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A Opposite  relation Opposite  relation 转折转折 but, however, while, unlike,   though, instead of, on the  contrary CExplanation Explanation 解释解释 B and, too, also, similarly, not only…but  also…, neither … nor…,  moreover,   worst of all  Coordinative or progressive relation Coordinative or progressive relation  并并列或列或递进递进 DCause and effect Cause and effect 因果因果  because, since, so, so…that,   for, as,  therefore, result in,  due to Discourse markers mean, refer to, in other words,  that is to say, attributive clause(定 语从句),appositive clause(同位 语从句) • Finish the exercises of Reading A by using the  micro skills (circling the discourse markers). • Time limit: 4 minutes.  • Discourse markers: to understand the  author’s opinion or attitude better. Reading A So they cut some more to get profit. The cuts in size that they are making are in some cases risky and in others without considering the results. With every cut, publishers tirelessly argue that readers won't even know the difference. The trouble is that by the time customers do notice that they are getting less for their money,it will be too late—too late to notice the reduction in the number of readers. 1.According to the passage,which of the following can best describe the author's attitude towards the ways the editors and publishers have adopted to get profit? A.The author has no objection. B.The author is against them. C.The author has not shown it clearly. D.The author regards them reasonable. • What do you think of my new coat and  dress? • Yeah, they're of new style. I’ve seen they  on the new fashion magazine.  But it makes  you look like a hippo. Reading A The other big cuts, of course, are in staff. The victims would be the oldest and most experienced workers because they are the highest paid. While there is plenty of tired deadwood among them,there is also a lot of talent. 2.The underlined word “deadwood” in Paragraph 4 may refer to “ ”. A. the staff who are going to retire B. people who are no longer useful or needed C.workers who are experienced D.reporters who are tired of covering events • Finish the exercise of Reading B by using the  micro skills (circling the discourse markers). • Time limit: 2 minutes. Reading B(2018课标全国I,D) We may think we're a culture that gets rid of our worn technology at the first sight of something shiny and new, but a new study shows that we keep using our old devices (装置)well after they go out of style. That's bad news for the environment-- and our wallets -- as these outdated devices consume much more energy than the newer ones that do the same things. 32. What does the author think of new devices? A. They are environment-friendly. B. They are no better than the old. C. They cost more to use at home. D. They go out of style quickly. • Finish the exercises of Cloze A by using the  micro skills. • Drawing a line to connect the hint and the  blank. • Time limit: 4 minutes. • Fill in the blanks of Cloze B by using the micro  skills. • Drawing a line to connect the hint and the  blank. • Time limit: 3 minutes. attracive  sweetness admiration Small Title Here •• For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the For a slim figure, share your food with the  hungry.hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers  through it once a day.through it once a day.  ... ... Remember, if you ever need a helping hand,Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm.you'll find one at the end of your arm. As you grow older you will discover that you As you grow older you will discover that you  have two hands.have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping One for helping yourself, the other for helping  others.others. • You're looking sharp /beautiful / gorgeous today! • You look good in that color! • You are talented!  • You're really cool/amazing/awesome! • You know how to study better and make your study more effective! I really  admire you! • Your composition is very impressive.  • You did an excellent job!  • I think you have a stable personality and high sense of responsibility.  • Wow! You have made great progress! I am so proud of you! for today Review what we've learned and finish the exercises on P4 of your handout. Homework for a life time Say￿kind￿words.Say￿kind￿words. Compliments￿are￿easy￿to￿give,￿Compliments￿are￿easy￿to￿give,￿ and￿they're￿remembered￿for￿a￿and￿they're￿remembered￿for￿a￿ life￿time.￿life￿time.￿ Thank You .

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