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1 / 34 外研版四年级英语上册期末复习专项试题全套 一、词汇专项复习卷 时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 一、根据图片补全单词。(10 分) 1.   2.   3. 4. j____ice l____ ____ht f____c f____ow 5.    6.   7.     the S__r__ __g F__ __ti____ ____l  s____ ____ ____ r____d____ab________e 8.      9. 10.   p____e____e________ c____o____k go s____ ____a____ght on 二、给单词选出相应的汉语意思并把序号写在题前的括号内。(5 分) (  )1. cinema A. 电影院 B. 房屋 (  )2. want A. 划船 B. 想要 (  )3. bread A. 灯 B. 面包 (  )4. read A. 阅读 B. 书写 2 / 34 (  )5. tomorrow A. 明天 B. 今天 (  )6. horse A. 马 B. 羊 (  )7. kid A. 小孩 B. 饼干 (  )8. month A. 年 B. 月 (  )9. run A. 跳 B. 跑 (  )10. family A. 火车 B. 家庭 三、选出不同类的单词。(5 分) (  )1. A. month B. day C. metre (  )2. A. Halloween B. Christmas C. family (  )3. A. jumping B. running C. help (  )4. A. tea B. drink C. milk (  )5. A. bus B. train C. afraid (  )6. A. people B. left C. right (  )7. A. beside B. next to C. supermarket (  )8. A. horse B. elephant C. face (  )9. A. three B. twelve C. station (  )10. A. school B. cinema C. clock 四、按照要求写一写。(16 分) 1. 写出三种食物____________   ____________   ____________ 2. 写出三个动作____________   ____________   ____________ 3. 写出三种动物____________   ____________   ____________ 4. 写出三个地点____________   ____________   ____________ 3 / 34 5. 写出四种交通工具___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ 五、改变下列单词的首字母,使之成为所给汉语对应的单词。(14 分) 1. take →__________制作 2. coat→____________小船 3. duck→__________运气 4. right→____________灯 5. live→____________给 6. wish→____________钓鱼 7. dark→__________公园 8. come→__________一些 9. near→__________熊 10. winner→________晚餐 11. look→__________书 12. like→__________自行车 13. rich→__________米饭 14. ball→__________高的 六、选出与下列图片相符的短语。(10 分) A. read a book    B. play chess C. do the high jump    D. up the hill E. do taijiquan    F. fly a kite G. row a boat  H. turn left I. ride a horse    J. watch TV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) 七、读一读,选一选。(10 分) (  )1. make dumplings    A. 祝你好运 4 / 34 (  )2. good luck    B. 对不起,打扰一下 (  )3. get up    C. 上山 (  )4. come in    D. 跳高 (  )5. by plane    E. 起床 (  )6. every day    F. 在车站 (  )7. at the station    G. 乘飞机 (  )8. do the high jump   H. 做饺子 (  )9. up the hill    I. 每一天 (  )10. excuse me    J. 进来 八、根据句意及首字母和汉语提示写单词,补全句子。(10 分) l. I'm h________(饥饿的). I want some noodles. 2. We're going to v________(参观) Shanghai tomorrow. 3. Look! They're r________(划) a boat. 4. I'm riding a h________(马)now. 5. Chinese f________(快) food is very nice. 6. Do you w________(想要) a Chinese book? 7. They are playing c________(国际象棋). 8. Lingling is r________(读)a book. 9. My father is very s________(健壮的). 10. My sister can d________(画) pictures. 九、选词填空。(10 分) 1. The bus is________(about,at) the station. 5 / 34 2. I am________(listen,listening) to music. 3. He's reading a book________(about,to) China. 4. Mike is________(on,from)the UK. 5. There________(is,are)three chickens behind the tree. 6. Please________(look,looks) at your book. 7. He's playing________(to,with) his dog. 8. Let's________(get up,get on) the bus. 9. They're rowing a boat________(at,on) the lake. 10. I have________(a,an) interesting book. 十、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1. Look!Here________(be)a dog. 2. We like________(run). 3. She________ (like)swimming. 4. He is________(take)pictures. 5. What are you________(do)? 6. Do you like ________(listen) to music? 7. We can see lots of________(interest) things. 