagine _______ life would be like ______daily advancements in technology. 三: 长难句分析 1. The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a ( n) ___39_____as we've known it. 本句是____引导的原因状语从句,主句中的主语 to be connected 动词不定式修饰 _____为后置定语。 2. People have become so ___40___ in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted 41 they'd rather not be. 翻译:So… that …引导的结果状语从句。_______________________________________________ 3.Being reachable might feel like a ___47___ to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times. 本句的主语和从句分别是什么? 4. I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still possible for anyone who ___48___ wants it. Suppose 的______从句,在宾语从句中 that 引导的______从句。 5. Regardless of anyone's view on the subject, it's hard to imagine what life would be like ____55___daily advancements in technology. Regardless of 引导的让步状语从句。后面主句中是 imagine 的宾语从句,what 为连词。 翻译:_______________________________________________________________________________ 第 8 剂 补 药 完形填空解题:夹叙夹议文体 I often read of incidents of misunderstanding or conflict. I ’m left 36 . Why do these people create mistrust and problems, especially with those from other 37 ? I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 1960s, 38 children from different races and religions played and studied 39 in harmony. At that time my family lived a stone s 40 from Ismail’s. And no one was bothered that Ismail was a Malay Muslim and Iwas an Indian Hindu——we just 41 our differences. Perhaps, our elders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice,well 42 or otherwise. We were nine when we became friends. During the school holidays, we'd 43 the countryside on our bicycles, hoping to 44 the unexpected. At times Ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town. We would be glad of his 45 . When I was twelve, my family moved to Johor. Ismail s family later returned to their village, and I 46 touch with him. One spring afternoon in 1983, I stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur. I 47 my destination. The driver acknowledged my 48 but did not move off. Instead, he looked 49 at me. “Raddar?" he said, using my childhood nickname(绰号). I was astonished at being so 50 addressed (称呼). Unexpectedly! It was Ismail! Even after two 51 we still recognized each other. Grasping his shoulder, I felt a true affection, something 52 to describe. If we can allow our children to be 53 without prejudice, they'll build friendships with people, regardless of race or religion, who will be 54 their side through' thick and thin. On such friendships are societies built and 55 we can truly be, as William Shakespeare once wrote, 44we happy few, we band of brothers". 36:A.interested B. pleased C. puzzled D.excited 37:A.parties B. cities C. villages D.races 38:A.why B. which C. how D.when 39:A.together B. around C. alone D.apart 40:A.drop B. throw C. move D.roll 41:A.refused B. made C. sought D.accepted 42:A.paid B. meant C. preserved(保存)D.treated 43:A.explore B. search C. discover D.desert 44:A.get through B. deal with C. come across D.take away 45:A.arrival B. choice C. effort D.company 46:A.lost B. gained C. developed D.missed 47:A.stated B. ordered C. decided D.chose 48:A.attempts B. instructions C. pinions D.arrangements 49:A.anxiously B. carelessly C.disappointedly D.fixedly 50:A.familiarly B. strangely C. fully D.coldly 51:A.departures B. months C. years D.decades 52:A.possible B. funny C. hard D.clear 53:A.them B. themselves C. us D.ourselves 54:A.from B. by C.with D.against 55:A.still B. otherwise C. then D.instead 参考答案: 一: 读懂文章世界提的关键, 速读文章,了解文章大意 What is the passage mainly about? The writer mainly recalls the_________ between him and Ismail. Though they belong to different ______ and believe in different ________, they become close friends and live _____harmony. 二: 精读文章,理清细枝末节 提出问题 列举实例(记叙) 总结观点(议论) Why do people create ________and problems, especially with those from other races? People from different races and ________ can live in harmony. Ismail and I became friends and live in ______ with each other. 第 9 剂 补 药 Step One 真题体验 (2013·新课标全国Ⅰ·完形填空) I went to a group activity,“Sensitivity Sunday”,which was to make us more 36 the problems faced by disabled people.We were asked to “ 37 a disability”for several hours one Sunday.Some members , 38 , chose to use wheelchairs.Others wore sound-blocking earplugs(耳塞) or blindfolds(眼罩). Just sitting in the wheelchair was a 39 experience.I had never considered before how 40 it would be to use one.As soon as I sat down,my 41 made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not 42 .Then I wondered where to put my 43 .It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into 44 .I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of 45 for several hours.For disabled people , “adopting a wheelchair” is not a temporary(临时的) 46 . I tried to find a 47 position and thought it might be restful, 48 kind of nice,to be 49 around for a while.Looking around,I 50 I would have to handle the thing myself!My hands started to ache as I 51 the heavy metal wheels.I came to know that controlling the 52 of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n) 53 task. My wheelchair experiment was soon 54 .It made a deep impression on me.A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the 55 , both physical and mental,that disabled people must overcome. 