M2 U1 I helped my mum教学设计

M2 U1 I helped my mum教学设计


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M2 U1 I helped my mum教学设计教材分析: 本单元的主要内容是规则动词的过去式用法,大明昨天打扫了房间,完成了作业,洗了裤子,帮助了妈妈,她非常开心。其中用到了规则动词的过去式,如cleaned, finished, washed, helped…学情分析: 学生在上一模块学习了was 和were过去式,本模块继续学习规则动词的过去式,学生需要了解规则动词的过去式变化形式,并举一反三。          学习目标:1. 能听懂并会读M2 U1 的课文                 2. 能认读并记住四个规则动词的过去式:cleaned washed helped finished                 3. 能用学过的动词过去式简单描述做过的事。教材重难点: cleaned finished washed helped评价方式:两个大组,短裙组和衬衫组,去除污渍。(PK)教学过程设计:I.                    问候T: good morning, boys and girlsS: good morning, teacherT: This morning, I washed my hands, I am very happy.   Who washed your hands? Can you tell me?S: I washed my hands.II.                  ChantT: good. Now, let’s listen and chant.(chantT1部分,学习区分shirt和skirt)T: from the chant, we can see the little pig and cat washed their shirt and skirt.  Look at the word: wash-washed (板书), 这两个单词之间有什么联系,what can you find?S: washed 是wash的过去式T: good. Today we will learn M2U1 I helped my mum(板书). It’s about the past tense of verbs. (这一单元主要内容是关于动词的过去式)III.               Watch and find:T: now let’s watch a video and find words with ”ed”(结束后)T: what can you find?(学生边回答,教师边在黑板上用思维导图的形式写出,一条线一个颜色。写完后,问学生发现了什么规律?学生回答都有ed教师总结,今天我们要学习规则动词的过去式,规律是加“ed”或者“d”)IV.                强调发音:T: today we learn the past tense of these four verbs. (先领读一遍)They are different in pronunciation. (今天,我们学习了这四个规则动词的过去式,它们在发音上是不一样的). Look:(展示出cleaned和washed,当单词结尾是清辅音的时候,读t,其余读d)T: look at the word, can you say their past tense? (你能说出它们的过去式吗?)S: 学生说完后,再读一遍本单元的过去式。V.                   Read and answer:T: look, who is he? (画出大明的头像)T: yesterday, Daming did so many things. Let’s read after the CD and answer the question:What did he do yesterday?(学生听完后,回答,边回答,教师边在黑板上板书,画出大明做的事情)VI.                Read in pairs and show:T: Now, read in pairs and have a role play.(角色扮演,进一步巩固课文)VII.              Retell:T: Now, look at me. I am Daming, I will tell you what did I do yesterday.Yesterday, I …T: Now who wants to be Daming?(学生展示,复述课文)VIII.           Pair work:T: Now, I will tell you what I am did yesterday.Yesterday, I washed my trousers.         I helped my mum.What about you?Talk in groups.(小组讨论昨天做了什么事,并回答展示)IX.                写一篇作文X.                   情感升华:多帮家长做家务XI.                Practise 练习

资料: 3.6万


