M5U1 It’s big and light教学设计

M5U1 It’s big and light教学设计


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一、     warm-up 我说你对 big----small long----short tall----short young----old new----old heavy----light(出示图片比较heavy and light) Today we’ll learn M5U1It’s big and light. 二、     Teaching steps: (一)  Learning aims: 1.我能听说读单词light hard broken pocket umbrella wheel easy take 认读department store sales assistant 2.我能用It’s…  It’s got…来描述物品的特征。 3.我能流利、准确、有感情的朗读对话。 First let’s play a game.(guess) 1.It’s very big. It’s very heavy. It’s got a longnose. What isit?(elephant) 2. It’s very big. We can put lots of books in it. We take it to school every day. What is it?(school bag) 3. It’s very useful. It’s got two wheels(轮子). We can ride it. What is it?(bike)(学习wheel) 4. It’s very beautiful. It’s very light. We can fly it in spring. What is it?(kite) 5.It looks like (看起来像)a flower. It’s got a small tail(尾巴). We can use it when it’s raining. What is it?(umbrella)(学习umbrella) (二)Learning the text. Lingling will come back to China.But her bag is broken.She will buy abag.Do you know which bag will they take?(学习take) Now Let’s watch thevideo.(观看录像选择图片) Read picture 1 and answer: Q1:How is Lingling’s bag? (学习broken,区别broken and new) Read picture 2 and answe: Q2:How  is the black bag? Q3:How  is the green bag?(学习pocket) Read picture 3 and answe: Q4:How  is the blue bag? Q5:Will they takethe blue bag?                             Why?(学习easy,区分easy and hard) (三)总结本课的重点知识 如何来介绍事物的特征   It’s….   It’s got…. (出示各种各样的包来进行训练) 三、    Practise 1.What?   pencils What  colour?  Yellow/blue How?   Broken/new The yellow pencils are broken. The blue pencils are new. 2. The orange kite is broken/small. The red kite is new/big. 3. The yellow shoes are new/clean. The white shoes are old/dirty. 4. The green bag is heavy. The red bag is light. 四、    总结与收获 五、    Homework 观察你的书包、衣服、鞋子等身边的物品,向你的朋友和家人用英语描述一下他们。

资料: 29.3万