8. Do you________(want) some rice? 9. Here are some________(tomato). 10. I'm going to________(winner). 词汇专项复习卷 一、1. juice 2. light 3. face 4. flower 5. the Spring Festival  6 / 34 6. sing 7. ride a bike 8. present 9. clock 10. go straight on 二、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. B 三、1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. C 四、1. bread, tomato, potato, dumpling, sweets 2. take pictures, fly a kite, row a boat 3. bear, chicken, pig, horse 4. supermarket, cinema, school, zoo 5. plane, bus, train, bike (书写合理正确即可,以上答案供参考) 五、1. make 2. boat 3. luck 4. light 5. give 6. fish 7. park 8. some  9. bear 10. dinner 11. book 12. bike 13. rice 14. tall 六、1. B 2. A 3. I 4. J 5. F 6. C 7. E 8. H  9. G 10. D 七、1. H 2. A 3. E 4. J 5. G 6. I 7. F 8. D 9. C 10. B 八、1. hungry  2. visit 3. rowing 点拨:用 row 的­ing 形式。  4. horse 5. fast 6. want 7. chess  8. reading 点拨:注意使用­ing 形式。  9. strong 10. draw 点拨:can 后面跟动词原形。 九、1. at 点拨:在车站,用介词 at。 2. listening 点拨:现在进行时,使用动词的­ing 形式。 3. about 点拨:关于中国,用介词 about。 7 / 34 4. from 点拨:来自哪个国家,用介词 from。 5. are 点拨:three chickens 是复数,所以用 are。 6. look 7. with 8. get on 9. on  10. an 点拨:元音音素前使用冠词 an, 常见的还有 an elephant / apple/ egg/ orange/ice cream/English teacher。 十、1. is 点拨:a dog 是单数,所以用 is。 2. running 点拨:like 后面跟动词­ing 形式。 3. likes 点拨:she 是第三人称单数,后面的动词要用单三形式 likes。 4. taking  5. doing  6. listening  7. interesting 点拨:“有趣的事情”,要用 interest 的形容词 interesting。 8. want 点拨:助动词 do 后面跟动词原形。 9. tomatoes 点拨:tomato 的复数+es。 10. win 点拨:be going to+动词原形。 二、句型与情景交际专项复习卷 时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 得分 一、读一读,连一连。(8 分) It's the Spring Festival.           Come on, come on! 8 / 34 It's Christmas!        Merry Christmas! It's Halloween!          Trick or treat! It's the sports day!           Happy New Year! 二、根据图片选择正确的答语。(8 分) (  )1. What's he doing? A. He's watching TV. B. He's listening to music. (  )2. What are you going to do on sports day? A. I'm going to do the high jump. B. I'm going to do the long jump. (  )3. Can you run fast? A. Yes,I can.    B. No,I can ride fast. 9 / 34 (  )4. Can I have some rice? A. Yes, you can.    B. Sorry, I can't. 三、问答配对。(10 分) (  )1. Can I see the picture?      A. It's ten yuan. (  )2. What do you want to eat? B. Thank you. (  )3. Does Amy eat sweets at Christmas? C. I want some chicken. (  )4. How much is it? D. No, she doesn't. (  )5. Here is your hot dog. E. Of course. (  )6. Where are you, Tom? F. You're welcome. (  )7. Thank you! G. Yes, she can. (  )8. What are they doing? H. I'm behind the tree. (  )9. What do you do at Christmas? I. We sing songs. (  )10. Can Lingling play basketball? J. They are playing chess. 四、情景交际。(10 分) (  )1. 你告诉别人电影院紧邻着超市,你会说:________ A. The cinema is next to the supermarket. B. The cinema is near the supermarket. (  )2. 妈妈问你正在干什么,你会说:________ A. He's taking pictures. B. I'm listening to music. (  )3. 妹妹指着正在划龙舟的人问你,他们在干什么,你会说:________ 10 / 34 A. They're rowing a dragon boat. B. I'm rowing a dragon boat. (  )4. 你想知道对方是否想要一些面条,你会问:________ A. Do you want some dumplings? B. Do you want some noodles? (  )5. 你想知道对方是否可以跳得远,你应问:________ A. Can you jump far? B. Can you jump high? (  )6. 你告诉朋友照片里有一匹马,你会说:________ A. There is a horse in the photo. B. There is a bear in the photo. (  )7. 姐姐要参加比赛,你祝福她,应说:________ A. Come in! B. Good luck! (  )8. 你想喝一些牛奶,你会对妈妈说:________ A. Can I have some noodles? B. Can I have some milk? (  )9. 