八年级英语下册Unit 8 Save Our World课件练习(共19套冀教版)

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单元主题写作八  Unit 8   Save Our World 单元主题写作八 Unit 8   Save Our World 话题分析 本单元围绕“环境保护”这一话题谈论了环境的污染、垃圾的分类和再利用,以及保护环境的方法和措施等问题,号召我们爱护环境,增强环保意识。最能体现本单元话题及语言运用能力的话题作文就是如何保护环境。 单元主题写作八 典型例题 以“ How to Protect Our Environment” 为题,谈谈你的观点,不超过 100 词。 提示: 1. 离开教室前记得关灯; 2 .尽量骑自行车去上学; 3 .回收废纸、饮料瓶,不乱扔垃圾; 4 .购物时带布袋,不用塑料袋。 单元主题写作八 思路点拨 总结 开篇点明环境的重要性 具体介绍作为学生应该做的事情 The earth is our home, but it's getting dirtier and dirtier. We should turn off the lights when we … If everyone gives… , our world will become… 单元主题写作八 Try to ride our bikes to school …try not to throw garbage everywhere. Recycle waste paper… Bring a cloth bag instead of… 素材积累 常用短语 1. 保护环境 _________________ 2. 关灯 ____________ 3. 骑自行车上学 ____________ 4 .尽量不乱扔垃圾 __________________________ 5 .记得去做某事 ______________ 6 .代替 ____________ protect the environment   turn off the lights ride to school try not to throw garbage everywhere 单元主题写作八 remember to do sth. instead of 常用句型 1 . It's our duty to keep our schoolyard clean and tidy. 2 . We should turn off the tap when we don't use it. 3 . Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom. 4 . Don't throw away garbage everywhere. 5 . We should go shopping with cloth bags instead of plastic bags. 6 . We should try our best to do something to protect the environment. 单元主题写作八 How to Protect Our Environment The earth is our home, but it's getting dirtier and dirtier. Everyone should do something to protect the earth. As students, we need to do some things. For example, we should turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try to ride our bikes to school instead of going by bus or by car, try not to throw garbage everywhere, recycle waste paper and bottles or use them again for something else, and bring a cloth bag instead of using plastic bags. 高分模板 单元主题写作八 If everyone gives a hand to save our environment, our world will become better and better. 单元主题写作八 名师点评 文章层次分明,条理清晰。作者针对环境保护给出了相关建议,“ Everyone should… , we need to… , try to… , try not to…” 等句式的运用丰富了文章内容,体现了作者出色的文字功底。文章以 if 引导的条件状语从句结尾,再次呼吁人们保护环境,呼应了主题,同时也为文章增色不少。 单元主题写作八 小试身手 荣光学校九年级 (2) 班就“环境问题”召开了一次班会,并且以“ Our Environment in Ten Years: for Better or Worse ?”为题进行一次讨论。许多同学表示对未来乐观,但也有些同学对未来有些担心。请根据表格中的内容提示,用英文写一篇短文。 乐观者的观点: 1 .越来越多的人想成为环保主义者; 2 .政府将采取更多的措施改善环境。 单元主题写作八 担心者的观点: 1 .大量的树木仍将被砍伐; 2 .私家车将越来越多。 你的观点及你的打算,学生自拟 ( 至少两点 ) 。 提示: 1. 短文中应包含 4 个要点; 2 .书写工整,语句通顺、连贯,词数不少于 80 。 注意:文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇: optimistic 乐观的 government 政府 take measures to 采取措施 private 私有的 单元主题写作八 Our Environment in Ten Years: for Better or Worse? Many students are optimistic about environment in ten years._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 单元主题写作八 One possible version : Our Environment in Ten Years: for Better or Worse? Many students are optimistic about environment in ten years. In fact , they think that the world will be a better place than it is now. More and more people are becoming volunteers to protect environment. The government will take more measures to improve the environment. However, other students are worried about the future.A large number of trees will be cut down. More and more private cars will be on the road. They say the world will become more crowded. But in my opinion, I think we should plant more trees and pick up litter around us. We should work together to protect our homes. 单元主题写作八

资料: 10.8万