37.A.curious about B.interested in C.aware of D.careful with 37.A.cure B.Prevent C.adopt D.analyze 38.A.instead B.Strangely C.as usual D.like me 39.A.learning B.Working C.satisfying D.relaxing 40.A.convenient B.Awkward C.boring D.exciting 41.A.height B.Force C.skill D.weight 42.A.locked B.Repaired C.powered D.grasped 43.A.hands B.Feet C.keys D.handles 44.A.place B.Action C.play D.effect 45.A.operation B.Communication C.transportation D.production 46.A.exploration B.Education C.Experiment D.entertainment 47.A.flexible B.Safe C.starting D.comfortable 48.A.yet B.Just C.still D.even 49.A.shown B.Pushed C.driven D.guided 50.A.realized B.Suggested C.agreed D.admitted 51.A.lifted B.Turned C.pressed D.seized 52.A.path B.Position C.direction D.way 53.A.easy B.Heavy C.major D.extra 54.A.forgotten B.Repeated C.conducted D.finished 55.A.weaknesses B.Challenges C.anxieties D.illnesses Step Two 深度阅读与拓展训练 任务型阅读——篇章结构 My wheelchair experiment —|— I went to a group activity called 1.“Sensitivity Sunday”. — I chose 2.the wheelchairs. — I experienced the uncomfortable challenge of using the wheelchair. — It made a deep 3.impression on me. 任务型阅读——写作训练 根据所读短文,以第一人称以“My wheelchair experiment”为题,写一篇 100 词左右的日记,记录 你当天的活动。 参考范文 短文改错 Sunday,Oct.12, 2014 Sunny Today I went to a group activity called “Sensitivity Sunday” that we were asked to “adopt a disability” for several hour one Sunday and I choose the wheelchairs. Just sit in the wheelchair was a learning experience. As soon as I sat down,my weight made the chair began to roll. Because its wheels were not locked,it took me quite a while get the metal footrest into place. I tried to find a comfortable position,and I realized I would have to handle the thing myself ! My hands started to ache as I turned the heavy wheels. I came to know that controlling the position of the wheelchair was not going to be a easy task. My wheelchair experiment was soon finished. It made a deep impression with me. Step Three 知识积累 1.知道;意识到________ 2.残疾人________ 3.采取;接受 ________ 4.尴尬的;笨拙的________ 5.s 一……就……________ 6.交通工具 ________ 7.暂时 ________ 8.浏览;到处查看 ________ 9.处理;操作;运作 ________ 10..给某人留下……的印象________________ 11.领略了;……的体验 ________ 12.挑战 ________ 真题精选对应训练 I used to believe in the American Dream,which meant a job,a mortgage(按揭),credit cards,success.I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else,all of us 36 chasing the same thing. One year,through a series of unhappy events,it all fell 37 .I found myself homeless and alone.I had my truck and 56.I 38 the countryside for some place I could rent for the 39 possible amount.I came upon 36.A.separately B.equally C.violently D.naturally 37.A.off B.apart C.over D.out 38.A.crossed B.left C.toured D.searched 39.A.fullest B.largest C.fairest D.cheapest 40.A.at B.through C.over D.round a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road 40 the Potomac River in West Virginia.It was 41 , full of broken glass and rubbish.I found the owner,rented it,and 42 a corner to camp in. The locals knew nothing about me, 43 slowly, they started teaching me the 44 of being a neighbor.They dropped off blankets,candles,and tools, and began 45 around to chat.They started to teach me a belief in a 46 American Dream—not the one of individual achievement but of 47 . What I had believed in,all those things I thought were 48 for a civilized life,were nonexistent in this place. 49 on the mountain,my most valuable possessions were my 50 with my neighbors. Four years later,I moved back into 51 .I saw many people were having a really hard time, 52 their jobs and homes.I managed to rent a big enough house to 53 a handful of people.There are four of us now in the house,but over time I’ve had nine people come in and move on to other places.We’d all be in 54 if we hadn’t banded together. The American Dream I believe in now is a shared one.It’s not so much about what I can get for myself; it’s about 55 we can all get by together. 41.A.occupied B.abandoned C.emptied D.robbed 42.A.turned B.approached C.cleared D.cut 43.A.but B.although C.otherwise D.for 44.A.benefit B.lesson C.nature D.art 45.A.sticking B.looking C.swinging D.turning 46.A.wild B.real C.different D.remote 47.A.neighborliness B.happiness C.friendliness D.kindness 48.A.unique B.expensive C.rare D.necessary 49.A.Up B.Down C.Deep D.Along 50.A.cooperation B.relationships C.satisfaction D.appointments 51.A.reality B.society C.town D.life 52.A.creating B.losing C.quitting D.offering 53.A.put in B.turn in C.take in D.get in 54.A.yards B.shelters C.camps D.cottages 55.A.when B.what C.whether D.how 第 10 剂 补 药 Step One 真题体验 Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains.They reached the top 21 ,but on their way back conditions were very 22 .Joe fell and broke his leg.They both knew that if Simon 23 alone,he would probably get back 24 .But Simon decided to risk his 25 and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope (绳). As they 26 down,the weather got worse.Then another 27 occurred.They couldn’t see or hear each other and, 28 ,Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice (峭壁).It was 29 for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up.Joe’s 30 was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice. 31 ,after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold,Simon had to 32 .In tears, he cut the rope.Joe 33 into a huge crevasse (裂缝)in the ice below.He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain.He couldn’t walk,but he 34 to get out of the crevasse and started to 35 towards their camp,nearly ten kilometers 36 . Simon had 37 the camp at the foot of the mountain.He thought that Joe must be 38 ,but he didn’t want to leave 39 .Three days later,in the middle of the night,he heard Joe’s voice.He couldn’t 40 it.Joe was there,a few meters from their tent,still alive. 