3A Unit4 My Family教案和反思

3A Unit4 My Family教案和反思


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Unit 4 My family Period 1 一.教学目标 知识目标: 1. 认识人物Tim, Helen,并会说:father, mother, brother, sister 2. 能听懂、会说、会认读:This is my…和This is …等日常交际用语,并能运用所学介绍家人。 3. 会唱歌曲:My family. 能力目标 1. 能了解人物之间的关系,并准确的说出。 2. 能根据图片的情景进行描述和对话,正确理解图片含义,并对文字进行指读。 二.教学重难点 1. 复习上一单元句型He’s my…/ She’s my… 2. 认识新人物Tim, Helen, 并能分清人物关系代词father, mother, brother, sister. 3. 能用This is my…和This is …来介绍自己的家人和朋友。 三.教学准备 教师准备:人物头像图片,多媒体课件,单词卡片 四.教学过程 Step 1  Warming up 1. Sing a song: Finger family 2. Greeting with each other 3. Free talk A,What’s your name? What’s his/ her name? Who is the boy/ girl? Is he/she your friend? (引导Ss 用He’s …/ She’s …回答) B. T: I have many photos here, who are they? Ss 用He’s …/ She’s …介绍Mike/wang bing/ su hai 等。 Step 2  Presentation 1. T: Look at the boy. He’s my friend. Who is he? (出示Mike图片) S: He’s Mike. T: Good. And I have many photos. (出示多张Mike的图片) This is Mike. This is Mike. This is Mike, too. Teach: This is … (直接加名字) 请学生先听老师读,然后跟读,尤其注意th的发音,is要发成浊辅音。 Practice: T: Now here are our friends. Can you introduce them to your classmates? (出示P.24图片,请学生用This is …来介绍人物) 2. T: Good job. Look, they are watching some photos. Whose photos are they? S: Mike. (T补充说明They’re Mike’s.) T: Mike is introducing his families to his friends. Today I bring them to our classroom. Please look they are here.(教师把人物卡片贴在黑板上) T: Look at them. He is Tim. She is Helen Teach: Tim  Helen(用直拼法教学,注意尾音m/ n) T: If you are Mike, can you introduce them? 请Ss用This is…介绍一下Tim和Helen. 出示:This is Tim. This is Helen. 1) father, mother, brother, sister T: 先指向father 图片Can you guess who is he? Teach: father——my father 用直拼法教学,注意th的发音,并将单词分为两部分fa  ther,强化ther的发音。先听T读3遍,然后请个别S读,请读得好的S领读,最后分小组、大组读。 T: Now you are all Mike. Who is he? S: He’s my father. (引出my father) Teach:mother——my mother         先给出ther,请Ss说一说应该读什么,然后给出mo,用直拼法读出每个字母的发音,然后请Ss自己拼一拼,请Ss自己读出单词,T个别纠正。 T: Can you guess who is mother?请学生把单词卡片贴在对应人物旁。T: Now you are all Mike. Who is she? S: She’s my mother. (引出my mother) Teach: brother——my brother T:I can play magic        先给出ther,请Ss说一说应该读什么,然后给出o,问问Ss读什么,other连起来怎么读,再给出br,用直拼法读出每个字母的发音,请Ss自己拼一拼读出单词,请读得准确的S领读,T个别纠正。 Teach:sister——my sister        T: the last picture, do you think Who is she? 用直拼法将单词拼一拼,并把单词分成sis  ter,将ter区别与ther. Teach: family T: 把单词卡片贴在黑板上Can you read these words?学生朗读 T :Can you put the cards beside the picture?     请Ss将人物关系贴在人物图片的旁边, T: They are all my family. T:Now I have father, moter ,brother, sister. They are a family. 直拼法教学family,并板书课题my family。 Teach: This is me T: How does Mike Introduce his family, let’s watch?学生看完整个flash T: let’s watch  and repeat 学生看视屏逐句跟读。在读到brother和sister时教师教Tim, Helen 并写在人物卡片上。 学生跟读完整段flash后T: Look at this photo. Is he Tim? Ss: No. T: Who is he? Ss: He’s Mike. T: If you are Mike, how can you say? (引导Ss用This is me.) Teach: me (注意e发成长音/i:/ ) Step 3 Story time T: You’ve done a good job. You’ve finished my family tree. Now let’s open our books to P. 24-25. Read after the tape. 1. Read after the tape. (Finger point.) 2. Read after the tape again. (请读得好的S示范) 3. Read after the teacher. (将不熟练的句子多读几遍) 4. Read it by yourselves. (2分钟自己读一读课文) 5. Read it together. 6. Practice: 1) 每一句都找一个S领读。 2) 同桌两人指着书上图片向同桌介绍,自由操练。 3) 每大组请一个S上来介绍,大组比赛。 Step 4 Consolidation 1. Compare 给出句型,请Ss归纳。 This is my father. This is my mother. This is Tim. This is Helen. 2. Practice 给出图片,请Ss用This is …He’s(She’s) my…/ This is my …练习并介绍. Yang Ling: This is Yang Ling. She’s my friend. Bobby: This is Bobby. He’s my friend. Ss做Bobby,介绍妈妈:This is my mother.              介绍妹妹:This is my sister. 3. Sing a song: Family song 五.板书设计 六.作业 1. 听录音,指读课文至少3遍,尝试背诵。 2.带一张跟家人的合照,向别人介绍自己的家人。 3. 试着做一做finger family. 反思: 本单元的重点就是会说关于家庭成员的词汇并会介绍。在单词教学时,形式应该多种多样,并且注重拼读。在句型教学时,应该从课文联系到实际,让孩子们从课文引申到现实,学会介绍自己家庭的情况,能把语句正确运用在实际生活中。而在游戏设置的方面,应该普及面广,照顾到全班孩子。

资料: 29.3万


