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第17课时 九年级 Units 9~10‎ 一、阅读理解 ‎ ‎(2015·山东济宁中考)No one knows exactly when jazz was invented, or by whom. But it is said that it began in the early 1900s. Jazz was a new kind of music, forAmerica and the world, and New Orleans was its birthplace. ‎ Who were the jazz pioneers?Most were blacks. This music was not written down, and at first only blacks played it. It was hard for white musicians to learn the new style. But soon they, too, were playing jazz.‎ The popularity of this music spread. From New Orleans, it traveled up the Mississippi toChicago, then to Kansas City and New York. By the 1920s, there were many jazz musicians, both black and white. Many of them were famous. One man was better than the rest. His name was Louis Armstrong. ‎ Louis Armstrong was a born musician. He was not only talented but also hardworking. He also had a good sense of humor and a big, goodnatured smile. These personal qualities were valuable in his rise to fame. After he became famous, he traveled around the world. It seemed that everyone wanted to hear Louis play. But life was not always easy, especially at the beginning. ‎ Louis Armstrong was born in ‎1900 in New Orleans. His father never went to school and his mother could hardly read. When Louis was still a kid, his parents separated, and Louis lived with his mother. How hard their life was can readily be imagined. And yet Louis smiled through everything. He later wrote, “My whole life has been happiness. Life was there for me and I accepted it. Whatever happened has been beautiful to me. I love everybody.”‎ ‎1.What can we know exactly from the first paragraph?‎ A.Who invented jazz. ‎ B.When jazz was invented. ‎ C.Where jazz was invented. ‎ D.Why jazz was invented.‎ ‎2.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refers to(指) .‎ A.New styles B.Jazz pioneers ‎ C.Black musicians D.White musicians ‎ ‎3.What made Louis Armstrong become the best jazz musician?‎ 6‎ A.His family background. ‎ B.His talent and hard work. ‎ C.His good sense of humor. ‎ D.His big, goodnatured smiles.‎ ‎4.Which of the following best expresses Louis Armstrong's attitude(态度) to life?‎ A.He laughs best who laughs last. ‎ B.Failure is the mother of success. ‎ C.When you smile, the world smiles back. ‎ D.Without music, life is a journey through a desert. ‎ ‎5.What is the passage mainly about?‎ A.The development of jazz.‎ B.The influence of jazz on Americans. ‎ C.The achievements of Louis Armstrong.‎ D.The development of jazz and its best musician. ‎ 二、单词拼写与运用 ‎ 根据句意完成已给出首字母或汉语提示的单词,使补全后的句子意思通顺,语法正确。‎ ‎1.(2018·山东泰安中考)—Cindy, what kind of restaurants do you like?‎ ‎—I p restaurants that can provide customers with free WiFi.‎ ‎2.(2019·原创)All my classmates went to the old people's home e Eric because he was ill.‎ ‎3.(2018·山东威海中考改编)I looked into the classroom but I found it e .‎ ‎4.(2018·山东威海中考改编)I k at the door, but there was no answer.‎ ‎5.(2018·山东淄博高青一模改编)Jinan is the (首府) of Shandong Province.‎ ‎6.(2018·山东泰安岱岳期末改编)The boy felt much better after the doctor cleaned the (伤口) in his leg.‎ ‎7.(2018·浙江宁波中考)Mr. Smith (亲吻) his wife and kids before he goes to work every day.‎ ‎8.(2019·预测)Please don't (赞扬) the boy too much. There's still a lot that he can do.‎ 三、语法填空 ‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ 6‎ A ‎(2018·山东济宁鱼台三模改编)In the 1. (twentyone) century, more and more children in the US are interested in learning Chinese and learning about China.‎ Anna, 2. sevenyearold girl, 3. (take) an interest in Chinese when she came to China in 2015. She 4. (study) Chinese for two years in the Confucius Classroom in Washington‎ Yuying Public Charter ‎School. During class, Anna and the other children are interested in introducing themselves and teaching visitors how 5. (say) “hello”, “thank you” and “goodbye” in Chinese.‎ B ‎(2019·原创)As an exchange student, I must admit(承认) that at first America was a big culture shock for me.‎ I stayed with a host family in a small town. My host parents organized a lot of activities in my spare time so that I wouldn't miss home or feel lonely.