你明天要去看望奶奶,你会说:________ A. I'm going to visit the zoo tomorrow. B. I'm going to visit my grandma tomorrow. (  )10. 外国笔友问你春节都做些什么,你会回答:________ A. We have a big family dinner. B. We have a Christmas tree. 五、给下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话。(11 分) A A. What are you going to do? B. I'm going to do the long jump. C. Good luck! 11 / 34 D. Hello, Lucy. Are you going to run the 100 metres on sports day? E. No, I'm not. F. Thank you. 正确的顺序: B A. Who's the girl? B. What is she doing? C. She's reading a book about China. D. Hello. Look at my photo. E. It's Lingling. 正确的顺序: 六、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整。(10 分) 1. I l________ at No. 2 Park Street. 2. Do you want s________ juice? 3. Can I h________ you? 4. Jack can't r________ fast. 5. It's very dark. Let's turn on the l________. 6. The s________ is eating vegetables. 7. Let's go to Hainan by p________. 8. Can you j________ high? 9. My f________ and I are having dinner. 12 / 34 10. We're going to have a sports day this m________. 七、根据汉语意思补全句子。(17 分) 1. 该起床了,孩子们。 It's time to________ ________, children. 2. 公共汽车来了。我们上车吧。 The bus is coming. Let's________ ________the bus. 3. 他们要坐火车去青岛。 They're going to Qingdao________ ________. 4. 电影院在公园的附近。 The cinema is ________ the park. 5. 体育是我最喜欢的科目。 ________is my favourite________. 6. 树上有一只鸟。 ________ ________a bird in the tree. 7. 公共汽车在上山。 The bus is ________ ________ ________. 8. 大明打算到海里游泳。 Daming is going to swim ________ ________ ________. 八、按要求完成下列句子。(10 分) 1. I'm reading a book. (变为特殊疑问句) ________ ________you________? 2. Do you want some apples?(作肯定回答) 13 / 34 ___________________________________________________________________ 3. He can't ride a horse. (变为肯定句) ___________________________________________________________________ 4. There are three bears in the photo. They're eating sweets. (变为单数形式) There________ ________ ________in the photo. ________ ________eating sweets. 5. They're going to take pictures. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ ________going to________? 九、连词成句。(注意大小写及标点符号)(16 分) 1. have, a, we, family, dinner (. ) ___________________________________________________________________ 2. in, supermarket, I'm, to, going, buy, eggs, some, the (. ) ___________________________________________________________________ 3. sheep, is, in, there, the, photo, a (. ) ___________________________________________________________________ 4. down, bus, the, is, the, hill (. ) ___________________________________________________________________ 5. about, New Year, Chinese, it's, the (. ) ___________________________________________________________________ 6. a, bus, toy, is, playing, he, with (. ) ___________________________________________________________________ 7. you, are, to, going, ride, bike, a (?) ___________________________________________________________________ 14 / 34 8. are, there, the, photo, three, in, pigs (. ) ____________________________________________________________________ 三、阅读专项复习卷 时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 一、阅读对话,判断对(√)错(×)。(8 分)[建议用时:4 分钟]    Lily: Excuse me. Where is the park, please?  Woman:Sorry. I don't know. You can ask the policeman over there.    Lily:Thank you all the same. (Lily walks to the policeman. )    Lily:Excuse me. Where is the park, please? Policeman:Go straight on. Turn left. It's near the school.    