21.A.hurriedly B.carefully C.successfully D.early 22. A.difficult B.similar C.special D.normal 23. A.climbed B.worked C.rested D.continued 24. A.unwillingly B.Safely C.slowly D.regretfully 25. A.fortune B.time C.health D.life 26. A.lay B.settled C.went D.looked 27.A.damage B.storm C.change D.trouble 28.A.by mistake B.by chance C.by choice D.by luck 29. A.unnecessary B.practical C.important D.impossible 30. A.height B.weight C.strength D.equipment 31. A.Finally B.Patiently C.Surely D.Quickly 32. A.stand back B.take a rest C.make a decision D.hold on 33.A.jumped B.fell C.escaped D.backed 34. A.managed B.planned C.waited D.hoped 35. A.run B.skate C.move D.march 36. A.around B.away C.above D.along 37. A.headed for B.traveled to C.left for D.returned to 38. A.dead B.hurt C.weak D.late 39. A.secretly B.tiredly C. immediately D.anxiously 40. A.find B.believe C.make D.accept Step Two 深度阅读与拓展训练 任务型阅读——篇章结构 The story of 2 climbers to the West Face of the Siula Grande Experiences: —| — Joe and Simon reached the top 1.successfully. — On their way back Joe fell and broke 2.his leg. — Simon decided to risk his life and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a 3.rope. — Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice 4.by mistake. — Simon had to cut the rope in tears and Joe fell into 5.a large crevasse. Results: —|— Simon returned to the camp and didn’t leave immediately. — Joe managed to escape the crevasse and returned to their tent 6.alive. Step Three 知识积累 1.在某人回去的路上 ________________ 2.冒生命危险________________ 3.下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受________ 4.转坏 ________ 5.错误地;由于差错________ 6. 拔起;停下来;阻止,拉某人上来________ 7. 多于;超出;比……多________ 8. 作决定________ 9. 流着泪;含着泪________ 10.处于痛苦中________ 11. 设法;达成________ 12. 逃避;避免________ 真题精选对应训练 The Fittingin of Suzy Khan The first time I saw Suzy Khan,I knew I had to help her.She was really small for her age of 12.The boys in my class often 36 about her and laughed their heads off.She would open a book , pretending to read,with tears dropping on the open page. All I knew was that she was an orphan(孤儿) from Africa.She had just been adopted by a family in town who 37 that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids.I looked down at this 38 girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her. But how could I help her 39 in with us?There had to be a 40 . 36.A.joked B.cared C.forgot D.worried 37.A.reported B.decided C.complained D.questioned 38.A.rich B.proud C.tiny D.popular 39.A.come B.fall C.fit D.tie One day,when I went into the classroom,I saw that Suzy had 41 her geography book to a picture of a train , and in her notebook,she had made a(n) 42 copy. I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming 43 show.So,I took her to see the art teacher,Miss Parker,and showed her what Suzy had 44 .“Why,it’s wonderful,” said Miss Parker,who then showed us a poster she had painted 45 the talent show.“I need more of these,but I just don’t have enough 46 .Could you help me,Suzy?” On the day of the talent show , Suzy’s 47 were everywhere—all over the hall and all over the school , each one different. “And finally,” said Mr.Brown,the schoolmaster,at the end of the show,“we have a(n) 48 award.I’m sure you’ve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded.“One of our own students 49 them.” I could hear everyone whispering.“Who in our school could draw 50 well?” Mr.Brown waited a while before saying , “ 51 this student worked so hard on the posters,she deserves a 52 , too.Our mystery(神秘) artist is our new student—Suzy Khan!” Mr.Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist’s set.“Thank you,” she cried. I 53 ,at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she’d probably never 54 anything in her whole life. Everyone started to 55 their hands.Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening.I knew then Suzy was going to be all right. 40.A.manner B.pattern C.choice D.way 41.A.read B.taken C.opened D.put 42.A.free B.perfect C.final D.extra 43.A.art B.talk C.quiz D.talent 44.A.colored B.written C.carved D.drawn 45.A.at B.after C.for D.around 46.A.room B.time C.paper D.interest 47.A.gifts B.books C.photos D.posters 48.A.special B.academic C.national D.royal 49.A.painted B.found C.printed D.collected 50.A.very B.that C.quite D.too 51.A.If B.Though C.Unless D.Since 52.A.prize B.rank C.rest D.place 53.A.replied B.realized C.remembered D.regretted 54.A.offered B.valued C.owned D.controlled 55.A.clap B.wave C.raise D.shake

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