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PEP Book3 Exercise (3) Class: __________   Name:_______________ 一、            情景反应。 (     )1、当你想告诉别人你喜欢画画时: A.     I like painting.   B. I likes painting.   C. My like painting. (     )2、当你想告诉别人Mike有大眼睛小鼻子时: A.     Mike is big eyes and a small nose. B.     Mike has big eyes and a small nose. C.     Mike has big eyes and a small noses. (     )3、当你想告诉大家我们的新老师又高又瘦时: A.     Our new teacher is tall and thin. B.     Our teacher is tall and thin. C.     Our teacher is tall and strong. (     )4、当你想告诉你妈妈你有一个新朋友时: A.     Mom, I have a new friend. B.     Mom, I have a new friends. C.     Mom, I has a new friend. (     )5、当你向别人表示感谢时: A. Right.     B. Thank you.     C. Sure. (     )6、你想请朋友喝点茶,要说:     A. Have some tea.     B. Have some water. (     )7、新年到了,你应该说:     A. Happy birthday to you!     B. Happy new year! (     )8、你想告诉别人你有一只猫,你要说:     A. I have a cat.     B. I have a dog. (     )9、别人对你表示感谢,你应该回答:     A. No.     B. You’re welcome. (     )10、别人想看一下你的书,你应该回答:     A. Sure. Here you are.     B. Oh, no! (     )11、同学的生日到了,你应该说:     A. Happy birthday!     B. Happy new year! (     )12、你想知道你的同学几岁,要问:     A. How many?     B. How much?     C. How old are you? (     )13、你要知道对方有多少支蜡笔,要问:     A.     How many crayons do you have? B.     How many crayon  do you have? (     )14、圣诞节到了,你应该说:     A. Merry Christmas!     B. Happy Children’s Day! (     )15、当你想吃薯条时,要问:     A.     Can I have some French fries? B.     Have some French fries. (     )16、当你想告诉对方东西是给他的时候,要说:     A. This is Mike.     B. This is for you, Mike. 二、            参照例句完成下列句子。 Model: Clean the classroom. Let’s clean the classroom. Let me clean the classroom. 1.      Clean the board.                                                                     2.       Clean the window.                                                                             Model: Mike → music Mike likes music. 1.       I →sports                                       2.       He →painting                                           3.       My friend →science                                           4.       We →computer game                                           Model: Mike →short hair→ thin His name is Mike. He has short hair. He is thin. 1.       Amy →long hair →quiet                                                                           2.       John →big eyes→ strong                                                                          