Lily:Oh, I see. Thanks a lot. Policeman:You are welcome. (  )1. Lily wants to go to the bookstore. (  )2. The woman knows where the park is. (  )3. Lily should(应该) go straight on and then turn left. (  )4. The park is near the zoo. 二、根据对话内容,选择适当的短语填空。(8 分)[建议用时:6 分钟] Mr Black:We're going to have a sports day this month. Students:Great! 15 / 34 Mr Black:What are you going to do on sports day, Lily?    Lily:I'm going to run the 100 metres. Mr Black:What are you going to do, Sam? Sam:I'm going to do the long jump. Mr Black:How about you, Bob? Bob:I'm going to do the high jump. A. have a sports day    B. do the long jump C. run the 100 metres   D. do the high jump (  )1. They're going to ________ this month. (  )2. Lily is going to________. (  )3. Sam is going to________. (  )4. Bob is going to________. 三、阅读对话,完成表格。(12 分)[建议用时:6 分钟] Amy:Hello,Lili. Lili:Hi, Amy. What's your mum doing? Amy:She's making a cake. Lili:What's your dad doing? Amy:He's reading a book. Lili:What's your little brother doing? Amy:He's playing with his toy train. Lili:What are you doing? Amy:I'm talking to you. 16 / 34 People Doing Amy's little brother 1. ____________________________________ Amy's dad 2. ____________________________________ Amy's mum 3. ____________________________________ Amy 4. ____________________________________ 四、阅读对话,选出正确答案。(8 分)[建议用时:6 分钟]   Amy: Thanksgiving Day is my favourite festival. Lingling: What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?   Amy: We say“thank you” to our family and friends. We have turkey for dinner. Which festival do you like best? Lingling: I like the Spring Festival best. We have a big family dinner at the Spring Festival. We visit our friends and relatives. We say, “Happy New Year!” And I can get lucky money. (  ) 1. Amy likes________. A. the Spring Festival     B. Thanksgiving Day (  ) 2. Amy can eat________ on Thanksgiving Day. A. turkey       B. fish (  ) 3. Lingling can get ________ at the Spring Festival. A. presents       B. lucky money (  ) 4. Lingling doesn't ________at the Spring Festival. A. have a big family dinner B. go to the zoo 五、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分)[建议用时:6 分钟] Look at this photo. There is a chicken, a cat, a horse, a boy and a man in it. The chicken is eating. The cat is climbing the tree. The boy is riding a horse. The man is drawing a dragon. How 17 / 34 happy they are! (  ) 1. There is a girl in the photo. (  ) 2. The chicken is climbing the tree. (  ) 3. The man is drawing a dragon. (  ) 4. The boy is riding a bike. (  ) 5. The man is happy. 六、阅读短文,判断句子正(√)误(×)。(10 分)[建议用时:6 分钟] Hi, I'm Mike. I have a good friend, Jack. He likes playing basketball. He can run fast. He can jump high. He can't jump far. Jack's mother likes cooking. She can make dumplings and noodles. She can't make cakes. They like Chinese fast food. (  )1. Jack is Mike's brother. (  )2. Jack likes playing basketball. (  )3. Jack can't jump far. (  )4. Jack's mother can make cakes. (  )5. Jack's mother can't make dumplings. 七、根据短文,判断对(√)错(×)。(10 分)[建议用时:6 分钟] Our Class This is our class. There are fifty students in our class. There are twenty­five boys and twenty­five girls. There is an American student in our class. Her name is Mary. Her English is very good. We all like her. She likes eating bread and cakes. She likes drinking milk and orange juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. We are very happy together. (  ) 1. There is an American boy in our class. (  ) 2. Mary is an English girl. (  ) 3. She likes rice, tea, and bread. 