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概要写作精讲 3 高考英语 Summary writing skills 1. 主位描述 2. 要点完整 3. 逻辑清晰 概要写作表达技巧 (内容 ) Her first delight was going to the tower. It was built long ago by the Norman invaders of AD 1066. This solid stone, square tower had remained standing for one thousand years. Although the building had expanded around it, it remained part of a royal palace and prison combined. Summary writing skills 1. 同义替换法 (近义词、反义词、词性转换等) 2. 句式转换法 (改变主语、运用非谓语动词短语、with结构、运用同位语等) 3. 压缩长句法 (笼统代替具体,运用并列结构等) 几种概要写作的表达技巧 (语言) Dirt on the skin could prevent people from getting sick. Dirt on the skin was a means to block out disease. Dirt on the skin was a barrier against outside disease. 1. 同义替换 Baker concludes that people do not have the ability to sense when they are being stared at. Baker's conclusion is that people are not capable of feeling other's observation. 1. 同义替换 - 改变词性 If you fail to pass the drug test, we will have to dismiss you from your job. Failure to pass the drug test will result in your job dismissal. Your skin will be burnt if you are exposed to the sun too long. Long exposure to the sun will harm your skin. There are many people who are shy. Shyness is common. 1. 同义替换 - 改变词性:使用抽象名词 • Unlike bony fish, sharks have no bones; their skeleton is made of cartilage (软骨)which is not as hard as bone. • There are many different species of sharks that range from the size of a person's hand to bigger than a bus. The whale shark is the largest in the world; the basking whale is the second largest fish. Fully-grown sharks range in size from 7 inches long, up to 50 feet long. Most sharks are intermediate in size, and are about the same size as people, 5 -7 feet long. Half of the shark species are under 39 inches long. With only cartilage making up their skeleton, sharks come in various sizes, ranging from 7 inches long to 50 feet long. 2.改变句式(运用非谓语动词短语及with结构) The person at a restaurant who talks on the phone through an entire meal, ignoring his kids around the table; the woman who talks on the phone in the car, ignoring her husband; the teen who texts messages all the way home from school, avoiding contact with kids all around him. 2.改变句式(更换主语) 请用一句话来概括下面这段文字 (你能写出几种表达法 ?) 1. Cell phones rob us of our quality time with family members and friends alike. 2. Due to cell phone addiction, kids, couples and friends lack quality time and company from parents, spouses and fellows. 3. With cell phone dependence disease, people tend to give their attention to cell phones rather than their beloved ones. 4. It is easier for people addicted to cell phones to neglect/overlook their family members and friends. 2.改变句式(更换主语) Christmas is the day to celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is a western public holiday and is celebrated with religious services. It is, however, becoming a phenomenally popular holiday both to the young and businessmen in China. Christmas, a western religious holiday, is now prevalent among Chinese young people and businessmen. 3.改变句式(同位语结构) Christmas的同位语 4.压缩长句 a. 删除细节及重复 b. 减少例子 c. 简化描述 d. 整合信息 f. 用单词替换短语词组, 名词性短语代替从句、非谓 语动词结构、with结构、同位语结构等 There are some people, called shopaholics, who can't control their desire to spend money and buy things. This kind of addictive behavior can lead to large financial problems, family conflict, and deep unhappiness. 1. Shopaholics can bring themselves severe troubles. 2. Shopaholics can find themselves in a troubled situation. 4.压缩长句:从具体到笼统 I enjoy being with friends for they can offer me excitement, fresh ideas, comfort and free from doredom. 4.压缩长句: 名词或动词(并列结构)代替句子 I prefer to spend most of my time with my friends, because friends offer excitement and new ideas, they can comfort me when something bad happens, and spending too much time by myself can be boring. People with depression are often very afraid of talking to someone except their doctors. They can easily be ashamed of their condition and consequently they try to hide it. You shouldn't be surprised if a depressed friend won't open up to you. However, when he or she does, you should let the words flow. Don't be judgmental and never interrupt! Listening is not an easy skill, as it's likely that you can't help voicing your opinion. Depressed people tend to keep silent. However, once they speak to you, be a good listener. 4.压缩长句:整合信息 一篇好的概要所具备的语言表达特点 : 1. 使用抽象名词 2. 使用非谓语动词结构 3. 使用with结构 4. 使用名词、动词短语的并列结构 5. 使用同位语结构 6. 使用从句或其它特殊句型 7. 使用高级的词汇 8. 使用恰当的连接副词 1. 使用抽象名词 English conversations often start with the weather, a cultural norm that few commentators truly understand. (要点1)One typical misconception is that the English enthusiasm for the weather is ridiculous as it is too boring. (要点2) Another is that the charm of English weather lies in its changeability. (要点3) Actually, the English weather-speak is not about the weather, but a way to make a conversation, a method of socializing. The idea of “melting pot”, initiated from a Frenchman, describes America as a creation of mixed races from worldwide. It got wide acceptance among Americans while rejected by some immigrants fearing losing their own cultures. Actually, recent immigrants sticking to their own cultures, are changing America, and Americans are concerned about the separation of the nation. America is now compared to a salad bowl, meaning different groups, as part of this country, still keep their own cultures and languages. 2. V-ing / V-ed 表伴随、结果、原因等 China's ecommerce market is growing to be the largest worldwide, with an expanding online-shopping population and increasing online spending. The growth is due to multiple factors: higher family incomes, easier Internet access and better shopping services. Basically, Chinese favor online shopping for its wider choices, more reasonable prices and convenience. Nevertheless, ecommerce in China is still developing at its early stage. 3. 使用With 结构 4. (名词/动词短语)并列结构 Chocolate comes from the seeds of the cacao tree, a native plant of the Amazon region of South America. Ancient Americans had a long tradition of drinking chocolate, attaching a cultural and medicinal significance to it. After being discovered by Columbus, chocolate began to be spread across Europe and the rest of the world. With the demand for chocolate growing fast, cultivation started in Africa, which has now become the largest chocolate producer worldwide. 5. 使用同位语结构 6. 使用定语从句 Releasing helium balloons damages the environment. They eventually fall down on the earth and pose a threat to animals. Besides, although they're technically biodegradable, it takes time, which means they will stay as garbage on the planet for a long time. Currently helium balloon releasing is restricted or banned in some areas, but to really tackle this problem requires further and greater efforts on a global scale. 7. 使用高层次词汇或词组 A new research shows that student strain often coexists with teacher exhaustion. Students, who find their requirements unsatisfied as a result of teachers' low-level management over class, may feel overwhelmingly stressed. Conversely, teachers, who encounter great teaching challenge from students, tend to be burned out. Therefore, more sufficient resources and support for teachers should be guaranteed, or students are likely to be ruined. 8. 使用合适的连接副词 用于概要写作衔接的连接词: but, and, also, then, besides, thus, therefore, yet, however, additionally, accordingly, moreover, meanwhile, for, nevertheless, despite, though, otherwise, unlike, instead, actually, whereas , similarly, oppositely, … 8. 使用合适的连接副词 影响 导致 由于 Influence/affect/ impact have an influence on have an effect on have an impact on lead to contribute to bring about result in /account for owing to due to as a result of result from / be down to as a consequence of 事 件 关 系 allow drive encourage make possible and thus, and consequently 概要写作中常见的逻辑关系 “cause & effect” 表达方式: 对比unlike like / likewise in contrast to on the contrary contrary to compared with in comparison with while as--as by comparison 概要写作中常见的逻辑关系 “对比”的表达方式: 1. 学会把握文章的主题和结构 2. 学会区分主要信息和次要信息 3. 积累并掌握概要写作的语言表达技巧 备考建议

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