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人教新版 四年级下册 U n i t 6 Wo u l d y o u l i k e t o t a k e a t r i p ? Lesson 33 Let’s chantReview Game What’s missing? Review Play a game Look! What’s this in English? Look and sayPresentation It’s a monkey. What’s the monkey doing? Look and sayPresentation It is dancing. Hello! I have three friends. They are vey cute(可爱的). Do you want to know them? Look and sayPresentation Presentation What’s that in English? It’s a seal. Let’s learn Presentation What’s that in English? It’s a dolphin. Let’s learn Presentation What’s that in English? It’s a hippo. Let’s learn Look and sayPresentation Where are they? What are they looking at? Let’s learnPresentation Look! What’s that in English? 1 Good! 3 It’s a seal. 2 Let’s learnPresentation Guess, Lisa! What’s that in English? 4 It’s a dolphin. 5 Look! The dolphin is dancing! Look! The dolphin is dancing! Look! The dolphin is dancing! 6 Practice Role-play 分角色朗读对话,注意模仿语音语调。 小组合作,试着表演出来吧。 Practice Read it by groups for one minute . 小组读对话一分钟。 Learning tip : 四人一组,比赛读句子, 看谁能在一分钟内读完, 并且读得准确、流利! 10 2 0 30 50 40 60 30 20 10 Presentation What’s that in English? It’s a dog. Presentation Look at the dog! The dog is running. Presentation What’s that in English? It’s a cat. Presentation Look at the cat! The cat is singing. Practice What’s that in English? It’s a dolphin. Look and say Practice Look at the dolphin. What’s it doing? It’s swimming. Look and say Practice A: What’s that in English? B: _________. A: Look! The seal is ________. B: Wow, great! It’s a seal swimming Look and write Practice A: What’s that in English? B: __________. A: Look! The hippo is ______. B: Yes. It’s a hippo eating Look and write Practice Let’s play What’s that in English? It’s a dolphin. Summary 本课学到的重点单词: dolphinseal hippo dog cat Summary —What’s that in English? 本课学到的重点句型: —It’s a/an … Homework 1. 跟读课文Just talk部分的录音,注意语音、 语调。 2. 观察生活中的小动物,绘制成一张动物乐 园的海报,并附上它们的英文名字。 3. 预习Lesson 34。

资料: 3.2万


