八年级英语下册Unit 8 Save Our World课件练习(共19套冀教版)

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Lesson 44   Environment Clubs Unit 8   Save Our World Lesson 44   Environment Clubs 课前自主预习 课堂互动探究 Unit 8   Save Our World 单词闯关 1.reduce________ 2.reusable__________→________(v.) 3. 最少的 ( 地 ) ;最小的 ( 地 ) ________ → ________( 原级 ) 4. 污染;弄脏 ________→________(n.) 5.skip________ → ________( 现在分词 ) 可重复使用的 reuse 减少  Lesson 44   Environment Clubs 课前自主预习 least little pollute pollution 跳跃;跳绳 skipping 单词闯关 6.packaging________ 7. leaky________ 8. 浪费 ________ →________( 反义词 ) 9.litre_______ 10.sink__________ 11.electricity________ 12. 关上;合上 ________ → ________( 过去分词 ) → ________( 近义词 ) 包装 waste save 渗漏的 公升 水槽;水池 电 shut shut close Lesson 44   Environment Clubs 短语 互译 1.a list of…____________ 2.encourage sb. to do sth. ____________ 3. 扔掉 ____________ 4. 关闭;停下 ______________ 一张 …… 清单 throw away 鼓励某人做某事 turn off/shut down Lesson 44   Environment Clubs 句型在线 1. 环境俱乐部鼓励学生们用可再利用的袋子和碗盘带午餐。 Environment clubs ________ students ________ ________ their lunches in reusable bags and dishes. 2 .制造垃圾最少的班级会获得一项奖品。 The class ________ ________ ________ ________ gets a prize. encourage to bring with the least garbage Lesson 44   Environment Clubs 句型在线 3. 在无车日,没有人坐汽车来学校 …… On a no-car day, nobody ________ ________ school ________ a car… 4 .当你不用电视和电脑的时候,关掉它们。 ________ ________ the television and ________ ________ the computer when you are not using them. comes to in   Turn off shut down Lesson 44   Environment Clubs 词汇点睛 课堂互动探究 ●   shut v. 关上;合上 [ 观察 ] Turn off the television and shut down the computer when you are not using them. 当你不用电视和电脑的时候,关掉它们。 Mrs. Harris shut the door and left. 哈里斯夫人关上门离开了。 Lesson 44   Environment Clubs [ 拓展 ] shut off/down 的同义词组为 turn off ,意为“关掉”,一般指关掉电源、家用电器、仪器等,常通过操作开关使其停止运行,反义短语为 turn on ,意为“打开”。 [ 探究 ] shut 用作及物动词,表示“关上 ( 门、窗户等 )” ,相当于 ________ ; shut 还可以用作不及物动词, shut off/down 表示“关掉 ( 电灯、电视、水龙头等 )” 。 close Lesson 44   Environment Clubs 活学活用 —To save energy, we should ____ the electricity when we don't use it. —I agree. You are really a greener person. A. shut up    B. shut off C. take away D. take off B Lesson 44   Environment Clubs ● 1   Environment clubs encourage students to bring their lunches in reusable bags and dishes. 环境俱乐部鼓励学生们用可再利用的袋子和碗盘带午餐。 [ 探究 ] encourage sb.to do sth. 意为“ ________________” 。例如: Cooder was encouraged to begin playing the guitar by his father. 库德在他父亲的鼓励下开始弹吉他。 Banks actively encourage people to borrow money. 银行积极鼓励人们贷款。 句型透视 鼓励某人做某事 Lesson 44   Environment Clubs [ 拓展 ] encourage 的名词形式为 encouragement 。 Lesson 44   Environment Clubs 活学活用 Our country encourages more students ________ football. Now many football clubs have been set up in schools. A. play     B. playing C. to play D. will play B 【 解析 】 考查非谓语动词。句意:昨晚我的弟弟直到做完他的家庭作业才去睡觉。 finish doing sth. 意为“结束做某事,完成做某事”,故选 B 。 Lesson 44   Environment Clubs ● 2   Let's work together to make our environment clean. 让我们合作来使我们的环境干净吧。 [ 探究 ] make 意为“使;让”,“ make +宾语+ ________” 表示“使 …… 变得 ……” 。例如: The news made him very happy. 这则消息使他非常高兴。 His success made him very popular with us. 他的成功使他很受我们欢迎。 句型透视 形容词 Lesson 44   Environment Clubs [ 拓展 ] make 的其他用法: make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事; be made to do sth. 被迫做某事 ( 注意 to 不要省略 ) 。 Lesson 44   Environment Clubs 活学活用 2 . (1)The news that our team had won made us very ________. A . happy     B . sad C . happily D . sadly A 【 解析 】 “ make +宾语+形容词”表示“使 …… 变得 ……” 。 Lesson 44   Environment Clubs 活学活用 (2)2017· 岳阳 Though he often made his little sister ________ , today he was made________ by her. A . cry; to cry   B . cried; crying C . to cry; cry A 【 解析 】 make sb. do sth. 意为“使某人做某事”,省略 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语,但在变为被动语态时省略的动词不定式符号 to 要补出来。句意:虽然他经常弄哭他的小妹妹,但今天他被她妹妹弄哭了。故选 A 。 Lesson 44   Environment Clubs

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