18 / 34 (  ) 4. We are good friends. (  ) 5. There are twenty­four girls in our class. 八、阅读短文,选出正确答案。(12 分)[建议用时:6 分钟] Hello, my name is Lingling. I'm a lovely girl. Let me tell you my plan. I'm going to Qingdao tomorrow. I'm going to visit my grandpa. I'm going to swim in the sea. I'm going there by ship. What about you?       (  ) 1. Lingling is going to Qingdao________. A. today   B. tomorrow C. on Sunday (  ) 2. Lingling is going to visit her________. A. grandpa B. teacher C. uncle (  ) 3. Lingling is going to Qingdao by________. A. train   B. plane C. ship (  ) 4. Lingling is going to ________ in the sea. A. fish   B. play C. swim 九、阅读短文,回答问题。(10 分)[建议用时:6 分钟] It's Sunday morning. Mr Smith takes his two children to the park by car. Amy is his daughter and Jim is his son. They see many people in the park. Some old people are doing taijiquan. Some young people are rowing boats on the lake and some children are running and jumping. It's very funny. Jim says, “I like playing in the park. ” 1. Can Mr Smith drive(驾驶) a car? __________________________________________________________________. 19 / 34 2. Is Jim Mr Smith's son? __________________________________________________________________. 3. What are the young people doing? __________________________________________________________________. 4. What are the children doing? __________________________________________________________________. 5. Does Jim like playing in the park? __________________________________________________________________. 十、阅读短文,回答问题。(12 分)[建议用时:8 分钟] December 25th is Christmas Day. In some countries(国家) it is the most important(重要的)day in the year. Most family buy a Christmas tree for their children. And there are some presents in the tree here and there. People also put presents in children's stockings(长袜). In many places, Father Christmas himself brings presents to them. He is a kind man and in red clothes. On that day, we can sing songs, we can eat lots of food and we can say, “Merry Christmas!” 1. When is Christmas Day? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Where are the presents? __________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you sing songs at Christmas? __________________________________________________________________ 4. What can you say at Christmas? __________________________________________________________________ 阅读专项复习卷 20 / 34 一、 1. × 点拨:Lily 一直在问“Where is the park?” 所以她想去 the park。  2. ×  3. √ 4. × 二、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 三、1. He's playing with his toy train.  2. He's reading a book. 3. She's making a cake.  4. I'm talking to you. / She's talking to Lili. 四、 1. B 点拨:文中 Amy 说“Thanksgiving Day is my favourite festival. ”所以应该是 Thanksgiving Day。 2. A 3. B 4. B 点拨:排除法。A 选项在文中有原句,故选 B。 五、 1. F  2. F  点拨:由句子“The chicken is eating. ”可知不正确。 3. T  4. F 点拨:由句子“The boy is riding a horse. ”可知不正确。 5. T 六、1. × 点拨:Jack 是 Mike 的 friend。 2. √ 3. √ 4. × 5. × 七、1. × 点拨:“There is an American student in our class. Her name is Mary. ”表明 Mary 是一 名 American girl。 2. × 3. ×  4. √ 5. × 八、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 九、1. Yes, he can.  2. Yes, he is. 3. They are rowing boats on the lake. 4. They are running and jumping. 5. Yes, he does. 十、1. December 25th is Christmas Day. 21 / 34 2. There are some presents in the tree here and there. People also put presents in children's stockings. 