‎ However, life was hard to get used to. My main problem was with the language. I failed to understand much in the first few weeks 6. everyone spoke so fast. Though I managed 7. (get) used to it, I still had problems because they used a lot of idioms(习语).‎ Another 8. (different) was with the food. My host family always had bread, potatoes and salad for meals. I really missed the dumplings, rice and delicious 9. (dish) from home.‎ School was a big shock, too. Students 10. (not require) to wear uniforms, so students can wear almost whatever they like. Some students have strange hairstyles(发型) as well. Some students even have pink or purple hair!‎ 四、完形填空 ‎ 阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的词语填空。方框中有两个词语为多余选项。‎ ‎(2019·预测)‎ Mainly  knowledge  content  tools  ancient Places  competition  how  anything Read the classic ancient poetry, do a beautiful young gentleman. If you think you do well in poetry, you can take part in the 1. named the Chinese Poetry Conference(《中国诗词大会》). It became popular among the teenagers. Let's not miss 2. about it.‎ 6‎ Nowadays, many teenagers are obsessed(沉迷) with computers and smart phones. These 3. make students too lazy to think and recite. They are used to expressing their feelings by computers and smart phones. Some of them forget 4. to understand Chinese poetry by heart. The teachers and parents are very worried about it. What can they do?‎ Last winter vacation, CCTV held Chinese Poetry Conference. This program is 5. daleitai(打擂台) form, so as to choose the winner. Over one hundred competitors are from different places. Its aim is to lead the study of the whole people, reading the 6. poetry. Many people think this competition is a good way to encourage teenagers to remember more and improve students' Chinese 7. .‎ Let us take the poetry as the life of the beacon light(指航灯). Let it light up our way of life!‎ 五、阅读表达 ‎ 阅读短文,根据要求完成文后的题目。‎ ‎(2019·山东济宁兖州一模)Compared with other European countries, lifestyle in Italy is slower and more relaxing in its own way. Italians love to chat over a cup of coffee, go out for a walk in the middle of the day, and enjoy long lunches and dinners.‎ Family is important to Italians. They can't think of spending a day without asking about their parents or children, and a weekend without a family lunch or dinner. Italians living outside their country also miss their family a lot.‎ Italians like simple life. Their days start and end with a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee after every meal is a must. Italians love to spend time over a hot cup of coffee and even hotter conversation with friends. Topics are usually about family, football and politics(政治).‎ Sport is a very important part in the lives of many Italians. Football is their favorite sport. There are hundreds of football clubs with top soccer teams in Italy. Also, many top players from all over the world play in Italy. Volleyball is also popular and so is rugby(橄榄球), with the top rugby team playing for the European Challenge Cup.‎ ‎1.What kind of lifestyle do the Italians have?(no more than 8 words)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2.What does the writer want to tell us in the second paragraph? (no more than 5 words)‎ ‎ ‎ 6‎ ‎3.Which sport is loved most by Italians?(no more than 1 word)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4.请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎5.请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。‎ ‎ ‎ 参考答案 一、CDBCD 二、1.prefer 2.except 3.empty 4.knocked 5.capital ‎6.wound 7.kisses 8.praise 三、1.twentyfirst 2.a 3.took 4.has studied 6‎ ‎5.to say 6.because 7.to get 8.difference ‎9.dishes 10.aren't required 四、1.competition 2.anything 3.tools 4.how ‎5.mainly 6.ancient 7.knowledge 五、1.They have a slower lifestyle./They have a slower and relaxing lifestyle./They have a simple lifestyle.‎ ‎2.Family is important to Italians.‎ ‎3.Football.‎ ‎4.意大利人喜欢喝着热咖啡与朋友热聊消磨时间。‎ ‎5.Italian Life/Italian Lifestyle 6‎

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