M5U2 I can speak French教学设计

M5U2 I can speak French教学设计


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Step 1. Warming up Greeting. Game. “can you do what I can do?” 设计意图:在整合课本素材的前提下,让孩子们快速进入学习状态,同时利用游戏激发孩子的学习热情。 Step 2. Leading in I can speak English, Chinese and Japanese. And I can write in English and Chinese. Look at this word. This is a French word. It means “good morning”. Learn the new word “French”. I can’t write in French. But Amy can write in French. She wants a pen friend. 设计意图:通过用不同语言和孩子打招呼,导入新单词French的教学,为活动一的学习做铺垫。同时板书该单词,为下一步分组比赛做准备。 Step 3. Presentation Does Tom want a pen friend? Why? Let’s watch the flash and find the answer. Watch and repeat for 1 time. Then answer the question. 设计意图:带着问题看动画,给孩子们思考的空间。让孩子开口说英语。 Do you want a pen friend? Four children want pen friends too. Maybe one of them can be your pen friend. Look at their pictures and introduction. What information can you get from it? 设计意图:充分利用课本图片,发散学生思维,让孩子大胆说英语。 Their names, ages, the city where they live in, language and hobbies. Learn the new word “age”. I think Tingting is so great. She can write emails and stories. Learn the new word “story, stories”. Linda loves candy. I love candy too. Learn the new word “candy”. Look, there are many kinds of candies. Today I take some candies. If you do your best you can get it. 设计意图:学习新词并板书,把全班孩子分成四组,进行比赛,利用糖果激励孩子。分组后,可以在小组间进行评价、比赛,激励孩子。 Who do you want to be your pen friend? Let’s watch the flash and make a decision.(听一遍录音后,自己读课文。) I want Mike to be my pen friend. Because we have the same hobbies. What about you? 设计意图:教师引导,让孩子根据自己实际情况用英语表达自己选择笔友的原因。 Can you remember the information of these four children? 设计意图:巩固课文,利用图片支架,让孩子开口说英语。 Step 4. Practice and consolidation I want a pen friend. So look at my information.(图片信息展示)Can you write down your information? Let’s do it. 设计意图:给孩子引导,让孩子学会写个人信息,并能说出个人信息。 Now I’ll check you. Take out your exercise book. Do exercise 5 on page 19. 设计意图:利用改编后的课文文本,检测本节课孩子的学习情况。 Now may be you are tired. Let’s sing a song “I can speak English.” 设计意图:让孩子在欣赏音乐的同时放松一下,把学过的知识进行简单的复习。 Step 5. Summary and homework Let’s find the best group. Congratulations! Here are the candies. 设计意图:让孩子知道在一节课的评价下取得的成果。并在今后的学习过程中懂得团结努力。 1. Choose a pen friend from activity 2 and write a letter to him/her. 2. Try to recite the text.

资料: 29.3万