3. Yes, we do.   4. We can say, “Merry Christmas!” 四、常考易错突破卷 时间:30 分钟 满分:100 分 一、根据图片提示,选择适当的短语。(10 分) 1. 2. 3.   (  )  (  )   (  ) 4. 5. 6.  (  )  (  )   (  ) 7. 8. 9. 10.   (  )   (  )   (  ) (  ) A. do the long jump  B. take pictures C. run the 100 metres  D. turn left E. have a family dinner F. a Christmas tree G. row a boat H. play chess I. sing songs J. make dumplings 二、按要求写一写。(20 分) 22 / 34 1. like(单三形式)__________________ 2. can(否定形式)__________________ 3. men(单数)______________________ 4. swim(动词­ing 形式)_____________ 5. take(动词­ing 形式)______________ 6. Chinese(名词形式)______________ 7. tiger(复数)_____________________ 8. listen(动词­ing 形式)_____________ 9. child(复数)_____________________ 10. up(对应词)____________________ 11. right(对应词)__________________ 12. see(同音词)___________________ 13. sheep(复数)___________________ 14. merry(同义词)_________________ 15. by(同音词)____________________ 16. want(单三形式)________________ 17. win(名词)_____________________ 18. let's(完整形式)_________________ 19. this(复数)_____________________ 20. Amy(所有格)__________________ 三、单项选择。(40 分) (  )1. Amy, can you ________ fast? A. run   B. runs   C. running (  )2. We're going to Hainan________ plane. A. in B. on C. by (  )3. There ________ two chickens in the photo. A. are B. am C. is (  )4. Sam is ________ to his friend. A. taking B. talking C. talks (  )5. I'm going to ________ a letter. A. writes B. write C. writing (  )6. —Do you want ________ sweets? 23 / 34 —Yes, please. A. some B. an C. a (  )7. ________the photo. A. Look at  B. Look of  C. Look (  )8. This is ________ bag. A. Xiaoming B. Xiaomings C. Xiaoming's (  )9. I ________ No. 2 Park Street. A. live B. live at C. live of (  )10. —________ —She's drawing pictures. A. What is she doing? B. What is he doing? C. What does she do? (  )11. —________—It's ten yuan. A. How many are they? B. How much is it? C. How much are they? (  )12. —Does Daming eat peanuts at Christmas? —________ A. Yes, he do.   B. No, he doesn't. C. No, he don't. (  )13. I ________ write an English letter. It's difficult(困难的). A. can B. can't C. am (  )14. I play basketball ________ afternoon. A. in B. in the C. at the 24 / 34 (  )15. There is a bird ________ the tree. A. in B. to C. on (  )16. I have got ________ elephant. A. a B. / C. an (  )17. —Here it is!—________ A. Thanks.   B. Yes, please. C. Bye­bye. (  )18. I'm making ________ noodles. A. and B. a C. / (  )19. —Happy New Year!—________ A. Happy New Year! B. Happy Halloween! C. Merry Christmas! (  )20. The Chinese New Year is________! A. come B. comes C. coming 四、找出下列句子中错误的一项并改正。(30 分) (  )1. —Where's A the park? —It's B next C a supermarket. ________ (  )2. —What are A you going? B —I'm running C . ________ (  )3. —What A are B the tiger doing? —It's C jumping. ________ (  )4. —Do A you want B some bread? 25 / 34 —Yes, bye C . ________ (  )5. Can A you rides B a horse fast C ? ________ (  )6. —Can A I come B on C ? —Yes, of course. ________ (  )7. There are A twelve boys B in C the bike. ________ (  )8. I'm A going visit B my C grandma. ________ (  )9. Can A you going B to run C on sports day? ________ (  )10. Where is a book for you. ________ A B C 常考易错突破卷 一、1. F 2. B 3. C  4. H 5. I 6. A 7. G 8. E 9. J 10. D 二、1. likes 点拨:like 单三形式直接+s。 2. can't 3. man  4. swimming 点拨:双写 m+ing。 5. taking 点拨:去掉 e+ing。 6. China 点拨:Chinese 意思是“中国的”,其名词应为“中国”,China。 