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七选五 任务型阅读解题技巧 Gap-filling Gap-filling Gap-filling 七选五 任务型阅读解题技巧 Gap-filling 秘命 题 揭 1. 短文体裁:除2017年全国Ⅰ卷 是记叙文和2018年全国Ⅲ卷是议 论文外,都是说明文。 给出一篇约300词左右,缺少5个 句子的文章,对应有7个选项, 要求同学们根据文章结构、内容, 选出正确的句子,填入相应的空 白处。 2.考试题型 3.考察重点  主要考察考生对文章的整体内容和结 构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。 (考试说明) 2019市三模 Whether you're flying to an island paradise or traveling for business, these packing tips will help you minimize time and maximize space. Start with the right-sized suitcase 36 .But if you can't travel light, it's best to choose a bag that can easily accommodate everything you need. Trying to force a full suitcase to shut is a waste of time and energy, especially since you may return with even more stuff,if you like to buy souvenirs. Lay everything out before starting Lay everything you're taking out on the bed, so you can see exactly what you need to pack and spot any missing items promptly. 37 . For folded items, putting layers of tissue between each item will cut down on wrinkles. 38 . Begin by putting rolled items in a layer at the bottom of your suitcase. Cushion fragile items like perfume bottles in the middle. Plan to put items you need on arrival at the top end of the case. 39 . Finish with a large top layer Lastly,lay a large item like a towel over the tops and tuck it in around the sides. 40 . It’s easier to close the zipper if you don't have items like belts or laces. A.Pack your suitcase in layers B. Then fold or roll each item of clothing C.Take a moment to assess your needs for this trip D. they'll be easy to find when you need them E.For a short trip, a small carry-on bag is ideal F.Get everything ready before you start the actual packing G.This will stop items from sliding around during the journey 索 36 .But if you can't travel light, it's best to choose a bag that can easily accommodate everything you need. Trying to force a full suitcase to shut is a waste of time and energy, especially since you may return with even more stuff,if you like to buy souvenirs. E. For a short trip, a small carry-on bag is ideal E “逻辑 ” 转折关系 词汇 Lay everything out before starting Lay everything you're taking out on the bed, so you can see exactly what you need to pack and spot any missing items promptly. 37 . For folded items, putting layers of tissue between each item will cut down on wrinkles. B. Then fold or roll each item of clothing B 索 词汇 复现 词汇 38 . Begin by putting rolled items in a layer at the bottom of your suitcase. Cushion fragile items like perfume bottles in the middle. Plan to put items you need on arrival at the top end of the case. A.Pack your suitcase in layers A 索 句式 一致 以动原开头的句子 Begin by putting rolled items in a layer at the bottom of your suitcase. Cushion fragile items like perfume bottles in the middle. Plan to put items you need on arrival at the top end of the case. 39 . D. So they'll be easy to find when you need them 因果关系 D 索 “逻辑” Finish with a large top layer Lastly,lay a large item like a towel over the tops and tuck it in around the sides. 40 . It's easier to close the zipper if you don't have items like belts or laces. G.This will stop items from sliding around during the journey G 索 代词 指代 七选五解题技巧 1 1.词汇复现 3.代词指代 2.句式一致 4.逻辑关系  例(1)Before you shake hands with somebody, make sure that your hands are clean. The handshake should not be too strong or weak. Most people use their right hands, unless they have a reason to use the left.____ … A. You’ll be in serious trouble if you leave them with a bad impression. B. However, don’t have your left hand in your pockets because this appears impolite. B 词汇复现 例(2) A birthday surprise Nathan woke up early and raced into the kitchen. He saw his family preparing their breakfast just like every other day._____ Where was his birthday cake? Did his family forget his special day? … A. And there was nobody. B. Where were his birthday presents? B 句子结构一致 7 They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger,… B. He said that laughter is much healthier than anger. A. Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger. TheyA 代词指代例(3) 代词提示: it:单数名词或整个句子; this:单数名词或句子; one:单数可数名词; they/them:复数名词  ___ However, the real movie capital is Mumbai(孟买市), in India.  A. Sometimes they even write the script by hand.  B. Most people think the capital of the movie is Hollywood, in the USA. B 转折例(4) 例(5)  Finally, you never know what wonderful ideas might strike while your mind has moved slowly away.___9_______  A. At one time daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental illness.  B. Therefore, it's a good idea to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby when you're in the daydream zone. B 因果关系 B. There are three practical note-taking methods. C. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it. 例(6) ___ .Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. C 并列(顺序) 小结Logical Relationship 逻辑关系 转折(but, however…) 因果(because, therefore, so… 并列(顺序)also, first,second …… Let’s try! 2017年全国3卷 Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock. In fact, the key to easy morning wake-up lies in resting your body clock 36 Here is how to make one. ● 37 In order to make a change, you need to decide why it's important. Do you want to get up in time to have breakfast with your family, get in some exercise, or just be better prepared for your day? Once you are clear about your reason, tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make. ●Rethink mornings. Now that you know why you want to wake up, consider re-arranging your morning activities. If you want time to have breakfast with your family, save some time the night before by setting out clothes, shoes, and bags. 38 That’s a quarter-hour more you could be sleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timer. ●Keep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends. If you’re tired out by Friday night, sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful. But compensating on the weekends actually feeds into your sleepiness the following week, a recent study found. 39 ●Keep a record and evaluate it weekly. Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel. After you’ve tried a new method for a week, take a look at your record. 40 If not, take another look at other methods you could try. A. Get a sleep specialist. B. Find the right motivation. C. A better plan for sleep can help. D. And consider setting a second alarm. E. If the steps you take are working, keep it up. F. Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time, no matter the day. G. Reconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the café to get coffee. keys: C B G F E Let’s summary. Steps 步骤 Methods 方法 七选五解题技巧 1 1.词汇复现 3.代词指代 2.句式一致 4.逻辑关系(转折,因果...) 七选五的解题步骤: 1. 先了解文章内容大意。 2. 做题先易后难。 (看首段和大小标题或每段首句) 例如:①小标题,②以动词原形 开头的句子 2018年全国Ⅲ卷 Before there was the written word, there was the language of dance. Dance expresses love and hate, joy and sorrow, life and death, and everything else in between. 36 We dance from Florida to Alaska, from north to south and sea to sea. We dance at weddings, birthdays, office parties and just to fill the time. “I adore dancing,” says Lester Bridges, the owner of a dance studio in Iowa. “I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life.” Bridges runs dance classes for all ages. “Teaching dancing is wonderful. 37 It’s great to watch them. For many of them, it’s a way of meeting people and having a social life.” 38 “I can tell you about one young couple,” says Bridges. “They’re learning to traditional dances . They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile. 39 ” So, do we dance in order to make ourselves feel better, calmer, healthier? Andrea Hillier says, “Dance, like the pattern of a beating heart, is life. Even after all these years, I want to get better and better. 40 I find it hard to stop! Dancing reminds me I’m alive.” A. So why do we dance? B. Dance in the U.S. is everywhere. C. If you like dancing outdoors, come to America. D. My older students say it makes them feel young. E. I keep practicing even when I'm extremely tired. F. Dancing seems to change their feeling completely G. Thy stayed up all night long singing and dancing. keys: B D A F E Homework: The end!

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