7. tigers  8. listening 9. children 点拨:child 变复数+ren。 10. down 11. left 12. sea  13. sheep 点拨:sheep 单复数相同。 26 / 34 14. happy 点拨:merry 意思为“快乐的”,happy 也是“快乐的”。 15. buy 16. wants  17. winner 点拨:win“获胜”,其名词形式是双写 n+er。 18. let us  19. these 点拨:this 是“这个”,其复数应为“这些”,故写成 these。 20. Amy's 点拨:人物所有格在人名后面+'s。 三、1. A 点拨:can 后面跟动词原形。 2. C 点拨:乘坐某种交通工具用介词 by。 3. A 点拨:chickens 是复数,所以用 are。 4. B 点拨:Sam 正在和他的朋友谈话,用 talk 的现在分词 talking。 5. B 点拨:be going to 后跟动词原形。 6. A 点拨:some 是“一些”的意思。你想要一些糖果么,用 some。 7. A 点拨:短语 look at 意思为“看”。 8. C 点拨:表示物品归属于某人,用所有格形式,在人名后面加's。 9. B 点拨:居住在哪条街道几号,用介词 at。 10. A 点拨:根据答语,要保持人称和时态一致。 11. B 点拨:询问价格,用“How much is it?”。 12. B 点拨:Does Daming…?肯定回答“Yes, he does. ”;否定回答“No, he doesn't. ”。 13. B 点拨:根据 difficult 判断我不会做,故使用 can't。 14. B 点拨:在下午为 in the afternoon。 15. A 点拨:一般情况下,归属于树的东西,如果子用介词 on,外来的事物在树上用介 词 in。 16. C 点拨:elephant 是元音音素开头的单词,前面用冠词 an。 27 / 34 17. A 点拨:表示感谢用 thank you 或者 thanks。 18. C 点拨:做面条为 make noodles。 19. A 点拨:别人对你说新年好,你也应说新年好。 20. C 点拨:中国新年马上就要到了,使用 coming,表示“马上到来”。 四、1. C next to 点拨:短语 next to 表示“紧挨着”,next 表示“下一个”,文中应该用 next to 表示方位。 2. B doing 点拨:根据答语得知问句是询问你正在做什么,故用 doing。 3. B is 点拨:the tiger 是单数,单数 is,复数 are,故用 is。 4. C please 点拨:Do you want…? 肯定回答“Yes, please. ”。 5. B ride 点拨:can 后面跟动词原形。 6. C in 点拨:come on 是“加油”的意思,文中想表达“进来”,应该用 come in 这个短 语。 7. C on 点拨:在自行车上用介词 on。 8. B to visit 点拨:be going to do sth. 表示将要做某事。 9. A Are 点拨:be going to 使用 be 动词,而不是 can。 10. A Here 点拨:“Here is a book for you. ”给你一本书。 五、新型题突破卷 时间:30 分钟 满分:100 分 一、小明在森林里迷路了,他需要依靠食物和饮料才能走出森林,现在请你帮助小明画出走 出森林的路线吧!(10 分) 28 / 34 二、单词大变身。(添加、删掉或改变一个字母,使其成为一个新单词)(24 分) 1.bread    2.right 3.wish   4.pig 5.men   6.buy 7.here   8.give 9.luck   10.bike 11.near   12.tall 三、解密魔术盒。(12 分) 在方格里依次输入魔术盒上、下、左、右、前、后六个面上面 的字母,魔术盒就会产生 魔力飞舞起来,快来帮魔法师输入字母,让魔术盒飞舞起来吧! 1. 2. 29 / 34 3. 4. 5. 6. 四、猜谜语。(10 分) (  )1. 与下列哪个字母发音相同的单词能包围一座岛屿呢? A. R    B. C    C. S (  )2. 哪个字母读起来是一种饮料? A. L B. T C. B (  )3. 什么东西有圆圆的脸,两只瘦瘦的手,一只长,一只短呢? A. desk B. TV C. clock (  )4. 有一种东西,你扔掉外面 的,煮里面的,煮熟后你又吃外面的,扔掉里面的,你吃 的是什么? A. tomato B. chicken C. potato (  )5. It's very small in the sky, but it's actually(实际上)very big. What is it? 30 / 34 A. star B. bird C. kite 五、填方格。(14 分) 动脑筋想一想,怎样才能使每行、每列的四种运动不重复,把序号填在方格里。 A. run fast   B. jump high C. jump far D. ride fast 六、找不同。(18 分) 仔细观察下面六幅图片,找出不同之处,用句子表达出来。 1. A 2. A 31 / 34 3. A 1. B 2. B 3. B 1. A:Xiaoxin is ________ a book. B:Xiaoxin is ________ her friends. 2. A:Xiaoliang ________ music. B:Xiaoliang ________ TV. 3. A:Lili ________. B:Lili ________. 七、读一读,选一选。(12 分) 从 Daming 家去学校有两条路。请你读一读所给的路线,帮他选出最近的路线,在图上 标出路线,并在相应的括号中打“√”。 (  )路线 A:Go straight on. →Turn right. →Turn left. →Turn left. →Turn left. →Turn right. →Turn right. →School (  )路线 B:Go straight on. →Turn left. →Turn right. →Turn left. →Turn right. →School 32 / 34 33 / 34 新型题突破卷 一、 点拨:在以上单词中找出表示食物和饮料的单词 tomato, rice, juice, cake, fruit 将它们连起 来即可。 二、1. read 2. light 3. fish 4. big 5. man 6. by 7. there/where/her  8. live/gave 9. duck 10. like 11. ear/bear/dear 12. ball/all/mall (以上答案作为参考,按要求改写且正确的均可) 三、1. street 2. beside 3. listen 4. flower 5. strong 6. afraid 四、1. B 点拨:C 与 sea 发音一致,sea 表示“大海”。 2. B 点拨:T 与 tea 发音一致,tea 表示“茶”。 3. C 4. B 点拨:chicken 鸡符合谜面。 tomato 西红柿和 potato 土豆,不符合谜面。 5. A 点拨:star 星星,符合“在天上很小,其实非常大”这个谜面。 五、 六、1. A reading B talking to 2. A is listening to B is watching 34 / 34 3. A is singing B is drawing pictures 点拨:写作时 be 动词容易遗忘,需多注意。 七、路线 B。

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